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Should Religious People be Ridiculed? - Read at your own Risk


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Read this at your own risk. I'm posting this here because I think it's important that everyone understand to what level the Adversary has taken the war against those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

This was posted on a forum I frequent to keep a finger on the pulse of global thinking.... This forum gets hundreds of THOUSANDS of hits per day...

The title was How many here believe that religious people should be subject to public ridicule?

It got 711 responses with zero dissent.



Now, I´m not talking about spiritualism here, because I think that everybody is spiritual to some degree or another. I believe there is some type of higher power in the universe, probably something that is beyond any plierson´s comprehension.

No, what I´m talking about are people who subscribe to dominant religious views. I mean really, today if you espouse views in public that are racist, sexist, or homophobic, you would be ridiculed openly by most. Why is this not the case with religious people?

Let´s face it, religion breeds contempt. Certainly, there is some charitable and compassionate elements within them, but for the most part, they´re simply a socially acceptable mass delusion.

I you were to walk into a thirty-year-old guy at work who still believed in Santa Claus, there is very little doubt that he would be ridiculed. Furthermore, if he were to continue on with his beliefs, there is a strong likelihood that it would eventually cost him his job, one way or the other.

Yet here we are in the year 2005 and anybody, including the President of the United States, can express his belief in a mass delusion, and nobody will blink an eye.

I believe it is time for those of us who have been privileged enough to break the bonds of the idiocy of religion to rise up. It is time that we infuse within society a need to openly state our opinions to those who have been infected with the circular logic of religion.

An example of this circular logic: "you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour or you will burn in hell for eternity. If somebody is attempting to explain to you why these religious beliefs are false, it is Satan testing your faith."

You must accept the teachings of Mohammad. If somebody denies the teachings of Mohammad, they are from Satan, they are infidels, and they will burn in hell.

Yada yada yada..........

How hateful is that? How utterly beyond logic? Yet society has so far been directed to be tolerant to these people´s psychologically damaging beliefs.

It is time that education reigns supreme. It is time that people, of whatever religion, have it pounded into their heads that they have been brainwashed by their parents and pastors. We must challenge them; make it difficult for them to function in society.

As a result of these types of actions, people of religion will be forced to really think about their beliefs and the effects those beliefs will have on their lives.

Perhaps it will make them think about the fact that 5000 years ago, people living in Ancient Greece were just as devoted to their gods as they are to theirs. That these people REALLY did believe in the teachings of Zeus and Isis and all of their gods. Their gods were not real. Neither is yours!!!!

I believe it is time to do away with these lies forever.

The truth shall set you free!!!

It may also help to set all of us free. Perhaps then you will be able to see that it´s not God´s will for the world to come to a fiery end. That maybe it´s not so wise to be driving this SUV. Maybe it´s not so wise to be using 3 times as much resources as most people in the world. Maybe it´s not so wise to be using up 25% of the world´s energy while much of the world is starving. Maybe these are the thoughts that the real spiritual power wants you to have.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

That maybe it´s not so wise to be driving this SUV. Maybe it´s not so wise to be using 3 times as much resources as most people in the world. Maybe it´s not so wise to be using up 25% of the world´s energy while much of the world is starving. Maybe these are the thoughts that the real spiritual power wants you to have.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

And it is these very reasonable thoughts at the end of the article that will influence non believers to have this attitude. The perception - right or wrong - that the Christians en masse are not trying to deal with the environmental problems in the world, and consume, consume, consume while so many are in want.

The addition of a small - and preferably socially acceptable - truth to a large lie is the way the enemy has worked for generations. How do we deal with it in this one?

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Start telling the whole truth: that God created this world and is concerned about how we treat it. That God is not a Republican or a capitalist, however much people might claim so. That God has a better way for our lives, but that doesn't include oppressing those who disagree. To be honest, my reaction to the article was 'We Christians have no-one but ourselves to blame'. (Oh, and that the writer is an idiot, and at least equally brainwashed by a narrow scientism, but that's less useful because it's not something we can do anything about.

And finally, withdrawing into our castle is exactly the wrong response: walking along the dusty roads with the people and healing their wounds and letting their kids hang out with him is how Jesus did it...

Truth is important

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I believe it is time for those of us who have been privileged enough to break the bonds of the idiocy of religion to rise up. It is time that we infuse within society a need to openly state our opinions to those who have been infected with the circular logic of religion.


hateful is that? How utterly beyond logic?
Yet society has so far been directed to be tolerant to these people´s
psychologically damaging beliefs.

It is time that education reigns supreme. It is time that
people, of whatever religion, have it pounded into their heads that they have been brainwashed
by their parents and pastors.
We must
challenge them;
make it difficult for them to function in society.

As a result of these types of actions, people of religion will be forced to really think about their beliefs and the effects those beliefs will have on their lives.

Perhaps it will make them think about the fact that 5000 years ago, people living in Ancient Greece were just as devoted to their gods as they are to theirs. That these
people REALLY did believe in the teachings of Zeus and Isis and all of their gods.
Their gods were not real.
Neither is yours!!!!

I believe it is time to do away with these lies forever.


The last paragraph regarding environmental concern, greed, conservationism, etc. is not the important part of this post. What is truly important to understand is what I have bolded above. Ponder those statements.

This person is describing religion as a mental illness. Something to be eradicated... and they are specifically focusing on Christianity with thinly veiled references to other religions.

