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No Peace With Descendants of ‘Apes and Pigs’

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Egypt’s Morsi: No Peace With Descendants of ‘Apes and Pigs’

Friday, 04 Jan 2013 10:32 AM

By Stephen Feller

Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are a "waste of time and opportunities" because Arabs and Muslims gain nothing from engagement with "the descendants of apes and pigs," Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi said in recently translated interviews from 2010.

According to the translated interviews published by the Middle East Media Research Institute this week, Morsi called the creation of Israel in 1948 a “plundering” of Palestinian lands.

During an interview with Lebanon's Al-Quds TV network, Morsi said the Islamic world should “confront this Zionist entity.”

"The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine,” Morsi said, according to the Jerusalem Post. “What they took before 1947-8 constitutes plundering, and what they are doing now is a continuation of this plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not to the Zionists."

In two interviews, the recently-elected Egyptian leader, who formerly led the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, disparaged the idea of a two-state solution because there could be no peace with the “plundering criminal entity” of Israel.

"Pressure should be exerted upon them," Morsi continued, so that Jews should "not be given any opportunity [to] stand on any Arab or Islamic land... [Zionists] have been fanning the flames of civil strife wherever they were throughout history. They are hostile by nature. The Zionists understood nothing but the language of force."

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