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Prayer request for my brother


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Please keep my brother in prayer this weekend. While I would not have made the same choice, he will be going with a co-worker this morning (it's 12:45am presently) on a deep sea fishing trip to the gulf coast of Florida. Some IT company that has dealings with his office had a client back out at the last moment so they called his IT guy who in turn, ask if my brother wanted to tag along. The only thing it's costing them is the gas and wear/tear on the car. Everything else is free (hotel, fishing whatevers, etc.). They drive down Saturday, fish on Sunday and drive back to Tennessee on Sunday night.

Maybe it's just me feeling sleep deprived but I cannot shake this "feeling". I simply refuse to call it a bad feeling but at the same time, I can't take it for granted. I even called him this morning on the way into work to ask why he was going and he thought it would be a once in a lifetime experience. True, but I find it rather amusing that he's even interested since I could count on 1 hand the number of times he's been fishing! smirk.gif Now if this were a golfing trip, I would understand because he is a golf nut.

Would you please join me in praying for my younger brother John? Thanks everyone!



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