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Christopher Dorner's "Manifesto"


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The police and Navy began to have real questions about him-- especially about his ability to control himself-- when he jumped into the back of a van and tried to strangle a fellow police officer for using the n----- word. We don't approve of the use of that language, but the fact that he would react that way showed a lack of judgment and self-control.

OK, than my question would be if all that was determined, than again another person goes under the radar and is able to carry a weapon?


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Yes, the episode as far as ending Dorner's killing spree is over, but now we are still dealing with the terrible results.

Here's a link to the tragic story of the local detective that was killed in the shoot-out in the mountains:


I believe he died at Loma Linda University Medical Center, at least that is where they were taking the two policemen who got shot.

Our hearts go out to his wife and his two young children.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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OK, than my question would be if all that was determined, than again another person goes under the radar and is able to carry a weapon?

Yes, and can you believe it-- he favored gun control, yet he purchased many weapons and then blamed the government for allowing him to get them.

He said,

All the firearms utilized in my activities are registered to me and were legally purchased at gun stores and private party transfers. All concealable weapons (pistols) were also legally register in my name at police stations or FFL's. Unfortunately, are you aware that I obtained class III weapons (suppressors) without a background check thru NICS or DROS completely LEGALLY several times? I was able to use a trust account that I created on quicken will maker and a $10 notary charge at a mailbox etc. to obtain them legally. Granted, I am not a felon, nor have a DV misdemeanor conviction or active TRO against me on a NCIC file. I can buy any firearm I want, but should I be able to purchase these class III weapons (SBR's, and suppressors) without a background check and just a $10 notary signature on a quicken will maker program? The answer is NO.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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They are looking for him now in the San Bernardino forest near Big Bear, which is not very far from Loma Linda. They found his truck yesterday on fire up in the woods, and they tracked him until they lost the tracks on frozen ground. He shot and killed a police officer in his patrol car while stopped at a red light only a few blocks from where Stan and several of us met to have dinner at the Riverside Spaghetti Factory about a year ago. He's basically declared war on all the police and their families.

We need to pray that he will be convicted of his wrongs and turn himself in instead of murdering more people. Otherwise there could be a blood-bath.


Now that it is over - it is interesting that his "manifesto" contains identification of real problems in the LAPD - real sin - at the same time his likes and dislikes express his own DNA-attachment to sin and sin's values as well.

Satan has a wonderful kingdom where sinners love the world, the things in the world, and then point to each other as the "real" bad guy. His system self-implodes into more sin.

I suppose he knows that by now - so when this world is fully handed over to Satan - he will first have to insist on his own fear-style method of order or the whole thing will just melt down right in front of him (even faster).

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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For all the issues he brought up in his "manifesto", some are quite valid. I could concede his point.

All that went down the drain when he put bullets into two people who didn't have a thing to do with his grievances.

When he put bullets into sheriff's deputies in fleeing for the first offenses, he guaranteed his ticket was going to get punched, so to speak - as an LEO, he knew what was going to happen once he shot another LEO.

Tragic. I usually can find a blessing somewhere in a bad event....but somehow I can't see that here.

"As iron sharpens iron, so also does one man sharpen another" - Proverbs 27:17

"The offense of the cross is that the cross is a confession of human frailty and sin and of inability to do any good thing. To take the cross of Christ means to depend solely on Him for everything, and this is the abasement of all human pride. Men love to fancy themselves independent. But let the cross be preached, let it be made known that in man dwells no good thing and that all must be received as a gift, and straightway someone is offended." Ellet J. Waggoner, The Glad Tidings

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway" - John Wayne

"The person who pays an ounce of principle for a pound of popularity gets badly cheated" - Ronald Reagan

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SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — Fugitive ex-cop Christopher Dorner killed himself as the cabin he was barricaded inside caught fire following a shootout with officers, police revealed Friday while also confirming he spent most of his time on the run in a condominium just steps away from the command center set up to find him.

"The information that we have right now seems to indicate that the wound that took Christopher Dorner's life was self-inflicted," sheriff's Capt. Kevin Lacy told reporters at a news conference.

