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Why are young adults staying in the Church


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Yes, I must agree 110%, it is a much better question. IDK but from my observations it is because they are involved: Involved in all kinds of activities... ministry, evangelism, the mission field, music, social events both in schools and in various groups such as Pathfinders, ASI, Camps, etc.

And, they are accepted!!!

To answer this question: First, ask myself why did I stay?? Yes, I was not active for a while... some may say left ... but actually not, just not active ... in depth I studied every possible form of "religion" ... and in the end found them to all have good messages, but watered down ... Today I am a proud SDA because of early training, family, relationships from childhood which have become sweeter with age ... new committed friends ... .. memories of camp meeting, Summer camp, etc ... and someplace along the line a strong love of, and commitment to God and His Remnant Church. It is what I AM!

The youth that I have personally observed who are active and committed do not appear to possess critical spirits ... oh sure, they have their issues .. we ALL do ...are not perfect ... perhaps the have observed the traits of their elders (smile) ... but they are proud of their God, of their church ... and they have fun

They appears to be much less criticism in main-stream churches than say 50 years ... they are loved and appreciated and the know it. They are the torch-bearers of the future ... they are our future!!!

To summarize IMHO ... they stay in or come back because they understand the love of God, early they developed a personal relationship with our Lord, they have a deep involvement and commitment with the places, people and fiends of their youth. And, they are not so idealistic to care which version of the Bible one uses .. are into living the Word not finding ways NOT to live it, or pick it apart.

Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Now to my soap-box soapbox

If the adults will set good examples of love and encouragement ... spend less time talking about brother-this or sister-that or criticizing the leadership ... or the preachers sermon... or lack of doing something ... of having some other fault/failure which we believe the pastor/or leader appears to possess ....we just might keep even more of our youth! Just stop the pillowfight


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I have no young adults living with me any more; all my grandchildren live several miles distant. But from my observation in our large, active church, the young people are staying in the church because they're ACTIVE. There are youth deacons, youth leaders of the children's Sabbath school divisions, and a big youth organization which meets both Friday nights and Sabbath morning for their own Sabbath school. They have breakfast together first, and they take turns bringing the food.

We are encouraged to ask young people to give the special music and to read the Scripture reading for the worship service; that way they become accustomed to sitting on the platform and leading out [also greeting the worshipers at the doors as they leave].

Also, there's a "meet and greet" session on the patio right after church which the young people help staff, by pouring lemonade and putting out the cookies and napkins.

It's been my experience that if you want good attendance at a function, just give everyone a task to perform; then they'll show up. And when they are present, the message of the gospel is shared in a good way including fellowship.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I think that is a better question than asking why they are leaving....
Good point. Many stay because of love - for truth. God BLESS them.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Young people are staying in SDA churches that are relevant, meet real immediate needs, allow for diversity of thought as a Christian, and think outside of the box. In short, young people are staying in SDA churches that have a true place for them and recognize the call of God on their lives--male and female.

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they must be completely ignorant that...

Numbers 21:6,8,9 the LORD demands a brass snake idol (in his image?)

numbers 5:11-31 the LORD demands a witchcraft ritual

exodus 7:8-12 the LORD can't get enough witchcraft

judges 11:30-39 the LORD demands a human sacrifice -- ends up accepting a baby girl for it

[note: baal translates to lord, and could be the historically accurate semetic god of the jews; or the Midean volcano god Yahvah whom Jethro worshipped at the time of meeting Moses, or the Egyptian god Amen (1 Kings 1:36 KJV, Revelation 3:14), but likely all of the above as...]...

psalms 82:1 states the LORD is in the congregation of the gods, meaning judaism is polytheistic.

exodus 12:5-13 & 27 the LORD demands ritual mass murder

genesis 12:10-20 abraham pimps his wife/sister for money | 20:1-18 pimps her again for money | 21:9 becomes world's first deadbeat dad ; the LORD blesses him

Matt 2:3-20 baby jesus went into egypt to escape king herod.

Luke 2:4-40 baby jesus was not taken to egypt and was in no danger

we also know that there was no king named herod during the lifespan of the mythical protestant 'jewish jesus'.

To real catholics however, our lord god is not a jew. The ancients knew that it was Jesus Christ in the garden of eden, not the devil YHWH/LORD.



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Wow- talk about a hijack!

There is not much difference between kids and adults. If they taste of God's love for them which compels them to have compassion on others; if they discern their value in God's eyes and receive the living water, not only will they stay but they will be reaching out in mercy to others.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Less focus on 'self' and more focus on others.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Maybe they see they will be in charge of everything in about ten years or so?

Maybe they believe they can run the church better?

Hopefully, they have come to know and believe that this message is the absolute truth for these last days?

I don't know really, I am wondering what this "church" is going to do with itself.

Luke 12:32 NKJV

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  • 1 month later...

What in the world???!!

Who is DanDate2??

Does that post represent some actual denomination's view of something?

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Have you noticed those two little guys are smiling. Maybe that's why they keep it up. Trouble is the smiles are often as a result of or lead to a loss by others who sometimes don't know why or what hit them. That's why I leave it in God's hands. He can always be depended on to give me just what I need.

" Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!"Matthew 18:7 NKJV

God blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Guess it's evident which god to whom you've been listening.

Jesus, King of kings, He alone Who has immortality. He and the Father are One.

Lift Jesus up!!

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Wow- talk about a hijack!

There is not much difference between kids and adults. If they taste of God's love for them which compels them to have compassion on others; if they discern their value in God's eyes and receive the living water, not only will they stay but they will be reaching out in mercy to others.


Lift Jesus up!!

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Originally Posted By: Gail
Wow- talk about a hijack!

There is not much difference between kids and adults. If they taste of God's love for them which compels them to have compassion on others; if they discern their value in God's eyes and receive the living water, not only will they stay but they will be reaching out in mercy to others.



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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