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Prayer for healing of cancer


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I received this prayer request this morning from one of my "kids". Greg and his family are preparing to go be missionary doctors/surgeons in Cameroon, Africa and could use our prayer support... 1_prayer001.gif


We have just found out today that Audreys mother was found to have lung cancer. We will be visiting them this weekend and will meet with a thoracic surgeon on Friday. Please pray for her and our family during this difficult time. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

Greg and Audrey

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How sad, Praying!

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Abba, I come to You as Your Daughter, and I ask Your mercy in this situation. Greg and Audrey are answering Your call... to preach the gospel to every tongue and people. How can they go, and have such worry for Audrey's beloved mother?

Jesus, You created us, Your Mighty Hand formed us, You alone know the structure of our cells, why they misbehave, and the diseases sin has brought. You know the end from the beginning, You know the whole picture, You know exactly what is needed in this situation.

Abba, Jesus, bow down and hear my prayer, for I am not an orphan, I am a Daughter in the King's House, and greatly loved.

I bind Audrey's mother and her cancer, and her healing to Your will and purpose in her life, and the life of Gregg and Audrey. If it be Your will, let there be healing so astounding that Your name, Your glory is proclaimed through all the earth. I loose this entire situation from any influence the adversary has or thinks he has. I choose to exercise my authority in Jesus Name, given to me by my Precious Bridegroom in Luke 10:19 over all the powers of darkness, great and small, and I forbid them to work in Greg, Audrey's and her mother's life, according to Thy will, power, might and purpose.

Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit, we ask healing. We deeply desire healing. But if such is not Thy will, because You see the end from the beginning, then speak Thy peace into the hearts of those involved. Let Your glorious will work out in their lives... for even as we plead, we know that ALL things, ALL THINGS, even such as this, work together for good for those who love You.

THank You Abba Father for hearing and answering this prayer. Hasten Thy Hand Lord.... We so long to go home where suffering, sorrow, sin, and tears no longer hold sway...

Oh... and Abba? Could I have a window looking out on a forest when I get there? I so want to see a forest without death and decay... that must be soooo cool.

Thanks again!

Amen. 1_prayer001.gif

edited for typos

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Father in Heaven, I don't have anything to add except that I agree with Clio in her beautiful prayer, and claim your promise that if any two of your children are agreed on something it will be done for them to the glory of Your Name. Thank You for the marvelous work You are going to do in this situation, and please increase our faith. In Jesus name.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Thank you so much for the update. Will be praying, especially on Monday, that our Father will be with, and guide, the team who will be performing the proceedure. The Lord's will shall be done.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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