Authorities initially were unsure whether Dorner killed himself, had been struck by a deputy's bullet or had died in a fire that engulfed the cabin during the shootout.

The search for Dorner began last week after authorities said he had launched a deadly revenge campaign against the Los Angeles Police Department for his firing, warning in a manifesto posted on Facebook that he would bring "warfare" to LAPD officers and their families.

Within days he had killed four people, including two police officers.

He killed the daughter of a former LAPD captain and her fiance Feb. 3 and later a Riverside police officer he ambushed at a traffic light before disappearing into the San Bernardino National Forest near Big Bear Lake where his burned-out truck was found last week.

From there he eluded a huge manhunt for several days until Karen and Jim Reynolds found him inside their cabin-style condo within 100 yards of a command post for the manhunt when they arrived Tuesday to ready it for vacationers.

Dorner, who at the time was being sought for three killings, confronted the couple with a drawn gun, "jumped out and hollered 'stay calm,'" Jim Reynolds said at a news conference.

His wife screamed and ran, but Dorner caught her, Reynolds said. The couple said they were taken to a bedroom where Dorner ordered them to lie on a bed and then on the floor. Dorner bound their arms and legs with plastic ties, gagged them with towels and covered their heads with pillowcases.

"I really thought it could be the end," Karen Reynolds said.

The couple believed Dorner had been staying in the cabin at least since Feb. 8, the day after his burned truck was found nearby. Dorner told them he had been watching them by day from inside the cabin as they did work outside. The couple, who live nearby, only entered the unit Tuesday.

"He said we are very hard workers," Karen Reynolds said.

After Dorner fled in their purple Nissan Rogue, Karen Reynolds managed to call 911 from a cellphone on the coffee table.

Police have not commented on the Reynoldses' account. But the notion of him holed up just across the street from the command post was shocking to many, though not totally surprising to some experts familiar with the complications of such a manhunt.

"Chilling. That's the only word I could use for that," said Ed Tatosian, a retired SWAT commander for the Sacramento Police Department. "It's not an unfathomable oversight. We're human. It happens."

Law enforcement officers, who had gathered outside daily for briefings, were stunned by the revelation. One official later looking on Google Earth exclaimed that he'd parked right across the street from the Reynoldses' cabin each day.

Timothy Clemente, a retired FBI SWAT team leader who was part of the search for Atlanta Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph, said searchers had to work methodically. When there's a hot pursuit, they can run after a suspect into a building. But in a manhunt, the search has to slow down and police have to have a reason to enter a building.

"You can't just kick in every door," he said.


Source: http://news.yahoo.com/sheriff-ex-cop-dorner-died-gunshot-head-002036150.html

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Dorner Carjack Victim Near Big Bear: 'I'm No Hero, But I Earned the Reward'

Rick Heltebrake is the manager and caretaker for Boy Scouts Camp Tahquitz on the 38 near Glass Road, and he is one of the last people to speak to multimurder suspect Christopher Dorner and see him alive.

By Guy McCarthy

6:58 pm

State Route 38 starts in Redlands and it winds more than 50 miles into the San Bernardino Mountains to Big Bear City.

It's not clear what road fugitive multimurder suspect Christopher Dorner took to get to Big Bear Lake on Feb. 7, after allegedly killing a Riverside police officer and wounding another. But he drove down the 38 on Feb. 12 to get to the area of Glass Road and Seven Oaks Road where he allegedly killed a Yucaipa detective and died in a burned-out cabin.

Dorner carjack victim Rick Heltebrake is the manager and caretaker for Boy Scouts Camp Tahquitz on the 38 near Glass Road, and he is one of the last people to speak to Dorner and see him alive.

His phone call alerting authorities of Dorner's presence also triggered one of the largest law enforcement responses ever seen in the San Bernardino Mountains, as well as the sequence of events that ended with Dorner's death.

Heltebrake has spoken to numerous news outlets since his face-to-face meeting with Dorner, including Long Beach Patch. When Heltebrake spoke to Redlands-Loma Linda Patch on Saturday, it was his first interview since the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department disclosure Friday afternoon of new details about Dorner's final shootout.

