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Desperately need WORK


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I have another request for prayer. I desperately need a job ASAP.

They lied to me when I went into the hospital, I told them I had no insurance and no job and thus no way to pay and the doctor admitting me assured me I would not have to pay, that they would work it out. Well they lied and now I'm getting all these bills for thousands of dollars I don't have any way of paying.

I am trying to find work but have not found anything yet and I don't know if I ever will find anything. I am terrified of ending up homeless and on the street because money people have no compassion all they care about is getting their money. They will destroy people's lives over it. I can't bear the stress of all this right now with my mental health as bad as it is already. Just making phone calls and going to interviews is so exhausting and stressful for me, you have no idea what it is like to be like me trying to navigate that stuff. It's a nightmare, and I'm not kidding or exaggerating. It's like a barefoot walk on hot coals and cut glass through hell.

Please someone pray that God will help me find a full time job so I can pay these bills off. It's more than just the medical, I'm having to pay these fees so they won't put a lien on the house, I owed $1000 in taxes even though, yes, I was unemployed most of last year -- it's like all hell is breaking loose on me at once. I am all alone with this, nobody has to care about this at all but me, I have no one to go to. I'm too overwhelmed and confused to know how to get help from the government, I can't figure out all the things they want you to do and no one will help me. My mate is trying to help me but he's not a bank and he gets upset and angry about this stuff which just increases the stress for me, I don't like to bother him with these problems. I don't see any way out right now and this is causing me just as much despair and anguish as my spiritual problems. I don't have the energy to fight both at once.

I just need a full time job. Please pray for me, and pray that the Lord will hold off the vultures long enough so I can earn money to get rid of these bills.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Nico--have you gone to the hospital to talk with them about the billing? I was hospitalized for 5 days with no insurance and unemployed, and we went to the hospital and made arrangements--for one, we made very small payments (something like $25 a month) for about a year, then the hospital foundation (which looks at these kinds of cases) paid the remainder of it off. I don't know anything about your hospital, but usually there is some kind of patient liason person you can talk to who is supposed to be on "your" side to help you negotiate and figure these things out. Call the hospital and see if there is someone there who will work with you. See if your mate can go with you to help you understand what they say (I blank out whenever someone starts talking about numbers, literally, so I NEVER talk about numbers without my DH being there to understand, translate, and remember).



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Yes, DO CALL the hospital about this!! Ask for the business office.

I can't believe that case management or the business office didn't contact you about filling out a charity application. frown.gif

You will have to provide some financial information and they will let you know what their requirements are. Don't wait to do this!!

NEVER believe what a doctor tells you about the financials of a hospital. They usually don't know as they don't deal with that aspect of things. They give patients the wrong information and folks like you end up in a panic. mad.gif

I know that they can help to work things out for you. Let us know how it turns out.

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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I will pray too, Nico, but please do what is suggested here and call the hospital concerned. More (((((((Nico))))))

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I have the charity application papers. I just don't have any hope that they will work for me. There are things they are requiring me to produce that I either just plain don't have or that are misleading --e.g. my tax returns from last year show total X, what they don't show is that 80% of that "X" was in the first four months of the year while I was still employed and the other 20% was scraped together over 8 months of freelance work. I am still unemployed. Or if I produce bank statements they will wonder if I am unemployed why has all this money gone into my account? Answer: because my boyfriend gave me money to pay the bills with is why! It's not MY income. So I know they are going to deny my application no matter what I do. People never listen to me or work with the truth of things, they just form their own (false) conclusions and stick me with the consequences of that. I do not have any money to pay these people, that's the bottom line, but they are not going to give a rat's behind about that. To heck with me, I don't matter, is their attitude. Always. It is ALWAYS the same. ALWAYS.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Please fill out the papers and go to the business office. The hospital is not out to get you. I know it seems like they are being difficult, but they have specific guidelines to follow. They can't help you if you don't follow their rules. There is money available to help people, but you just have to jump through the hoops they way they are asking in order to get it. It doesn't matter what the documentation they are asking for says (i.e. your taxes) because things change and they are well aware that things change.

If you get rejected, all you have to tell the business office is that you are not working, and can't possibly make a payment now. If you can squeak anything out, then offer that; but if you can't, offer to make small payments in the future.

