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Prayer Needed


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Please pray for my friend Denise. She is going thourgh a really hard time right now. Her father died last week. Thing didn't go well yesterday at the furneral. She feels hurt and left out by her family. She all she want to feel is love from them and she upset at her self because of getting mad and blowing up. She took a doll her step mother said she couldn't have. She drunk wine on the plane trip home. She pour all this out to the pastor last night and the pastor thank her for tell him her stoory and then instead of praying with her he told her he had to go. She feel like the pastor blew her off like she was crazy. She want to resign from being a deconess and asked what she should do. She is in alot of hurt right now. Pray that she will get the comfort she needs.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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Tomorrow we will have our weekly youth meeting/prayer group. We'll pray there.

"Yea, by thee I can crush a troop; and by my God I can leap over a wall." - Psalms 18:29

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Wow, Barbara, I wonder from your description if she brings a lot of her pain upon herself. And that just compounds the circle of hurt...

But the Lord knows the gentle way to reach a hurting heart and to make it stronger and heal, and then she herself will relax in her dealings with other people

Dear Lord, You know the child of whom Barbara speaks. I thank You that You have placed Barbara where she could befriend this woman. Lord, we lift both of them up to You, where You can bless with healing and guide their hearts so that they can be an encouragement to each other.

Lord, the Bible says that nothing is impossible with You. You are a big God and You know each heart and how to reach it. Please send Your Holy Spirit to touch this hurting woman. Sometimes in the midst of pain it is too difficult to see You or others or their kindness, or even want to.

Lord, You can put it in us to will and to do of Your good pleasure. You know what the answer is. I pray for this situation, that You may be glorified here

Thank you- in Jesus' name...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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