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I just wanted to thank the Lord for healing my back. It has been at least a few weeks since it last bothered me. Don't know if I mentioned it on here but the pain was excruciating for quite some time.

Not sure how or why but it simply went away one day. I stopped going to the chiropractor because I didn't need it anymore. I know there were people praying for me, whether here on C/A or in my church locally. So I believe God chose to relieve me of that additional burden, and I want to thank and praise Him for His kindness and love.


"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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YEAH, Nico!! crazyjacky_seilchensmiley1.gif I am so glad that you have been relieved of that problem. Our God is indeed a wonderful God!!

MG angel1.gif

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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I want to thank the Lord for saving my life today on the highway. I had a very creepy feeling when I started out on the road today and kept envisioning horrible things -- jackknifed semis, my car going up in flames, etc. -- and had very high anxiety, so I prayed and asked the Lord to protect me and keep me safe on the road.

Going southbound on the highway are four lanes. I was in the one next to the rightmost one. This other person was in the right lane and suddenly I glanced to the right and saw his car nose to nose with mine, and him starting to come over into my lane! We were both going over 60 mph. I don't know what happened next nor do I know HOW it happened but all of a sudden in a split second, this same car went careening behind my car, across the other three lanes of traffic, and smashed into the cement barrier that divides the southbound lanes from the northbound. A second car in one of the left lanes, seeing this happen and perhaps freaking out or trying to avoid collision, did exactly the same thing: careened over into the cement barrier on the left.

The guy who almost smashed into me must have lost control somehow of his car, because it would be logical for him to go swerving hard to the right as a reaction to suddenly seeing me there. But to go flying across 3 lanes of traffic straight into the barrier on the left?? Makes no sense at all. I'm still mystified about what happened. All I know is the Lord protected me. One split second earlier and I could have been hit by this car, or pushed by it into the barrier myself, or something.

Of course I immediately started praying for the people in the accident, and after thanking God for His protection, asked Him to protect those around me as well!

I'll be posting this in the "Something Great Happened this Week" forum too.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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I want to thank the Lord for bringing me some relief in my financial situation. I had applied for assistance from Quest Diagnostics, to whom I owed some $800 or $900 in fees for bloodwork done, and they wrote off my entire bill so that now I don't owe them a thing! Praise the Lord! Thank You Father!!!

Now please pray for the BIG one -- the hospital bill -- which is over $7,000 -- and the one I need to be relieved from more than any other. I have applied for assistance there too, but not heard anything, so I'm getting ready to fax in my paperwork again tomorrow.

Thank you very much to all who have been praying for me on this, too, and for someone special on here who sent me some tangible help, twice in fact, an extra big THANK YOU!

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Thank You for making Your presence felt in Nico's life. Thank You for saving her life, for showering financial blessings upon her... Thank You for being life, breath, and our all in all.

Amen. sparkleheart.gif

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Awesome, N! Praise the Lord! Thanks for sharing that!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to praise the Lord tonight for setting me free from the burden of a $7,000+ hospital bill that I had no way to pay. I just learned today that they have approved my request for charity assistance and I won't have to pay that bill. Thank You, Lord!!! And thank you to everyone who prayed for me about this situation. smile.gif

WOW that is a load relieved!

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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