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When Zimmerman evidence is released, what will it show?


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In all this a certain perspective is required for the sake of objectivity.

#1. Is there an "injury clause" in Florida's law regarding lethal force in self defense? If not all the "how much were you beat up at the time" as no relevance to the actual law itself. Still if one "must look" - and not from a silly "long distance camera" -- then pictures of Zimmerman's wounds on internet


#2. Was there an actual eye witness to the shooting? That testimony is crucial. Odd that nobody is talking about the details.

#3. Did the Zimmerman shooting of Martin take place near his truck, near the gate where he told police to meet him and in a place where witnesses could see it, and did see it?

If so - it argues against a "massively complex plot by Zimmerman" to hunt down strangers and kill them.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Great points Bob. I pray that all this comes out at the trial.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Get close to the Lord, and, if you have children, train them to do the same. Longevity is not guaranteed. They had a funeral at church yesterday for a young man, 22 yrs old. He lost control of his sports car and plowed into a house. You never know.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Good points Bob,

unfortunately even if all is publically jusified & proven beyond reasonale doubt, those who have been anxious to make this a racial issue have made it difficult to undo the damage.

The additional damage done by those looking for an excuse to go into the streets and verbally and physically abuse whites in the name of _______ share the guilt of those doing these things. And, the deliberate attacks which are being carried out all over the country; now more than before.

The above statement comes not from my thoughts, but from a black family who were in my home yesterday.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Good points Bob,

unfortunately even if all is publically jusified & proven beyond reasonale doubt, those who have been anxious to make this a racial issue have made it difficult to undo the damage.

The additional damage done by those looking for an excuse to go into the streets and verbally and physically abuse whites in the name of _______ share the guilt of those doing these things. And, the deliberate attacks which are being carried out all over the country; now more than before.

The above statement comes not from my thoughts, but from a black family who were in my home yesterday.

I know for a fact most of my black friends are right there also. There are bad apples in every group, and that's what makes this so sad. I definitely feel bad for the Martins, but at the same time also feel bad for Zimmerman. We will see how the trial goes.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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This case is not discussed much here. Situations like this pop up from time to time. You can't fly off the handle every time injustice, be it real, or perceived, occurs. Most people realize this.

Two types of people: those principled enough, & guided by the the Holy Spirit enough not to do something wild and crazy, like killing, or maiming, and those that are not. These groups cut across all lines: race, color, socio economic class, etc. As adventists are fond of teaching, and I believe it, there will only be four groups of people at the very end: the wicked dead and living, the saved dead and living.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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More guesses and speculation.

I'll wait to see what actually comes out in the trial.

Truth is important

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Obviously that will always be the case in any trial. There are always some things that will be known before, but of course all these lawyers are just Speculating.


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It will show that the media was painfully successful in creating a race crime where there was none - and reveal that fact that most pie-eating American-Idol-watching Americans are too dumb to realize what was done to them.

Fear not,


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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I am guessing you addressing olger's post? I agree it would be nice to not have to pay for another trail, especially where no crime was committed, Oh that's right, I forgot someone did get shot!

Yeah olger it would be nice, but the facts need to be brought out so all can see what really went down.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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