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Indy Jones and the Ark of the Covenant 8/14/05


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Kabbalist Blesses Jones: Now´s the Time to Find Holy Lost Ark

12:10 May 19, '05 / 10 Iyar 5765

An unnamed Kabbalist has granted blessing to famed archeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones to uncover the Holy Ark of the Covenant. Jones plans to excavate the Lost Ark by the Tisha B’Av Fast this summer.

The famed archaeologist, the inspiration for the “Indiana Jones” movie series, has spent most of his life searching for the Ark of the Covenant. The ark was the resting place of the Ten Commandments, given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, and was hidden just before the destruction of the First Temple.

The Talmud says the Ark is hidden in a secret passage under the Temple Mount. Jones says that the tunnel actually continues 18 miles southward, and that the Ark was brought through the tunnel to its current resting place in the Judean Desert.

Throughout the many years of his quest, Jones has been in close contact and under the tutelage of numerous Rabbis and Kabbalists. Extremely knowledgeable in Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah sources dealing with Holy Temple issues, Jones has now received permission from both known and secret Kabbalists to finally uncover the lost ark.

Dr. Jones, who divides his time between Texas and Israel, has been here since March 9th ready to finally reveal the Ark. However, he has been waiting for both permission from the mysterious Kabbalist and for project funding to come through.

Jones’ daughter Sarah converted to Judaism many years ago, and currently lives in the Shomron. She has been in touch with a great unnamed Kabbalist from whom she requested a blessing that her father merit success in finding the ark.

As recently as last month, the rabbi, who only communicates via messenger, told Jones that the time was not yet right to discover the Temple vessels.

Last Thursday, however, Dr. Jones received a communication from the rabbi reading, “The time is right.”

Armed with this and other blessings, Jones is now excited to uncover his life's pursuit. He believes the ark will be discovered by Tisha B'Av (Aug. 14), a day of repeated tragedy in Jewish history. Most notably, it is the anniversary of the destruction of both the First and Second Holy Temples.

Noahide guru Jones says that the State of Israel is passing through the same biblical straights as the generation that first entered Israel after the exodus from Egypt. “If history repeats itself, the history itself is prophecy,” Jones says.

“Israel is different from all other nations in a lot of ways, but more than anything else, Israel is the only nation whose history was written before it happened.”

Once a Christian pastor, Jones left his post to become a leader of the growing Noahide movement. Noahides are G-d fearing non-Jews who observe the seven laws of Noah, which are obligatory upon all of humanity.

The explorer and teacher published a book in 1959 predicting the precise outbreak of the Six Day War, based on his analysis of the period from the Exodus from Egypt up until the First Temple Period. He says that applying biblical analysis to modern times points to major events that will “turn the world right-side-up.”

Jones calculated the war in 1967 by analyzing the sequence of events in the First Temple Period and transposing them onto the "Third Temple Period” – the period beginning with the Jews’ foundation of an independent State in the Land of Israel in 1948.

“It fits just like tongue in groove,” he says.

Jones analyzed the following passage from the book of Bamidbar (Numbers): “Every man from 20 years old and upward, all that are able to go to war...". He said it could be read this way, "So from 20 years old and upward, all that are able to go, went to war in Israel.”

“Well, ’67 was the 20th year,” said Jones, who received acclaim for fighting as a non-listed soldier in the Six Day War. He was the only non-Jewish American to take part in the combat.

“Two years at Mt. Sinai, and then the Jewish people went to Kadesh Barnea,” he says, referring to the time immediately following the Exodus. Transposing the Jewish people’s first entry into Israel via the Jericho region and the re-entry to those areas in 1967, one can find striking similarities.

“At Kadesh Barnea, [the Jewish Nation] sent in those [twelve] spies who gave the evil report, and because they believed the evil report, they were sentenced to wander for 38 years before they could come into Gilgal” – an ancient city near Jericho.

“1967 was a repetition of Kadesh Barnea,” Jones says. “If Israel had come in and taken this place, the Arabs would have fled like they did in 1948. But no, because of the evil report of Golda Meir and Motta Gur and Moshe Dayan, who said ‘We cannot do that, world opinion will be against us.’ So Israel was sentenced to 38 years more – and June the 7th [2005], Jerusalem Day, will be the 38th year.

Jones believes that the Jewish prophecies regarding the greatly anticipated redemption are occuring in front of our eyes.

Jones' escapades and explorations were the inspiration for the blockbuster movie 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' of the 'Indiana Jones' trilogy. The man who wrote the first draft of the film, Randolph Fillmore, was one of the volunteers who worked with Jones in 1977.