Camp Tahquitz is owned by the Boy Scouts Long Beach Area Council, who describe the property as one square mile of "pristine forest land in the Barton Flats area of the San Bernardino Mountains." It's about six miles east of Angelus Oaks and 25 miles from Redlands.

Heltebrake, 61, says his job title at Camp Tahquitz is ranger.

'Just Had Lunch at the Oaks'

"I'm basically the manager," he said Saturday morning at Camp Tahquitz. "I take care of it year round. Going on four years. I'm from Long Beach area, but before I came here I was living in Big Bear for about 17 years. I'm a mountain guy."

According to law enforcement accounts, Dorner had been hiding in a condo he found unlocked near the sheriff's command post in Big Bear Lake, and when the owners, Jim and Karen Reynolds, checked the condo Tuesday, he tied them up and stole their car.

It's about 30 miles from Big Bear Lake to Camp Tahquitz, most of it on the 38.

Heltebrake knew all about Dorner from five days of wall-to-wall news coverage, but he didn't know about the fugitive's sudden emergence from hiding when he took his Dalmation Suni with him to check some Camp Tahquitz property on Glass Road.

"I just had lunch up at the Oaks Restaurant in Angelus Oaks," Heltebrake said. "Kind of ironic, the topic of conversation during lunch with the server there was that things had kind of wound down and appeared to be back to normal.

"Everybody seemed to be thinking that the threat was pretty much gone," Heltebrake said. "Although the official word from the Sheriff's Department was there was no confirmation that Mr. Dorner was out of the area, so we still had that in the back of our minds.

"So I basically finished lunch, came down the highway, and went down Glass Road, which is kind of routine, just to check down the area as part of my duties" Heltebrake said. "There's quite a bit of camp property on the downhill side, and that's why I go down Glass Road, to check it out.

'A Rifle Aimed at My Head'

"On my way back up Glass Road coming around a right hand curve I ran into Mr. Dorner," Heltebrake said. "I saw some movement, off to the left in the snow by the trees, and saw Mr. Dorner coming out of the trees with a rifle aimed at my head, and I saw a crashed car behind him.

"He came towards the driver side window of my truck, I heard him say 'I don't want to hurt you, just get out and start walking and take your dog.'

"That's what we did."

Asked what Dorner was wearing, Heltebrake said, "He was all military camouflage, ballistic vest with some pockets in the front that were of something, I couldn't tell what they were but, you know, he was dressed for business, he was looking to do some damage, it was clear, and he looked like he was ready for it. . . .

"I had just gone past that spot not more than maybe five minutes before that, and he had obviously just crashed that car into the snow bank," Heltebrake said. "Looked like he didn't make the turn, and I'm guessing he'd just got out of the car and I just happened to be coming and he had a gun in his hand, saw his opporunity for another getaway vehicle, and I gave it to him. . . .

"He was calm. I was calm. It was all just kind of happening quickly. I was clearly not one of his targets, and he just needed a vehicle and I gave him a truck."

'Just Start Walking'

Heltebrake said Dorner appeared to be carrying one rifle.

"That's all I saw, I don't know if there was a handgun," Heltebrake said. "I found out yesterday that there was a handgun found at that location later. I don't know what else he had."

Asked about the rifle Dorner pointed at him, Heltebrake said, "Well it was big. I was looking at it kind of down the barrel. I didn't really see it from the side, so I didn't really know what it looked like.

"There might have been some other weapons he left in my truck, I don't know," Heltebrake said. "Apparently he had more than one. I haven't got my truck back yet. I haven't seen it. I have talked to the detectives about it, but you know he might have grabbed some weapons out of that crashed vehicle and thrown them into my truck, and there could have been more in there. I don't know."

When Dorner first approached Heltebrake in his silver 2008 Dodge Ram, Suni was sitting in the passenger seat and apparently did not feel threatened, Heltebrake said.

"Suni just sat there," Heltebrake said. "She was in the passenger seat, curled up. He looked at her and she looked at him and that was that. She didn't bark or growl. She doesn't do that when I'm there, unless there's a need to. . . .