Also a side note about what doctors tell you in regards to payments, insurance, and the like. Most don't really know anything because it changes so much, and they don't really mean to tell you things that aren't true. They hire people like me to take care of those details especially in large institutions.

I know it seems grim, but realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is a minor bump in life's road, but right now it seems like a huge mountain in your path.

God Bless Nico!


Proverbs 15:15

He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

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Meanwhile is anyone willing to pray for me that I will find a job? frown.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Nico, fill out those papers, take your boyfriend with you if necessary, step through the process being as honest as possible.

Then put it in Jesus Hands and let Him bless you.

He really will...


Clio sparkleheart.gif

A heart where He alone has first place.

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I have been praying that God will answer all your needs, Nico and that includes your need for employment. You are on my mind when I wake up in the night (which includes now as it is 4 am <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> )

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Dear Nico,

I certainly am praying for you!! I ditto Nan, in that when I wake up during the night, you come to mind and I pray that God will help you to cope, and bring you peace, and employment, and deliverance!! I am not comfortable in writing out prayers like some do on this forum, just know that I am praying for you.

Please fill out those papers....the hospitals hands are tied unless you do. I wish that I lived close to you, I would go with you and help you get thru this maze.

Perhaps the Patient Representative for your hospital would be helpful in getting you thru the maze.....worth a call!!

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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Hi K,

What is it that you do for employment if I can be so bold as to ask? You sound like you may do some health benefits type work. I work closely with case management in my hospital and coordinate all home services for discharging patients. Interesting to find out these tid-bits about people. God bless.

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a job interview this coming Tuesday, May 24 at 10 a.m. EDT. There are actually two positions open and I think I'm better suited to the other one, rather than the one they are presumably interviewing me for. Please pray for me that it will be successful, if it's the Lord's will, and if the job is suited to me. It's local, so there would be no long commute (that's rare), and the pay is decent, I know that much.

Thanks for all your prayers!

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Great news, will continue to pray for you, and specifically that the interview process will go well, according to God's will.

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Thanks to all who prayed for me. The interview seemed to go OK, but of course I can never tell from interviews whether there's any hope or not. I can definitely tell when an interview bombs, but if it seems to go OK I have no idea. I've had some that I thought went great and then it was no-go; others that I thought were just so-so that produced results.

At any rate, I won't hear anything for at least a few days -- the PM who interviewed me has to wait for the VP to return from travel. So please continue to pray. The position itself sounded pretty good and suited to my level, and being only 10 minutes from my house would be excellent -- no long commute! -- so please continue praying that they would be impressed to take me on. (It would be a temp-to-hire so I'd have to put in 4.5 months through the agency before I'd actually get hired direct.)

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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You are in my prayers Nico... and this will be just one more way!



A heart where He alone has first place.

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You are in our prayers also. I am glad you shared this, that way we know what to pray for. God Bless you, and we love you! Love, Denise


Be Kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another...

Monticello.gif Monticello Georgia


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I didn't get the job. But thanks for everyone who prayed anyway.

I basically give up at this point. Please no sanctimonious platitudes playing off that phrase; that is NOT the kind of "giving up" I'm talking about.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Abba Father never makes mistakes... even though it feels like it at the time.... and He still is in control.

I don't understand, but I do trust in Him.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Whatever. Tell that to these people pounding down my door demanding money or else. Tell that to my mate who is feeling stuck and stressed out because he feels like he has to try to carry my financial burdens as well as his own. Tell that to the guy who's going to take my car away in another month when I have nothing to make payments with, even though I only have another 8 months left to pay on it and have kept it paid up all this time. Clio there aren't magickal angels sneaking money into my mailbox or bank account when I'm not looking. When what is there is gone, it's gone, and I haven't any prospects for more at this point.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Clio there aren't magickal angels sneaking money into my mailbox or bank account when I'm not looking.

I would certainly hope NOT. Magick would be something I would refuse at any cost.

Nico, I will still pray.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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smile.gif But someone else might not... (((Nico)))

Awwww Nico... how I do wish I could take this burden from you... the walking out is always soooo difficult.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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