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The Norwegian killer, Breivik is claiming self defence


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Breivik emotionless as court sees video of Norway massacre


OSLO, Norway— AP With a defiant closed-fist salute, a right-wing fanatic admitted Monday to a bomb-and-shooting massacre that killed 77 people in Norway but pleaded not guilty to criminal charges, saying he was acting in self-defense.

To me, this is as odd as the short lived claim that the person who assassinated Bin Laden did in the self defense. How crazy was that.

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Right wing would mean anti labor party and anti the "multiculturalism" that so pervades Sweden, and is moving into Norway.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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this was a north american media news.. it means right wing.

He would not be a support of Barack Obama, but would the ink GWB was part of the God Head. In a radical way.

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I don't think he would care one way or the other, as he has nothing to do with american politics whatsoever. So I don't see how you can make that connection.

Could it be that the AP just called him right wing because he is evil? It wouldn't be the first time that they attached the words "Right Wing" or "Conservative" to something that is despicable, but has nothing to do with conservatives.

I remember when Gabriel Giffords was shot. Before they knew even one single thing about the shooter, they said he was a right wing conservative, and a Rush Limbaugh listener.

When it turned out that he was NONE of those things, did they apologise? Did they make a retraction of ANY kind? No.

The connection had already been made in the minds of the people, and that's all they cared about.

They didn't even stop saying it right away!

So when you say he is a right winger in an American sense, I say no way. Is he evil, yes. Is he a conservative Republican, no. Not even close. There is no connection there.

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Wow. Just wow.

I'm an American conservative, as you know. Do you think Breivik and I believe the same things?

If you do, then all I can say is wow to you. Go read his manifesto.

If you think that is what conservative Republicans believe, then you are more mis-informed than I ever thought you were.

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I don't think he would care one way or the other, as he has nothing to do with american politics whatsoever. So I don't see how you can make that connection.

Could it be that the AP just called him right wing because he is evil? It wouldn't be the first time that they attached the words "Right Wing" or "Conservative" to something that is despicable, but has nothing to do with conservatives.

I remember when Gabriel Giffords was shot. Before they knew even one single thing about the shooter, they said he was a right wing conservative, and a Rush Limbaugh listener.

When it turned out that he was NONE of those things, did they apologise? Did they make a retraction of ANY kind? No.

The connection had already been made in the minds of the people, and that's all they cared about.

They didn't even stop saying it right away!

So when you say he is a right winger in an American sense, I say no way. Is he evil, yes. Is he a conservative Republican, no. Not even close. There is no connection there.

thumbsup As usual Richard - an excellent post.

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I know he is called right wing in Europe.

Right wing in Europe is much the same as elsewhere.

From Wiki:

Breivik's far-rightmilitant ideology is described in a compendium of texts, titled 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence and distributed electronically by Breivik on the day of the attacks. In it he lays out his worldview, which includes support for cultural conservatism, ultranationalism, right-wing populism, Islamophobia, Zionism, anti-feminism, and White nationalism. It also expresses support for paramilitaries such as the Scorpions. It regards Islam and cultural Marxism as the enemy, and argues for the violent annihilation of "Eurabia" and multiculturalism, and the deportation of all Muslims from Europe (culminating in the year 2083) to preserve European Christendom. Breivik wrote that his main motive for committing the atrocities on 22 July was to market this manifesto.

Clearly he has a few views in common with GOPers.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Why don't you point some of them out. I don't see any. I see that he has things in common with your idea, or perception of what a GOPer is.

I do see one. He sees Marxism as an enemy. I agree with that. But that falls way waaaaay short of making us brothers in arms, like you would portray.

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I do see one. He sees Marxism as an enemy. I agree with that. But that falls way waaaaay short of making us brothers in arms, like you would portray.

I'm not trying to say Republicans are the same but there are similarities. Here's a few from the wiki article.

cultural conservatism


support for paramilitaries (militias)

regards Islam and cultural Marxism as the enemy

right-wing populism,

ultra nationalism.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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My 'wow' was at the contention that unless someone is an American Republican, 'right wing' is a misnomer.

The world, astonishingly, is larger than America.

I'm not even that interested in trying to use Breivik's crimes to tar American Republicans, I think doing so is petty and silly.

But so is denying that he is far to the right politically.

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Which ones of the list are

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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