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Continued prayer for child's vision problems


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Since the original thread was lost, I'll quickly update. My friend's daughter, age 8, is going blind. They have been to numerous doctors, and finally had their appointment with "the best pediatric opthamologist in the US" at University of Michigan. Here is her general letter I just received:


Today Valerie had an appointment at University of Michigan trying to solve why she has lost vision in her left eye. We know now for sure:

1) she has drusens (essentially calcium deposits in the optic nerve) in both eyes

2) she has scarring on the left retina near the macula which has caused the central vision loss

3) we aren't sure what caused the scarring; but we do know it isn't vascular in nature

4) she will continue being monitored every 4-6 months by a local ophthalmologist

5) right now she is stabilized with mild-moderate improvement in clarity of peripheral vision; central vision is totally gone and no hope of recovery

6) there is a laser surgery option if the vision loss does increase; but at this point it would do more damage than good.

For now we are in a holding pattern; with regular check ups for monitoring purposes. We are so appreciative of the tremendous love and support through your prayers; and request that this continues!!!

Thanks so much

(Reggie &) Susan

Continue to keep the family in your prayers. They have been appreciative of the prayers they have received from around the world, including those from this forum. Very touched that people who didn't know Valerie would pray for her.


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