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I admit to not following the stories of Peter Goss. So I don't know him. [which will prolly change over the next few days] but in relation to Mr. Goss, why do you retorically ask " Is anyone cynical enough to think this'll work again?"? What do you mean by "this'll work again"...?

Yeah, I may be ignorant, but at least I ask the questions to remove that ignorance.... smile.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I was referring to the administration's creation of spurious links between Osama and Iraq as part of the leadup to the Iraq war, and wondering whether this is the first step in a build-up to war with Iran. Particularly as (partly due to Dubya's ill-considered comments) Iran has just had an election in which a hardliner did very well... I hope I'm wrong, but I remember the shift from Osama to Sadam: now we're hearing about Osama again, and Goss's comment was about clearing out barriers to allow the US to get him.

Truth is important

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I am amazed at how ignorant our leaders are with regard to the economic feasability of these wars. Are we insane to actually believe that the taxpayer can continue to foot the bill for these wars? Why doesnt Georgie ask Pope Benedict for some cash if he is going to be such close chums with him?


It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. {ST, February 19, 1894 par. 4}

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Shane said:

I have long thought that Osamma is in Iran. Where would you go if you were Osamma?

Shane when Abe Lincoln was gunned down our goverment were desperate to find John Serotte. His mother they took out and tied a rope around her neck with a few others. But John they could not find as he hid out in the harlot churches in Canada/Europe until he made it to Rome. There is where he joined the popes army. Not sure of the spelling of his name.

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There are, in the affairs of men, and moreso, those of govts -- costs that cannot be ignored, which accrue in decision(s) made, action(s) taken, and price to be paid; one of those troubling 'affairs', seemingly upon the horizon, is -- resource wars and that, which follows.

(the USofA is significantly without sufficient natural sources for most of the strategic metals needed to continue functioning as a 21st century nation -- they must be gotten/purchased elsewhere, --cost be dinked)

Actually, as a percentage of GDP or GNP, take your pick, the deficit for 2004 has been exceeded six times within the last quarter century -- four times by RR and twice by the senior Bush. Need I note that

monies generated by their policies… was a major contributing factor in enabling Clinton to ‘balance’ the budget, such as that was…

That said, however, --we’ve left the exigencies of the past quarter century --with very disturbing movements now occurring and in the offing, --which seem to promise HUGE dislocations for you and me.

If you’ve aught against a universal draft… prepare to send your kids to Canada, or elsewhere.

Fill your pantry.

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Has anyone read Vatican II? Why does one suppose Mel Gibson built his own church and petitioned for an 'orthodox' priest?

Example: A priest of the RC interceding for the congregation, at one time 'faced' the presence of Gd, as per OT instructions. Now, his back is to the altar whilst he faces the people...

Who's acceding to whom in this 'foretold' ecumenical stirring..?

Iran? a Ram... an offspring -- has two lamblike horns.

And, this time, should there be conflict, we oughta be able to rely upon help --from our Mideast 'allies'...

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

I was referring to the administration's creation of spurious links between Osama and Iraq

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

You must be referring to the Clinton Administrations creation. Or ABC News' creation.

1999 ABC report Osama-Hussein connections

There was a lot of circumstantial evidence that linked Saddam with Osama's Al Queda organization. You see how those of you against President Bush are selective with the information you choose to look at. You are guilty of the exact same thing you accuse him of.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane said:

You are guilty of the
exact same thing
you accuse him of.

Rubbish. Objectivity demands balance. Unbridled consideration is already given to the admin's point of view; that is why consideration is needed for the other point of view. If the admin took ALL into account, no balancing point would be needed. It has nothing to do with "doing the same thing" in some hypocritical sense. It has to do with representing the reality that the admin is overlooking, squelching, or otherwise dismissing.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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To clarify, the 'creation of spurious links' refers to the past couple of years, not 1999: the fact that, once the evidence was in and weighed, and the consensus was very strongly that there were no links (or at least any of any substance - maybe one meeting between one Al Qaeda flunky and one Iraqi flunky, with the potential that each was acting on his own initiative), Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld continued to loudly claim that there were strong links. On the contrary to your claim, Shane, the comment was based precisely *on* looking at the balance of all the evidence.

Truth is important

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Vice President Gore said, "The suffering inside Iraq can come to an end when Saddam Hussein's regime is replaced. And I hope - and most of thge world community hopes - that this regime based on terrorism and atrocities against his own people will be replaced. Over time, we hope to achieve that result."

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, Saddam offered Osama to base Al Queda out of Iraq but Osama believed the Taliban would make a better ally.

Let's look at the time line and relationship.

February 26, 1993 (two years to the day after Operation Desart Storm began) WTC us bombed. Romzi Yousef, the main peretrator, had connection with Iraqi intelligence. As did Mohammed Salameh, another conspirator.

April 14 1993 Ghazali and Assadi, two Iraqis working with the Iraqi Interigence Service, messed up their plot to assasinate former President Bush when they filled up their stolen Mercedes with the wrong type of fuel and were caught by the Kuwaiti police.

1993 Osama agreed not to support and anti-Saddam activities.

1994 Saddam and Osama shared an interest in an Al Queda-linked Algerian terrorist organization - Groupe Islamique Armé.

1994 Considerable sums of money were believed to be funneled to Groupe Islamique Armé by Saddam.

1995 Al Queda requested antiship limpet mines from Iraq.

1995 Abu Hajer went on an Al Qqeda mission to Iraq to discuss cooperation with the Iraqi government.

July 1996 Bin Laden meets with a top Iraqi explosives expert.

February 1998 Three seperate memos are sent from Iraqi Intelligence to Osama

February 1998 Al Queda's Ayman Zawahiri visits Bagdad, meets with Iraqi Intelligence and recieves $300,000 from them.

August 7, 1998 Al Queda stikes US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing 257.

August 27, 1998 "Babel" Uday Hussein's newspaper proclaims Osama an Islamic hero.

1999 Iraqi officials go to Afghanistan to meet with Osama.

February 1999 Saddam offers asylum to Osama

July 1999 Khalil Ibrahim Abdallah advises Saddam to distance himself from Osama.

October 12, 2000 Two Al queda operatives were sent to Iraq for training with the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

November 2001 Al Libi is captured by Pakistani forces and provide information about an Iraqi and Al Queda cooperation.

September 9, 2002 Islamic radicals from all over the Middle East met in Bagdad. Al Douri praised Saddam for being against the American state.

March 2003 US invades Iraq

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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