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LAPD Manhunt: Some Cheer on Fugitive Dorner

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LAPD Manhunt: Some Cheer on Fugitive Christopher Dorner with anti-cop, gun control, race agendas

Lisa Brenner | February 8th, 2013, 5:25pm

Christopher Jordan Dorner

Irvine Police Department

Christopher Jordan Dorner

Please note: We are offering this post as a window into a corner of the Internet where support for fugitive Christopher Dorner has found traction. Some readers may find the material presented here to be offensive, so be forewarned. We are posting this to note that this is taking place, not to endorse or encourage it.


America's history is sepia-soaked with outlaws who have engendered popular support. In keeping with this difficult-to-deconstruct phenomenon, a number of social media corners are cheering on suspected murderer Christopher Dorner while authorities are still trying to track him down.

The ex-LAPD officer and former Navy reservist who posted a 14-page "manifesto" detailing his plans for a revenge-fueled rampage across California is still at large, with the search expanding into other regions.

He is a suspect in the shooting deaths of three people, including a member of Riverside PD, and the daughter of Dorner's former lawyer.

None of this has dissuaded a group of ardent supporters who back Dorner for a variety of reasons. #GoDornerGo, #WeAreAllChrisDorner and other hashtags have been gaining momentum on Twitter. Some supporters appear to be motivated by personal issues; others express anti-hero worship and fugitive fandom to push specific agendas.

Dorner was fired from the LAPD after being accused of making a false statement in reporting that a fellow officer improperly kicked a suspect. According to Dorner's manifesto, he wants to clear his name — one he says that a dangerously corrupt LAPD is responsible for ruining. (The truth of Dorner's allegations are subject to dispute.)

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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