Now contemplate those comments in the light of the following:

One of the state-of-the-art treatments, and most expensive, is an implanted capsule – yes, that’s right, implanted. The capsule delivers medication into a child’s body without the child having to swallow a pill or the need for parental permission for dispensation.


Recently the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health established by GWB in 2002, released a report this year (2005) that 25% of Americans are mentally ill, and it begins in childhood, un-noticed until adulthood, getting worse and worse for decades.

here´s where to find the Executive order establishing that commission:



Mental Health Screening to be a requirement for the 2005/2006 school year.

Mental Health Screening Signals End Of Parental Rights

By Nancy Levant

The Sierra Times


In the 2005-2006 school year, all parents will receive written notice of new policies from your children´s schools. Many schools will ask you to sign permission slips, allowing school counselors or "advocates" to have conversations with your children. You will be told how your local schools are now involved in vision and dental screenings, learning disabilities and speech impediment screenings, and other acts of kindness, but watch for the small print or the extra little blurb, which states that your children will also be evaluated for emotional wellness. Watch for wording like "happiness indicators" or "family participation."

The fact is that our president has mandated that every American child, age 3 through 18, is federally ordered to be evaluated for mental health issues and to receive "enforced" treatment. Welcome to President Bush´s New Freedom Initiative and New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Welcome to life-long profiling and drug addictions, New Freedom-style.


The New Freedom Commission named the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) a model treatment plan. Medical algorithms are a flowchart-style treatment indicator. If you have A symptom and B symptom, take C medication. TMAP began with the University of Texas, big pharma, and the mental health and corrections system in Texas. The American Psychiatric Association concurs that TMAP is brilliant.


Our current President Bush appointed Lilly´s chief executive officer, Sidney Taurel, as a member of the Homeland Security Council. Eighty-two percent of Lilly´s $1.6 million in political contributions in 2000 went to Bush and the Republican Party. Do tell...

Texas Algorithm grossed over 4 billion dollars in 2003 and olanzapine is Eli Lilly´s top selling drug. A 2003 New York Times article by Gardiner Harris claims that 70 percent of olanzapine sales are paid for by government agencies, such as Medicare and Medicaid. And lo and behold, guess who is now able to bill Medicaid for health services? Public schools, of course, as they are now under the big pharma-political profits/pay-back umbrella once they adopt screening policies. Public schools can now be paid to screen and drug your kids.


But wait, there is more. The New Freedom Commission also calls for enforced treatment. That means that parents have no rights to refuse the treatment recommenced by TMAP and other drug dispensing corporate-bureaucratic apparatuses. And as the mental health bureaucracy is also involved in this financial game of insidious cruelty, parents and families are also to be investigated via the result of their children´s screenings in schools. In other words, schools are now the across-the board, or shall I say nation, diagnostic tool for big pharma and child control.

(end snip)

Read the entire article here. The original website where it was posted 4 days ago has been mysteriously shut down.



A heart where He alone has first place.

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Clio the original from The Sierra Times is back online now, I saw it myself.

This stuff is scary. It is even more scary for those of us who have family or loved ones (or ourselves) in need of legitimate psychiatric services, because we become eminently exploitable with those genuine needs.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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I'm glad to hear the Sierra Times is back up. It's worrisome when a site posts something like this and then suddenly disappears off the net.

There have been some other worrisome articles regarding mental health screening and treatment in the last few months. With the growing sentiment that Christianity is a mental disorder... how long before with Real ID, we become potential terrorists, labeled as that by our own countrymen, government, and medical establishment?

There is some degree of comfort knowing SDA's have been so active for so long in the medical field that it will be difficult to categorize us as such... but with growing public sentiment, and knowing what has to happen for Jesus to come... well.....

We see the beginnings of it in posts like these on the major internet sites...


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Keep in mind though that the Beast system is based in a counterfeit version of Christianity, so Christianity itself will probably never be outright classed as a mental disorder (despite the vitriol of atheists to that effect). More than likely it will be some particular form of religion which is classed that way, and it will involve something having to do with one's attitude toward human authority. Because the State is built upon the fiction of human authority, and its laws are enforced by human authority, those who believe (and live) "we ought to obey God rather than men" will probably be the ones targetted as "mentally ill". There already exists a supposed "disorder" called ODD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder. It basically refers to defiance of human authority, which as we know can stem from a number of reasons and not all of those negative. Human authority is the easiest thing to abuse on the face of planet earth! Not only that, but an intelligent young person can see clearly through the facade and realize when those in charge are no more competent than himself to guide, age and title notwithstanding.

Defiance of positive authority is, of course, a behavioral problem and a sin problem, but to make it out to be a form of mental illness in itself has dangerous overtones in my book. Too risky, too easy to abuse such designations and labels, too easy to turn them into contingencies for persecution of marginalized or "fringe" elements in society -- of which we are but one.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour or you will burn in hell for eternity.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

One does wonder how many nonbelievers have been turned off from Christianity be the false doctrine of eternal hell.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Christians en masse are not trying to deal with the environmental problems in the world, and consume, consume, consume while so many are in want.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Most Christians live in the third world are themselves in want.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Keep in mind though that the Beast system is based in a counterfeit version of Christianity

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

In Spanish we call it a mescla. That is a combination. Ellen White speaks of Prostant America reaching one hand accross the Atlantic to Catholism and the other hand accross the Pacific to spiritualism.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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