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Adventists and Alcohol


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"When is the Seventh-day Adventist Church going to change its position on alcohol use?”

Dr. Peter Landless says, "This question was asked of me during one of my recent itineraries when I had the privilege of speaking at an alcohol symposium, following an Adventist health professionals conference." --- Read more


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It is difficult for me to understand why anyone would put something harmful in their bodies for a touted small benefit.
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I read this article not too long ago. I don't know if it was posted here or on Facebook but it really hit home.

If experimentation with alcohol begins under the age of 14 years, the percentage chance of dependence increases to 40 percent-plus

I started drinking when I was 14 and was in a psychiatric within a year.

We should avoid all things harmful, including—perhaps especially—those that cloud the mind and may impair our sensitivity to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, jeopardizing our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

I had been sober a few years when I went off to college. I got a job as a painter and accidentally got high while painting a basement with Kiltz paint. It was the first time I was really aware of how clouded drugs made my mind and how they impaired my brain function. I didn't like it. That was a complete reversal of how I had felt a few years earlier when I stayed high or drunk as long and as often as I could.

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It is difficult for me to understand why anyone would put something harmful in their bodies for a touted small benefit.

Yes, especially those who have personally witnessed the devastation which alcoholism and other addictions cause in personal and family life. The so called addictive personality seems to have a direct link to what a person puts into their system.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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THANK you for posting this article...it was very interesting

and very informative



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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It is difficult for me to understand why anyone would put something harmful in their bodies for a touted small benefit.

Even though I agree Gerry, at a certain age there is this thought that I can do anything. I tried smoking at a young age, its a good thing that I didn't like it and of course the HS helping me, otherwise who knows. But those choices when young helped me make the choices while in the army, to not get involved with smoking again, heroin, cocaine, dope, binge drinking, etc.


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Your statement is true of so many things. Many things that non-alcohol consumers give little thought too, can be detrimental to life. Now days it is hard to avoid many 'harmful' substances/foods, etc, yet at the top of the list is our 'traditional' no-no's. I wonder why that it is? How often do we find articles in SDA mags about alcohol versus unhealthy eating habits?

If the 'health message' was truly impacting to SDA's lives, we should be the 'skinniest' group around!! Just take a look around you! Our message has focused on 'products' rather than lifestyles. Over indulgence in any thing is harmful. Maybe if we continue to demonize alcohol in any quantity it helps us to feel as if we are on the 'right road'.

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It is also very difficult for me to understand how so many Adventits are so obese given the warnings & knowledge that this church has about lifestyle. But that should tell us something about the power of appetite over reason.

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