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Who likes fun? Please 'raise your hand'!

Neil D

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If you post here, claiming that you like fun, please tell us what you think is fun.....and if you like posting, please tell us that also....

For me, nothing is sweeter than eating one's own honey...

Now that I have posted that, I will let you figger out what I meant....

So there's three [and, in valid measure, possibly 4 things in those sentences] things that I like....Can you name them?

[as to the reason why I posted this, well, it occured to me that if you look over the subjects in Townhall, there ain't much fun stuff to post on...The result is this small post.]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I like fun. I think it is fun to take pictures. Play games on my computer and read lot of kinds of books.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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Now that I have posted that, I will let you figger out what I meant....

Is that like the old joke...

Why do bees get mad when you invade their hive?

You would too if someone stole your honey and nectar!

Anyway...... tongue1.gif

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I love having fun. My definition has changed somewhat over the years.

Years ago it was dancing on the tables at the Base club. Now it is discovering an ancestor I have been searching for, for several years.

I love solving mysteries. Seeing where they traveled during what ever years and where they were from. Fun is discovering your relative lives 5 miles away.

Fun is enjoying the sunshine and seeing your children grow up and get out on their own. Love is fun. My grandchildren are fun. Breathing is sheer joy! Everyday I see a new day I rejoice the Lord has blesses me with one more day to live life more abundantly.

Fun is reading posts on CA. Sometimes posting on CA is fun.

And, Neil, sometimes you are even fun! mittelgr124.gif

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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Fun? I have a HUGE list. I can't remember everything on it at the moment.

Having fun is something like happiness. Persons who have the most fun are those who have an expectation of fun. It's largely an attitude, just as happiness is an attitude. I see the difference in my students all the time. There's Elijah, whose parents never get around to signing field trip permission slips, etc., and he has to stay in my room while the rest of his class gleefully board the school bus. He's never discouraged, but pops into my room with a big smile and says, "What are we going to do today?" He knows how to have fun. He has fun when he's doing school work, even though it's not his first choice.

Fun, for me, is creating things, being with friends, writing, walking on a cool breezy day, growing flowers, solving a sticky problem, seeing a student catch on to the mystery of reading, discovering possibilities, being a fixer upper, learning a new skill, mowing the lawn, pulling the weeds, living on my own schedule.

That's a little bit, for starters.



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I love learning. If I had the money and time I'd be a perpetual student. However, I'm enjoying brushing up my Mandarin before traveling back to the mainland.

It's also fun to work with students, though I have discovered that I have much more fun with them when I'm not the teacher in charge and can just "have fun" with them. Love that!

I don't love hiking, but am trying to "enjoy" it because the boys love it, and when we go with a whole group of friends we have a fun time.

Every time my DH and I have gotten lost on some HK highway, it's been frustrating but kind of fun--an adventure, anyway--"Can we find the right road to take us home?"


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

For me, nothing is sweeter than eating one's own honey...

Now that I have posted that, I will let you figger out what I meant....

So there's three [and, in valid measure, possibly 4 things in those sentences] things that I like....Can you name them?

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Let's see. . .

1. You have your own bees and harvest your own honey.

2. You like smooching with your honey.

3 & 4. Do your children count here?



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Travelling; visiting friends/family; playing X-box, Playstation and PC games; collecting seashells on the beach; hanging out with my son; great conversations with my honey; sharing jokes and funny comics; swimming; hiking; bowling; birding; going online; perusing real estate listings; building websites -- these are all things I consider fun. If I'm in the right mood even doing chores is fun -- but I have to be in the right mood. wink.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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1. You have your own bees and harvest your own honey.

2. You like smooching with your honey.

3 & 4. Do your children count here?

Hmmmmm....Well, I am not given to PDAs, but I will allow that answer, as it was the 4th one...And you got #1 &2, but you are missing #3.....And NO, children don't count, as they are cute, but not always sweet grin.gif ....Of COURSE that is a matter of one's own opinion, and in this case, MINE counts. smile.gif

So, you are still missing the obvious #3....Ponder it anew and I think you will figger it out.... tongue1.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Ponder? I don't ponder during the summer. School's out and I don't have to ponder until it starts again - July 6!



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Ponder? I don't ponder during the summer.

Well, that is mystifying. Surely, you discombobulate certain mysteries that invade your life. The inconclusiveness of this wordy conundrum is certain to befuddle teachers for a short time....like a summer vacation....:)


School's out and I don't have to ponder until it starts again - July 6!

You must be on the year round system...My wife is just getting started in her vacation....


Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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So what did I leave out? The fact that you eat the honey your bees make?

How is the honey flavor? We used to have bees. My honey would get all suited and netted up and get stung every time, no matter whether he handled the smoke or pulled the frames (it's a 2-person job, as you know). I never got stung, and I never suited up at all. And no, I did not dose up with garlic before these ventures. Our honey had a stronger flavor than I liked, so we left the bees behind on our next move.



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