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Prayers requested for the decisions made by the nation's leaders

Felix Florimon

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I feel that we should pray for our national leaders. I feel so based on two things: Based on many terrible decisions that have been used by the Devil to create ignorance regarding God’s love in an overwhelming number of people in this nation and based on something I called “spiritual intelligence” that anyone is able to acquire when one fully believes in what the Lord Jesus and the Apostles Paul, John and Peter wrote according to the Bible.

I feel that the horrendous ignorance of God’s love with its sinister consequences began after the presidency of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the American nation. During that administration, Bible and prayer began to be taken out the consciousness of children that were preparing to later lead the nation. The Kennedy administration was also the first time the nation made a major commitment to the Vietnam war; this was a war where the United States had 58,220 dead, 1,719 missing and 303,635 wounded without any real improvement for the quality of life of people living in that region of the world.

During the administration of Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the American nation, that began 15 years after John F. Kennedy had his inaugural speech, we are able to notice the horrendous consequences provoked by the spread the ignorance of God’s love according to John 3:16 to the rest of the world. President Jimmy Carter was never concerned that the Iranian society could give more freedom for evangelistic preachers to freely preach publicly and private the love of God according to the New Testament of the Bible within their midst. In Afghanistan the Carter administration went even further. The Carter administration was not just unhappy with the idea of having the awareness of Jesus’ teachings being able to change entire societies. President Jimmy Carter even began to give military training to religious zealots and “freedom fighters” against the Russian invasion. After the Russians were gone then these “freedom fighters” (who never came across with a good awareness of God’s love according to John 3:16) turned their hate against the American nation and on 2001 gave us 9-11. Something very eerie is that the numbers 9 & 11 are coming up in many horrendous deaths.


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After President Jimmy Carter, we had Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the American nation. The success of the Kennedy and the Carter administration in taking steps that would help the rest of the world to be more and more ignorant of God’s love according to John 3:16, plus the horrendous consequences that this created at home and abroad, created an environment that made President Ronald Reagan highly popular by running against the government. The lack of knowledge about God’s love for all humans according to New Testament has created an environment in which many people would feel demoralized to work harder if they would be taxed in order to benefit those who are less fortunate. This allowed President Ronald Reagan to put into the American political agenda the idea that the government “is a beast that needs to be financially starved.” This gave way to a horrendous federal budget deficit that at this time cannot be solved without major fiscal dislocation that would be a real threat to the American nation.

Now we have President Barak Obama. My impression is that we have to pray for the American nation and for its national leaders with much fervor than we have prayed for any previous American government leadership. During the administration of President Obama, many steps have been taken that would enhance even more the actions of President John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan to spread even more ignorance of Jesus’ teachings with its horrendous consequences for the United States of America and the entire world. For instance, under the administration of President Barak Obama in 2009 the United States Army burned many Bibles in Afghanistan with the excuse that this is the way the American army disposes of “its garbage” and that this would be a way to earn the good will and trust of the people in Afghanistan; this was done with the idea that this enhanced trust and good will would save the lives of more American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. However, the opposite happened, as soon as those Bibles were burned, the monthly incidence of American soldiers killed in action had a significant increase in Afghanistan. This is because Al-Qaida felt that based on the actions of the American army, the idea that we have a God that loves all humans and that we should learn to love and pray for our enemies is not more than a kind of garbage that even the American army is more than willing to destroy.


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Unfortunately, the Obama administration is just following the track record left by President John F. Kennedy, President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan in getting involved in foreign wars while increasing the federal budget deficit even though the end result will be more people alienated against the idea that we have a God that loves the whole world and wishes all of us to love one another because we are all His children. With this kind of track record, our American leaders are instigating more and more hate against the American nation from foreign nations while instigating scorn against Jesus’ teachings within the thought leaders within the United States. For instance, on May 2010, the U.S. Army rescinded its invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon on the National Day of Prayer. Muslim civil liberties groups are also put pressure on Congress to disinvite Franklin Graham from attending the National Day of Prayer event on Capitol Hill. An army spokesman cited Graham’s previous comments that he wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins. Collins said the remarks were “not appropriate,” according to the New York Times. The question comes to mind, why during the Obama administration believers in Jesus are not welcome to freely express their beliefs of God’s love for the human race in the same way that it is taught in New Testament here and abroad while it is more than willing to give its support to people that are guided to act just by the hate they feel against their government?

Something makes me feel very eerie about President Barack Obama because besides being a dream come true after a Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered about 50 years earlier on August 28, 1963 his “I have a dream speech, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, President Obama is the 9th President after that speech and also the 44th President of the nation. This is due to some reason not clear to us. Moreover, in the presidential list of the nation, President Barack Obama could be considered a number 9 “flanked” by four 11s. We need to remind ourselves that President John F. Kennedy’s last living day on this earth was on November 22, 1963. This is on the 11 month, on the 22nd day (2x11) of 1963. By adding 6+3 we get 199 or 1 with 9 times 11. All of this could be superfluous thinking if we are not aware that on 11-11-11 around 9:00 pm, someone acquired the ability of eluding the security surrounding the perimeters of the White House and shot nine rounds with a Romanian Cugir semiautomatic rifle and one of those rounds was later found lodged in a window of the first family's living quarters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_assassination_threats).


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Now, when we pray for our national leaders we should not only pray for their physical protection; we should also pray that they could be protected from their ability of doing things that could later hurt the nation like when Presidents Kennedy, Carter and Reagan did during their respective administrations. Otherwise, our ability to advance Jesus’ kingdom of love, justice, faith and compassion will be in real danger. In Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Libya, it is much more difficult to teach God’s plan of salvation for the world after successive American administrations chose to defend other people’s ability to choose their human leaders while ignoring the freedom to choose their spiritual leadership from our Lord Jesus Christ. Today we hear news that through our Secretary of State Clinton, the Obama administration is going to consider financial punitive actions against nations feeling that homosexuality is something wrong; however, the Obama administration has not shown any workable interest in helping to prevent so many children to later fall in criminal activities because parents procreated them just for the fun of having physical intimate relationship without any social responsibility of later on guiding those children in a path of being useful to themselves and to the rest of society.


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