"I asked if I could take the leash and he said, 'No, just start walking.'

'Word Got Out Real Quick'

Heltebrake's cell got reception as he walked and he called law enforcement.

"I called a local deputy who lives in the area. He's the one that patrols this area for San Bernardino County. And pretty much he's 9-1-1. We just call him directly. . . .

"When I got to the highway, I got a ride from a friend at another camp," Heltebrake said. "We went east on the highway and I was going to take a road that goes around the back but when we got to that road the CHP already had a road block up there.

"So the word was out," Heltebrake said. "Got out real quick. And not long after that, pretty much the world was coming up from Big Bear, probably. I know they were coming from both directions. So by the time I got back to my camp, there was probably 200 cop cars here. And they had set up a command post, and this is where they were for a while."

Asked about the first two deputies who confronted Dorner at the cabin on Seven Oaks Road below Glass Road, Heltebrake said, "I don't know if they were down there already or if they were one of the ones that responded."

'I'm No Hero'

Heltebrake said he does not consider himself a hero. But he still wants half the $1 million reward money that was announced Feb. 10 by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, in conjunction with other agencies and private donors.

"The one thing I'd like to put out there is I was pretty much inundated on Facebook and emails about being a hero and stuff.

"The main focus is, the real story is these law enforcement officers are the heroes. I just want to be clear about that. They're out there doing this all the time. Yeah, I was doing my job, they were out doing their job. Clearly I wasn't one of Mr. Dorner's targets. Unfortunately he found some of his targets later on down that road and one of them didn't make it.

"The next day we were watching the funeral of the Riverside officer, and now we still have to deal with the funeral of the San Bernardino deputy, so that's the real story, and I just want to be clear on who the real heroes are."

'They Made a Big Deal Putting Up the Reward'

Asked about the reward money, Heltebrake said, "That's a controversial subject.

"That's the story now. And I want to be out there with it. And by the way I appear to be the only one out there fighting for this. But I'm going to keep fighting for it.

"I believe I deserve it, or at least a portion of it," Heltebrake said. "I believe it was my phone call that put an end directly to the biggest manhunt in California history, and also by the way, put an end to all the money they were spending on that manhunt.

"They made a big deal about putting up this reward," Heltebrake said. "Now they appear to be trying to back out of it on a technicality, regarding capture and conviction. Nobody ever believed that Mr. Dorner would ever be captured, so I don't know why they put that in there. I have my theories but I don't want to get into it right now.

"They need to do the right thing," Heltebrake said. "That money came from corporate donors, it wasn't taxpayer money, it was private people."

Asked about the Reynolds couple, who were tied up by Dorner but managed to call police, Heltebrake said, "We're going to put our claims in and see where it goes. They started the ball rolling that day.

"Only one of those two people made the call, so a 50-50 split would be fair. I don't think it would be fair to split it three ways but I'd be good with 50-50. We'll put the claims in and see where it goes."

Workers early Saturday Feb. 16 placed fence around the burned cabin on Seven Oaks Road where Dorner allegedly shot and killed a deputy, wounded another, and apparently shot himself in the head when SWAT deputies deployed pyrotechnic gas that set the structure afire with him inside.

San Bernardino County sheriff's officials called the move a last resort to get Dorner to surrender. Dorner's charred remains were located in a basement area of the cabin, Sgt. Trevis Newport of the sheriff's Homicide Division said Friday at a news conference.

Authorities believe Dorner, who was fired by the Los Angeles Police Department in 2009, is accountable for four killings in the space of ten days: a former LAPD captain's daughter and her fiancé in Irvine on Feb. 3, Riverside police Officer Michael Crain on Feb. 7, and San Bernardino County sheriff's Detective Jeremiah MacKay on Feb. 12.

Crain was a Redlands High School graduate, a student at Crafton Hills College in Yucaipa, and a Beaumont resident. MacKay worked in the Big Bear area and Yucaipa, and he was a resident of Redlands. Both men leave behind wives and young children.

Source and photograph:


John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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