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Redux: “The Moving Finger writes;


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“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.” –Khayyám

Not true, Omar... Sometimes the unseen hand snatches it for deposit in digital data purgatory, or a ‘Divine’ 10th loop segment of scattered bits and bytes, or... Quien Sabe? Ah—but never fear, for there is thems who overbear to cancel... “half a line” and more.

Indeed. Did not, I, Prophet, declare it so from the beginning?—that “Thing”, the unseen hand emerged from a table-set box and ‘snatched’ the thread away – complete away. Ahh la terra lacrimosa – on what level, in what loop segment of inferno does the sorry thread now languish?

The above aside, the mooncast, riven shadow cries – cwaa! cwaa! cwaa! – which, of course, translates,

“How in blepblepblep did the original ‘The Moving Finger writes...’ offend?—as to be disappeared?”

Mebbe, it was just another, ‘accident’?

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It was moved to the "Politics (Mainly US)" forum since it was obviously and overwhelmingly political in content. That is where it should have been started.

All political topics go there.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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>>All political topics go there.<<

Bullet pulls from the Oxford Dictionaries of political as it bears upon politics or vice versa:

/ a particular set of political beliefs or principles:

/ (often the politics of) the assumptions or principles relating to or inherent in a sphere, theory, or thing, especially when concerned with power and status in a society:

jasd 12:12 Be ye therefore, above all - unknowing, unconcerned, and uninvolved re things political – for it is by the words and the deeds of those who are set above the nation – that that nation is judged. Therefore, see to thine own skirts that they be kept, lest they see your shame.


Regardless, that the .Org involved itself in the very political movement for Prohibition, and by the contents of the several threads noted on the same Board as Redux: “The Moving Finger writes; – it is obvious that we cannot have a meeting of the minds – as I perceive more a Political Correctness than straight Politics, as the principle and underlying factor of an all too overbearing censorship.

Examp: I’ve too often seen the subject of Islam favored and protected on this forum (because of a fanciful 10/40 window?); whereas, the subject of Catholicism has evermore been bruited and embellished unfavorably – even by those here having the authority to censor.

That is such an unmitigated shame, as it is the Catholic – according to Writ – who is your brother in Jesus Christ; whereas, the worship of Allah is worship of a different god. Remember, your true brother is part of the body of Jesus Christ. Your brother is not the one who is actively striving to eradicate you, your family, your beliefs, your culture, your country, and your civilization! Sheesh, sheesh, sheesh.

However, I concede the point as pointless to pursue – and accede...

>>It was moved to the "Politics (Mainly US)" forum since it was obviously and overwhelmingly political in content. That is where it should have been started.<<

I saw it being reviewed – after which it was allowed to stand for days... What changed?

For matter of principle, I shun that which is by nature cliquey-claquey and/or factionally discriminatory on a forum – I cannot commit to joining a closed board that allows only the select to participate - though it would allow me to follow-through and steward my threads – conducive and informative that they may be.

Such practice advertises a false and deceptive face. Unless a board is dedicated to and dealing with things particularly pertinent to women’s sensitivities – I will have no part of one that is closed to the general membership list; as that needing to be hidden is that of darkness.

You have your standards and I have mine – and I suppose I will continue to be occasionally censored – and you will continue censoring.

C’est la vie. It is as it is. No harm, no foul.

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