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I thought my results were interesting...

1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)

2. Seventh Day Adventist (97%)

3. Orthodox Quaker (87%)

Number 4 dropped almost 20 points....

Somewhere I read on here that someone else had strong Quaker leanings as well... which is what prompted me to go take this quiz....

It seems SDA's and Quakers must share a number of precepts or tenets in their belief structure. The other thing I found interesting is that I have always been taught (doesn't mean I subscribe to the belief, I don't know enough about it to say one way or the other) is that SDA's have a strong Mennonite influence in their background. Mennonite wasn't even listed.

The three I had the least in common with are as follows:

24. New Thought (13%)

25. Scientology (12%)

26. Secular Humanism & Taoism (9%)

An interesting parsing of the paradigm from which I post....

Clio coolhello.gif

A heart where He alone has first place.

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We did have a thread on this earlier, but maybe we could play it again (Sam).

Top four:

1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)

2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (89%)

3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (86%)

4. Seventh Day Adventist (86%)

Bottom four:

24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (30%)

25. Scientology (29%)

26. New Thought (28%)

27. Jehovah's Witness (26%)

Interesting that these rank lower than Buddhism (in its various forms) and Hinduism and Islam.

Truth is important

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BTW, for those of you who, like me, end up ranking higher on the Quaker scale[1], here's a quick overview of Quaker beliefs: http://emes.quaker.eu.org/documents/files/meeting-the-spirit.html

[1] I wouldn't be at all surprised if what puts us there is rejecting the item about rigidly following all the rules being the route to salvation. If that's the case, it's a misunderstanding of Adventism on the part of the quiz writers.

Truth is important

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Somewhere I read on here that someone else had strong Quaker leanings as well... which is what prompted me to go take this quiz....

Clio <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/coolhello.gif" alt="" />

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Yes, this is the quiz that told me I was 100% Orthodox Quaker, 99% Seventh-Day Adventist.

I think we really do have a lot in common with the Quakers...

- simplicity of lifestyle (many of them are vegetarian, too)

- temperance

- priesthood of all believers (and their belief that the Holy Spirit can speak directly to all believers - men, women and children, young and old)

- importance of social reform (schools, medical services, services for the poor and disadvantaged, etc)

When I joined the QuakerInfo forum the moderator there commented that they had many Adventists who lurked or joined their forum, and a number of Quaker members are former Adventists.

Sometimes I think that if Adventists had kept the original vision and "fire" that characterised the early SDA church movement, we would be even more indistinguishable from Quakers today. i.e. that they seem to have held onto something that we have lost.



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OK...I promise not to hijack this thread and turn it into a Quaker discussion...I will take that topic back into the Bible & Theology section.



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To no one in particular ...

On the other hand, Richard M. Nixon was a Quaker. (Which always bothered me; because mostly, I feel comfortable around Quakers.)

Oh, well ...



Debile fundamentum, fallit opus. - "Where there is a weak foundation, the work falls."

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I had fun with this quiz the first time I encountered it on another Adventist forum where most everyone was decidedly conservative. On that forum I had been pretty much written off as an incorrigible liberal, i.e. barely eligible to call myself a true Adventist. My top two rankings were 100% conservative protestant and 91% SDA! One of the quite conservative SDA pastors on that forum took the quiz and seemed distressed that his third highest ranking at 97% was Roman Catholic which tied for his second highest as Eastern Orthodox only slightly behind his 100% ranking as SDA. I wasn't sure if he was disturbed that I came out the same as he did on the SDA ranking or what, but after I pointed out that he ranked higher than I did on the Catholic scale (I was 71%) he retook it. He didn't change the first ranking or the order but lowered the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic to 93%. Most of the folk on that forum were critical of the validity of the quiz largely because most of them ranked higher as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons than they did SDA and one outspoken conservative even ranked higher as a Roman Catholic! (Or maybe it was that they couldn't quite accept that I "out-ranked" them as an SDA!)

Here is what I observed at that time:


I think many folk here may be a bit disturbed at how high they may rate on some of the "Babylonian" churches. ...To me it tends to confirm that we truly have more in common with other denominations than we want to admit. Our beliefs are not as totally unique as we sometimes think. As EGW says we should monopolize on that common ground in reaching out to others. Emphasizing our differences only distances us from others.



"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Not to judge Nixon or anyone else in terms of their faith or salvation, but I sometimes suspect that the simple act of becoming a politician takes people out of whatever church they're in and puts them in the church of politics...

Truth is important

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As I suspected, when I checked this one:

Adhere strictly to the rites, practices, precepts, commandments, prohibitions, laws, sacraments, or ordinances of the faith to be rewarded after life.

I came out as 100% SDA. As I also said, I believe that's a misconception about SDAs: I don't think *anyone* here believes this is the way to salvation. Important and the right thing to do, sure, but not the means by which we're saved.

Truth is important

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

As I suspected, when I checked this one:

Adhere strictly to the rites, practices, precepts, commandments, prohibitions, laws, sacraments, or ordinances of the faith to be rewarded after life.

I came out as 100% SDA. As I also said, I believe that's a misconception about SDAs: I don't think *anyone* here believes this is the way to salvation. Important and the right thing to do, sure, but not the means by which we're saved.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

It may not be what we officially believe, but for practical purposes isn't this the way the Adventist beliefs/practices have been presented (and interpreted by members)?

In order to be saved (or in order to be blessed, or in order to have your reward in heaven) you have to keep the Sabbath, and tithe, and avoid unclean foods, and abstain from alcohol/smoking/drugs, and...the list goes on.

I know it's not in the 27 fundamentals or the Church Manual, but that's how many Adventists perceive their religion...and that's certainly the way many of the general public perceive Adventists.

Now, what are we to do to change that perception?



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