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The Big Tent is Empty

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November 16, 2012

The Big Tent is Empty

By Charles Martel

Wailing, gnashing of teeth, and a few destructive ideas have followed the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama. Perhaps a couple of sensible questions will help us get our country back on track:

If Republicans cave on amnesty, what will Hispanics say the next day?

The day after amnesty is passed, a common response from the Latino community will be, "Thanks suckers. We'll never forget what racists you Republicans always were. Now, where is my handout?" All of the Republicans' soaring rhetoric about the creative power of capitalism and the moral imperative to limit government -- this is nothing but hot air to the hungry mouth that stands to benefit from a fatter Nanny State and the cuckold Uncle Sam. Immigrants, for whatever reason, are predisposed towards state largesse; 43 percent of immigrants who have been in the U.S. for more than 20 years are using welfare benefits. 57% of Mexican immigrants are on some form of welfare, compared with 6% of immigrants from the United Kingdom. It's an equally troubling fact that these immigrants are being indoctrinated in public schools. Liberals are cultivating hostility towards free markets and individual accountability, and they have found willing allies in the form of poorly educated, impoverished immigrants. Contrary to mainstream conservative wishful thinking, Hispanics do not become significantly more conservative as they move into the economic mainstream. Even Cuban young people are turning away from the conservative voting patterns of their forefathers here. Like blacks, Hispanics adopt the oppression fantasies of their indoctrination, and carry that ideology into the middle and upper class. Their racial solidarity has fused with a political ideology of liberalism, together fueling a monstrous expansion of the welfare state. These are patterns of behavior that can be observed and measured.

So, what good evidence can conservatives point to, to show that it's a good idea to welcome large numbers of lower-class immigrants? Perhaps the shambles in California is their model for America's future. The notion that "family values" will motivate Latinos to embrace conservatism is a fraud: a majority of Latinos support gay marriage. Like countless other Catholics, and blacks, Latinos easily square their religiosity with left-wing politics. Moreover, the fact that Hispanics have a 53% out-of-wedlock birth rate, twice the white rate, is a harbinger of their liberal devotion to come.

So let's get real. Name the American city or state where Latino immigrants have supported limited government. Sure, Bush did better than Romney among Hispanic voters. But has caving to illegal immigration helped conservatives anywhere in this country, ever? For that matter, has caving on immigration helped any European conservative party to be more successful? Many European countries are realizing, too late, that they need to crack down on immigration. Those who suggest that our country is better off giving legal status to poorly educated, lower-class noncitizens need to consider the consequences of doing so.

If Marco Rubio can't win Florida, why does anyone think he can win over Hispanics nationwide?

Leading conservative pundit George Will said that Marco Rubio was the real "winner" election night. Yet, there is rain falling on Will's imaginary parade. Earlier this year, there was actually a poll created to measure the support of a Romney-Rubio ticket. The poll (conducted by a liberal polling group that got everything right on election night) looked at likely Latino voters in Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico, and found that Rubio would not have helped Romney. According to the poll, Obama would have done better with Rubio on the ticket. Putting speculation aside, we now have living proof of Marco Rubio's Latino appeal. He couldn't even deliver the Latino vote in his own home state, where he is known best and should be most popular. I can understand that professional conservatives like George Will were upset about the loss and needed to say something positive. But we can think positively without deluding ourselves, or welcoming hordes of future welfare dependents -- a terrible prospect which leads to the next question:

If Asians won't vote for Republicans, why would we expect Hispanics to?

Obama's share of the Asian vote grew from 62% in 2008 to 73% in 2012. But no one is trying to kick Asians out of the country. These are the Tiger Moms whom conservatives praise for embodying a traditional American ethos. These are the people hurt most by affirmative action, they are the shopkeepers who defended their businesses during the L.A. riots, the same people who often have to endure flash robs, flash mobs, and rotten urban settings. If Asians won't support conservatives, then there is no way on earth that Latinos will. Latinos have a material interest in the welfare state. Asians, on the other hand, have higher average earnings than any racial group, and the lowest unemployment of any racial group. Pro-amnesty Republicans claim that if we bring the immigrant into the economic mainstream, they'll be good Republicans. That's a theory, and its contrary to reality. Asians are at the pinnacle of achievement in this country, yet they feel at home with the party of takers. Part of the reason for this is that assimilation is no longer the norm, multiculturalism is. The longer they are here, the further ingrained immigrants become in the American welfare state and the bitter minority ideology -- even when they are financially successful. The fact that this poisonous mindset has insinuated itself intothe Asian communityis dismaying proof that the minority vote will be elusive.

How do you get people in the big tent when there are no handouts inside to attract them?

Condoleezza Rice said, after Obama's victory, that Republicans need a "bigger tent." But obviously the tent welcomed Rice, and it has room for all. Maybe minorities don't want to be in the tent. The problem is not the tent, the problem is that there are not as many food stamps and Obamaphones inside to draw minorities. Rice's fatuous remarks do nothing but generate masochism and play into the hands of race baiters.

Minorities generally reject conservatism. Tokenism or marketing will not alter that political reality. Says one Hispanic community leader from the group La Raza, the country's largest Hispanic civil rights group: "The face of who delivers bad news does not change bad news." Republicans bring bad news because they want to reduce "government assistance programs that many Latinos rely on." Quite significantly, the group "La Raza" means "The Race," and it exists to advance the interests of Hispanic people exclusively.The Race pushes for open borders and an expanded welfare state, under a blatantly racial and ethnic banner. The existence of such groups begs the question:

Liberals appeal to fear and vengeance, so why don't Republicans?

An Obama ad in Ohio frankly said "Mitt Romney. Not one of us." By way of contrast, conservatives almost ran a serious ad once. Back in May, a well-funded conservative PAC boasted that it would "do exactly what John McCain would not let us do" in 2008, which was to talk about Obama's connection to Rev. Wright. As soon as the mere mention of this potential ad was scrutinized in the leftist media, the PAC caved in, saying that the line of attack would "seek to divide us socially or culturally." This pitiful cowardice all but guaranteed that the most terrible thing about Obama, his ideology, would never be fully discussed. Republicans were left saying that Obama is nice, and then making policy arguments, which never appeal as much as raw, emotional symbols.Republican political correctness thus paved the way for multiculturalstatists to undermine the American Dream.

A hard-hitting ad campaign, stating the facts about the Obama-Wright relationship, would have been powerfully effective. Obama's former "mentor" and pastor, who "shaped" Obama's politics, was in fact a raving, radical bigot. And for those who are tempted to say, "We're better than that," there is only one thing I ask of you: If you wish to wander around on yourhigh horse, flailing in the flames of civilizational decline, then please do so alone. Don't pretend that the rest of us will be better off burning with you.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/11/the_big_tent_is_empty.html#ixzz2COgWSisR

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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