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Sen. Durbin Apologizes for Gitmo Remarks

Dr. Shane

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Sen. Durbin Apologizes for Gitmo Remarks

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Durbin said in his apology: "I made reference to Nazis, to Soviets, and other repressive regimes. Mr. President, I've come to understand that's a very poor choice of words."

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

So how did the radical left take over the Democrat party? I am hoping a moderate Democrat governor comes on the scene and takes the 2008 nomination. Please... let's not run another senator.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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So how did the radical left take over the Democrat party? I am hoping a moderate Democrat governor comes on the scene and takes the 2008 nomination. Please... let's not run another senator.

What strikes me wrong with this statement , Shane, is the words "radical left". They leap out of your paragraph screeaming those chicken Littles words "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"...

What makes you think that this senator's unfortunate words is from 'THE radical left" and not just an opertunistic Senator to capitalize on the misfortunes of the President's policies of Gitmo? [ BTW, there is some legitamcy to the claims that there are some problems with Gitmo. Just what those problems are, definately affect the US reputation, lowlife rep that we have. ]

Senator McCain has enbraced this Senator's appology and said something to the effect that all the US Senators have said something that they regreat and that it's time to move on...At least, from Senator's McCain point of view, Senator Durbin's remarks are something to move past and don't include a claim of "radical left"....And To be honest, I don't think anyone knows what "radical left" means,[least of all you, Mr. Far Right][i know, I know...YOU claim to be middle of the road, but I don't think you realize that most of us here perceive you as MR. Far Right, regardless of what YOU think] and how that applys to a misuse of words is just plain ..for lack of proper wording...spin...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

What strikes me wrong with this statement , Shane, is the words "radical left". They leap out of your paragraph screeaming those chicken Littles words "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"...

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

The sky isn't falling unless you consider the Democrat party to be the sky... which I don't.

I admit Senator Durbin isn’t as radical as his rhetoric however he certainly is closer to the far left than he is to the middle. His comments came at a bad time when Howard Dean is blabbling all kinds of goofiness. Thus many lump him in with the Howard Dean extreame. Here is where he stands:

Bill S3 10/21/2003 Durbin voted against partial birth abortion ban (moderates favor the ban)

Bill S 625 6/11/2002 Durbin voted to include homosexuals as a protected class for hate crimes

HJ Res 114 10/11/2002 Durbin voted against use of force against Iraq. (That is to the left of Kerry)

Following shows how interest groups ranked Durbin:

2004: National Abortion League 100%

2004: National Taxpayers Union 8%

2004: Small Business Survival Committee 20%

2004: Associated Builders & Contractors 0%

2004: National Small Business Association 0%

2004: American Civil Liberties Union 89%

2004: NAACP 100%

2003: Citizens Against Government Waste 8%

2004: Gun Owners of America 10%

2003: League of Private Property Voters 11%

2004: Federation of Immigration Reform 0%

2004: AFL-CIO 92%

2004 American Bar Association 100% (lawyers not alcohol)

2004: Center for Security Policy 17%

2004: Vietnam Veterans of America 0%

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

YOU claim to be middle of the road, but I don't think you realize that most of us here perceive you as MR. Far Right, regardless of what YOU think] and how that applys to a misuse of words is just plain ..for lack of proper wording...spin...

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Why is it that you want to turn the debate on me? And why do you insist on implying I am a liar? And how is it that you think you can speak for most of C/A?

I can't think of one issue where I agree with the extreame right - not education, not abortion, not environment, not healthcare, not taxes, not gun control, etc. If you are going to make such judgements of me perhaps you ought to support such judgements.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Didn't Stan put a muzzle on all this [censored] for a month? Did anyone muzzled learn anything??? Sheesh.

I liked this forum a LOT better that month -- when one could read about events and ideas without all the partisan bickering and insulting references to one's dexterity.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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  • Moderators

Just a quick one: I think Durbin needs a schmack upside the head for *again* giving the Repubs a way out. First Newsweek (?) screws up the story of Quran abuse, which obscures the facts of real Quran abuse, then Durbin makes his stupid comment which allows outrage about his stupid comment to obscure the real and important debate about the very real human rights abuse at/of Guantanamo. Just as well I don't believe in conspiracy theory...

Truth is important

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I agree -- unfortunately since finding out conspiracy doesn't have to involve anything more exotic or esoteric than a couple fatcats stroking one another's backs, I find it difficult to swiftly dismiss "those kind of thoughts" as merely flakey conspiracy theory ... tongue.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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I admit Senator Durbin isn’t as radical as his rhetoric however he certainly is closer to the far left than he is to the middle.

Then why do you characterise him so extreemly? Isn't this a form of lying, and thus a breaking of the 10 Commandments? How can you do this??? The bible says to "do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" and yet, you post this guy as an extreeme or to use your words "radical" left. This mischaracterization is just plain wrong.


Why is it that you want to turn the debate on me? And why do you insist on implying I am a liar? And how is it that you think you can speak for most of C/A?

Because the bible says to bear witness of others in a truthful mannor. You have not. You push the those who have new ideas into the extreems, you shove those who might be a bit left, into the far left catagory, and you characterize those who are just left of you into the radical left. This is not being truthful, but rather manipulative of others viewpoints. Isn't there some way for you to reword what you want to say without using mischaracterizations to get your point accross?

I can say this because [if we take away all my complaints ] we STILL have posts from others here who have complained about your views, and rather strongly also. I am only giving a louder voice to those former posts in the attempt to bring it home to you.

I think that you have taken into your soul, the language of the neo-conservative when you do not mean to be neo-conservative. Does that make any sense, here? [i am attempting to think better of you, Shane.]

I am asking that you quit mischaracterizing people. Please?

Pretty please? Please with sugar on top? [On second thought, I will keep my 'sugar'] smirk.gif

And Nico, please be patient...some of this is still a work in progress... At least, to this optimist... mittelgr124.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Neil D said:

And Nico, please be patient...some of this is still a work in progress... At least, to this optimist...

I couldn't remember if you were one of those "muzzled" or not, but I'm glad, if you were, you didn't take offense at my post. I was concerned about that since it was so blunt.

Cheers! mittelgr124.gif


"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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The level of personal attack on my characher has gotten a little too high for my comfort zone on this thread so I think I will bow out of it at this time.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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