“I agreed to help him write the movie,” Jones said, “as long as – number one – he wouldn’t set it here (in Israel). Some people believe the ark is in Ethiopia or Egypt, some believe its in Constantinople or Rome. I just didn’t want it to be portrayed as being here. The second thing was, 'Don’t use my name.' So he didn’t. My name is Vendyl – V-E-N-D-Y-L. So he just dropped the first and last letters and it ended up Endy Jones.”

Although at the time of the film, Jones was far from pinpointing the location of the Ark, he has come a long way since then. With the help of an ancient document found in Qumran together with the Dead Sea Scrolls, known as the “Copper Scroll”, Dr. Jones is convinced he has pinpointed the location of the Ark of the Covenant.

“In the copper scroll, the first five lines say, 'In the desolations of the Valley of Achur, in the opening under the ascent, which is a mountain facing eastward, covered by forty placed boulders – here is a tabernacle and all the golden fixtures,'” Jones says.

"This is what we have been looking for all these years, and I’ve walked over those boulders thousands of times without really stepping back and looking – realizing ‘hey, those boulders have been brought in here, they’ve been placed in here, they didn’t come off a mountain. And they’re huge.’”

Jones recounts his early explorations into the tunnels which lead from the ancient Old City of Jerusalem, near Jaffa Gate, to the foot of the Dead Sea. “My son and I went an hour and 20 minutes into the tunnel. There were so many branches and we didn’t have anything to mark the route, so I said, ‘We better get out of here and come back with a roll of string.’ Then I made the mistake of asking permission to do it. That was before I learned that Israel is a lot like heaven - it is a lot easier to get forgiveness than it is permission.”

Dr. Jones, wearing an orange anti-disengagement bracelet, dismisses the current Israeli government's plan to uproot the Jews of Gaza and northern Samaria from their homes. "There will not be any disengagement, nor will there be any Palestinian State,” he says.

Jones, who has a photographic memory, quotes: “Chapter One in Isaiah: 'How has the holy city become a harlot? Righteousness filled the street, but now murderers. The ruler is a friend of thieves and the ministers desire bribes.'”

“The prophet wasn’t talking about his day – he was talking about now. ‘Therefore, says the L-rd, I will restore them to their beginnings. I will set judges up as at first, and counselors as in the beginning.’”

The Sharon government will soon be history, Jones asserts, and the Sanhedrin (the Jewish High Court of 71 judges) will take its place and lead the Jewish people. “The Sanhedrin was established October the 13th of last year. Now all we have to do is have an election to elect counselors. The Sanhedrin is like a Senate and the elected counselors are like a House of Representatives.”

Dr. Jones says the discovery of the lost ark will “flip the whole world right-side-up.”

“I just gotta drill a bore-hole into the chamber, drop a pin-camera in and there it is. And everything is gonna change, believe me. The Jewish people are gonna come back.”

Learn more about Dr. Jones' excavations online at www.vendyljones.org.il.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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One more thing.... this guy holds beliefs to which I am diametrically opposed. BUT were the Ark to be rediscovered on earth... it would be a significant event in the ordering of events of the end.

Time is very very short. Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.

Vedyl Jones recanted and trod underfoot the blood of Jesus and brought it to an open shame (Heb 6:6). He is believed to then had himself circumcised in the flesh and fully embraced Pharisee Judaism. He denied Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. He recanted that Jesus was Messiah come in the flesh. He repudiated the Lord's Passover Cup. This is the Vendyl Jones who today is a world leader in the Gentile Noahide movement trying to get millions of other Gentiles to recant Jesus and also flee to Pharisee Judaism like he did. There will be a whole lot of recanting before we get home, ...and it won't be Catholics wanting you to recant something about the Pope or some other Papal heresy. Will you recant to go back under Law-keeping, Phariseeism, Noahidism, or Talmudism? We shall see, the trend is to recant Jesus and convert to keeping the Law.

It will be a very strong delusion, and the seeds have already been sown.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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If he finds it, I hope he doesn't touch it.

Liz smile.gif

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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That thought had also crossed my mind... grin.gif I read deeper into the article, he thinks he knows the exact location of the cavern in which it was sealed. He plans to drill and insert a camera... and then the world will see it. shocked.gif

For some reason, June 7th... seems to be popping to mind... Like I read he plans on making the first attempt that day or something?

Even So Lord Jesus, Come!!! Time is very short... the age of grace is ending... claim His promises, come to Him and receive salvation.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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The Art of the Covenant was taken to heaven according to EW 32-33 saying, "it is NOW in heaven" meaning at one time it was here on earth. Yes they will find a ark which was planted to deceive a certain class of people that take great joy in beng fooled over & over.

