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Ron Paul wants UN to help him Confiscate

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Ron Paul wants United Nations to help him Confiscate Web Domains from the Owners

By Angel Clark

February, 9 2013

Dr. Ron Paul, the recently retired politician from Texas, has been considered to be the leader of the libertarian movement by many around the country. His limited government and sound monetary policies resonated with many, especially those who had never heard such a message before. Many libertarians have fought over where they stand on intellectual property. It is now quite obvious as to how Ron Paul feels about intellectual property rights. On Friday, Dr. Ron Paul filed an international UDRP complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a part of the United Nations (UN), over the domains RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org. Fans of Dr. Ron Paul currently own the domains RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org. The complaint states that the agency is to take the two domain names from Ron Paul’s supporters without compensation and give those domains to the recently retired doctor. Dr. Paul had been a noted advocate of the United States leaving the UN in the past.

Dr. Paul had made an appearance on the Alex Jones show. While on the show, Dr. Paul had stated he regretted not owning RonPaul.com. The owners of the two domains had offered to give Dr. Paul the domain RonPaul.org after that appearance, free of charge, something most capitalists would hesitate to do. The domain owners shared the following:

We have 20 days to prepare a response and we are tentatively looking for a lawyer to represent us in this case.

Hopefully it won’t have to come to that!

What in the world is going on? Ron Paul, the grassroots candidate, who was at the right place at the right time to lead the rEVOLution, attacks his own grassroots supporters through an agency of the United Nations?

Back in 2007 we put our lives on hold for you, Ron, and we invested 5 years (close to 10,000 hours) of tears, sweat and hard work into this site at great personal sacrifice. We helped raise millions of dollars for you, we spread your message of liberty as far and wide as we possibly could, and we went out of our way to defend you against the unjustified attacks by your opponents. Now that your campaigns are over and you no longer need us, you want to take it all away?

READ MORE: http://www.examiner.com/article/ron-paul-files-complaint-with-un-to-get-...

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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