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The Battle of Damascus : Foreign Attack on Syria


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Western and Gulf powers have launched the largest secret war operation since the Contra war in Nicaragua.

Actually if one does a little research, they will find all news sources or references reflect that "Damascus Volcano and Syrian Earthquake" is a term coined by the insurgents, except for the above websit. If one takes a look at the website, you can quickly learn that it is not a news or research organizatiion, but an 'anti' organization that takes bits and pieces to formulate a 'far out' opinion piece, mixing some truth with a lot of fiction. Rather like a more famous person from the beginning of earths history!! Certainly a site for those of the 'conspiracy' bent!

Secret war!!! Who from???


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Doesn't the Bible predict that Damascus will be destroyed (Jer.49:23-26; Amos 1:3-5)? Could this be the precursor to that destruction?

Sidenote - Iran's nuclear enrichment program just got hit with another destructive virus.

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My impression is that many place names employed in OT prophecies are symbolic of a deeper meaning,

not a geographical location.

Israel for example. Overcomers, not the modern nuclear state which target Palestinian civilians.

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Also Isaiah 17:1. What does everyone think of this and the role of Israel in the last days?

Personally whats happening in the world today is a natural consquence(sp) of godlessness. As far as Israel is concerned, they have nothing to do with end times, other than many Jews will be grafted back into the family of God.


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My impression is that many place names employed in OT prophecies are symbolic of a deeper meaning,

not a geographical location.

Israel for example. Overcomers, not the modern nuclear state which target Palestinian civilians.

Again, is defending yourself wrong????


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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