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Ed, I guess I must remind you once again that Ellen G. White said the Ark that Jeremiah and other righteous men hid away in a cave has never been disturbed to this day:


"That sacred ark is yet hidden. It has never been disturbed since it was secreted." {
Prophets and Kings,
p. 453, para.2}

Evidently the Ark of the Covenant Ellen G. White saw in Heaven is not the same one. I am inclined to believe that the one in Heaven is some kind of original, and the one that Moses made of Acacia wood was an earthly copy. And yes, even Aaron's Rod that budded corresponded to something similar that was already in the original Ark in Heaven. You see, I am trying to accept both statements by EGW. You are seizing upon one, and disregarding the other, merely basded on your subjective preference.

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Again Ron, the SOP says "that it is safely hidden from the human family" then if man finds it as you expect & are looking forward to, then doesn't that prove that God is faulty and doesn't know how to hide things? That's foolish thinking!!!

When heaven took the Garden of Eden to heaven 1500 years after creation, wss it "disturbed" with a few clods of dirt/leaves/trees falling back to earth? No, when heaven takes things it is not disturbing it as we know thing.

If a person would just read the counsel given without ANY preconceived opinions, the account on page 32-332 in EW says it all to know the "Art is now in heaven". EW 33

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It is sad, then, Ed, that you are one of the people who are going to be proven wrong when the earthly Ark of the Covenant is brought forth and the tablets of stone in it containing the ten commandments are shown to all the world.

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It is sad, then, Ed, that you are one of the people who are going to be proven wrong when the earthly Ark of the Covenant is brought forth and the tablets of stone in it containing the ten commandments are shown to all the world.


No Ron, I am preparing to run with the horses someday, when this forgery is brought forth with all the skill that Satan can muster up to deceive even the very elect, I plan to say, thank you Jesus, it want be long now until Your Father, our Father puts a stop to all mans foolishness at the beginning of the 7th plague. Then shortly after that the REAL Ten Commandment will be brought forth for everyone to see. [see Revelation 11:19]

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For those who may not "get" Ed's Scripture allusion here, let me quote Jeremiah 12:5, which I am sure is what Ed had in mind:


"If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?"

Forgery, huh, Ed? So you are all prepared to say that when the earthly Ark of the Covenant is brought forth and displayed to all the world, you will say it is a Satanic counterfeit. I might agree with you if the fourth commandment says to keep Sunday. But really, at that point, Satan will be trying to get everyone to believe there is no law. He will even try to take away our Bibles and keep anyone from taking seriously anything that it says. Bringing forth an Ark of the Covenant, even a counterfeit one, would be counter to his purposes.

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Dear Ed and Ron

I think you've each laid out your respective positions very clearly - thanks to both of you for making me think. But further round-and-round on this point is just going to hijack this rather interesting thread topic, so can I encourage you to leave it there?



Truth is important

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I'm assuming Bob Sands is still reading, though not posting at this stage. The latter is a pity, because I'd have been interested to hear whether his advocacy of the Noahide law extends to the rest of Dr Jones' ideas.

That's a fascinating article, Clio, thanks very much for posting it. It'll be interesting to see what happens over the next few months, but the spectre of a dominant America alongside a dominant Israel is kind of a scary one for me.

Certainly the discovery of an Ark of the Covenant (real or bogus) at this time in history would gain a huge amount of attention...

Truth is important

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OK, Bravus. That's just kind of an obligatory point and counterpoint that Ed and I have to make. And he started it--- smile.gif

Speaking of obligatory points when this subject comes up, I am amazed that this thread has gone on this long without any mention of Ron Wyatt, whom some regard as the Adventist Indiana Jones. Not that I mean to promote him. It's just that something seems missing when his name has not been brought up.

(Do I hear you sighing heavily?)

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Vendyl Jones may simply be a very astute analyst of history and human nature (especially as it affects politics). It is not suprising that history should seem prophetic, since in every age what happens is the result of the outworking of the same principles of human sinful motivations and Satanic mechination vs. divine providence. A person with the insight to draw valid parallels can seem like a prophet.

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For anyone who actually reads EW 32-33, much of what she sees is in vision, and symbolic in nature. Besides, what is referred to as "now in heaven' are the tables of stone.

The earthly Ark was a copy of the heavenly one. Transportingthe copy to heaven to displace the original makes little sense.

So this passage is essentially irrelevant.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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Yes Ron I am guilty of starting it, but the bible & SOP FINISHED it, laying bare all mans wisdon.


I'm done!!! I can wait till the forgery is produced.

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I might agree with you if the fourth commandment says to keep Sunday

Everybody agrees that the 4th Commandment given to Israelites requires the keeping of the day in Israel we call Saturday.

The disagreement is over whether it is (a) still binding, and (B) should any day be enforced by political or military power.


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