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Grandpa Jim


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I just got off the phone with Grandma Doris and she ask that I have my "Prayer Warriors" keep her husband "Grandpa Jim" in prayer. He's not been feeling well and she's concerned. He went thru a very bad time back a couple of years ago, even to the point it was unsure if he would pull thru, but God restored his health! Therefore, you can understand her concerns. Thanks so much!


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Praying for Grandpa Jim, Grandma Doris and the rest of your family.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Lord please be very near to Grandpa Jim right now. Help him to get the rest he needs and the healing that he needs. Preserve his life force and strengthen him that he may serve You. Be near Grandma Doris too, give her courage and strength and comfort in You. Strengthen both of their faith and draw them nearer to You at this time. In Jesus' name, amen.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Abba, Father, Grandpa Jim needs a bath! Please impress on Grandma Doris to bathe him in the Living Blood of Jesus which brings healing and strength. Encourage her to stand in the gap with the spiritual authority You have given her as Jim's wife, and ask for the joy of the Lord to be her husband's strength in all things.

Jesus, I pour out Your living Blood on Grandpa Jim and Grandma Doris. I remind You that You have said it is with Your stripes we are healed... You didn't say we would be healed spiritually, or mentally, or emotionally, or physically. You just said healed. Well... Grandpa Jim needs healed, and so we ask.

Bless him abundantly Jesus... Grandma Doris needs her Jim. They have been one for a very very long time. Jesus... You are my Bridegroom... and I'm coming to understand what that really means.... it causes me intense pain to think about Grandma Doris losing her Jim... please, my Husband, intervene one more time... Give Jim strength, health, and more years with Doris.

I thank You for hearing this prayer.

With all my love for You Jesus.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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