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World Church: Adventist Meeting Votes to Affirm Bible; Spirit of Proph


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World Church: Adventist Meeting Votes to Affirm Bible; Spirit of Prophecy Resolution Tabled

July 1, 2005 St. Louis, Missouri, United States .... [Mark A. Kellner/ANN]

"The Scriptures constitute our supreme rule of faith and practice and the standard by which all teaching and experience is to be tested," according to a resolution on the Holy Bible voted by delegates to the 58th General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A vote on a second resolution, citing the importance of the writings of Ellen G. White, one of the church's founders, is anticipated on Sunday, July 3.

The Bible resolution came from an earlier Spirit of Prophecy measure that was adopted by the Adventist business session in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in 2000. At that time, Jurrien Den Hollander, an Adventist pastor from the Netherlands, reminded delegates of the primacy of the Bible in Adventist belief, and asked if a resolution affirming that could be presented.

The Bible resolution reads:

"As delegates to the 2005 General Conference Session in St Louis, Missouri, we reaffirm the centrality of the Scriptures in the message and life of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In them the beauty, love, and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ are revealed and offered to us as a gift of salvation through faith in His atoning sacrifice. Through them God reveals Himself to us, conveying an authentic expression of His character, a true conception of the nature of reality, a reliable record of His acts, a revelaton of His purpose and an expression of His loving will for us. The Scriptures constitute our supreme rule of faith and practice and the standard by which all teaching and experience is to be tested. Their divine origin invests them with an authority and a message that is relevant to and transcends all cultures and can satisfy our deepest needs.

"Given the unique nature and importance of the Scriptures and the manifold benefits their systematic study brings to the Church, we the delegates of the General Conference in Session appeal to all Seventh-day Adventist believers around the world to make intentional provision in their daily routine for regular, prayerful reading of the Scriptures. Moreover, because biblical truths are for the benefit of all, especially those who will come to Christ, we urge every believer to actively seek ways to share the message of th Scriptures with others in order to prepare the world for the soon coming of our Lord."

The resolution was passed on a show of voting cards among the delegates present. Discussion began on the Spirit of Prophecy resolution but was tabled to accommodate a second report from the Nominating committee, which led to the re-election of Pastors Matthew Bediako as world church secretary and Robert Lemon as treasurer for the world church.

"Source: Adventist News Network"

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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World Church: Spirit of Prophecy Resolution Voted, Points Church to Bible

July 3, 2005 St. Louis, Missouri, United States .... [Mark Kellner/ANN]

Delegates to the 58th General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted July 3 to approve a resolution acknowledging the writings of Ellen G. White, a pioneering founder of the church, as something that has "richly blessed" the movement and that continues to have an important role in nurturing the life of the church.

At the same time, a July 1 resolution on the Bible affirms the Scriptures "constitute our supreme rule of faith and practice and [are] the standard by which all teaching and experience is to be tested."

"We acknowledge that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been richly blessed by the Lord through the gift of prophecy manifested in the ministry and writings of Ellen G White," the statement, passed without floor discussion, reads. "Through it the Lord guided the development of the Church from a small number of members to a worldwide movement entrusted with the proclamation of a message of salvation in Christ and the hope of His soon return in glory. Her ministry has directly contributed to the preservation of the unity of the Church and has sustained it in difficult times. Her writings continue to be a most positive influence in the life of the Church, providing for it comfort, guidance, instruction, correction, and theological stimulus."

According to Dr. Gerhard Pfandl, associate director of the church's Biblical Research Institute, and who clarified for the delegates the document's purpose, noted the resolution, which has been a regular feature of several world church business sessions, reaffirms a fundamental belief of the church in the gift of prophecy. That belief states that gift "was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White."

Pfandl said that those questioning the role of end-time prophets in the church are confronted both by the Bible, which says the gift of prophecy will be active in the church, as well as the work of non-Adventist theologians who advance a similar position.

"Since the Bible itself predicted the gift of prophecy at the end of time, Adventists feel we are on solid biblical ground in accepting the ministry of Ellen G. White as a manifestation of [that] prophetic gift," he said.

"Many evangelical churches claim the same gift for their churches," Pfandl added. He noted that, in comparison, one non-Adventist theologian, evangelical scholar Wayne Grudem "has developed a theology to justify the manifestation of the prophetic gift in the church today."

The resolution, Pfandl added, is also "an expression of gratitude to God for the wonderful gift he has given this church" in Mrs. White's writings, as well as to encourage church members, especially young people, to make use of these writings in their study and devotional lives. It will also demonstrate that these writings, long cherished and studied by Adventists, are still considered relevant to the church today.

The resolution notes the study of Mrs. White's writings "will constantly lead the Church back to the Bible as the very foundation of faith and practice."

Dr. Angel Manuel Rodríguez, Biblical Research Institute director, said that for Adventist Christians, the "Bible is the fundamental ground of the Adventist faith and practice."

He added that the gift exercised by Ellen G. White "can enrich but not define our faith and practice."

Other delegates to the Session endorsed the resolution. Edward Motschiedler, secretary of the church's Columbia Union Conference, said "this resolution clarifies that [the Spirit of Prophecy] is something for the present and the future of our church."

Additional reporting by Angelika Grozdic

Resolution on the Spirit of Prophecy

VOTED, To approve the Resolution on the Spirit of Prophecy, which reads as follows:

Resolution on the Spirit of Prophecy

As delegates to the 2005 General Conference Session in St Louis, Missouri, we acknowledge that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been richly blessed by the Lord through the gift of prophecy manifested in the ministry and writings of Ellen G White. Through it the Lord guided the development of the Church from a small number of members to a worldwide movement entrusted with the proclamation of a message of salvation in Christ and the hope of His soon return in glory. Her ministry has directly contributed to the preservation of the unity of the Church and has sustained it in difficult times. Her writings continue to be a most positive influence in the life of the Church, providing for it comfort, guidance, instruction, correction, and theological stimulus. Their study will constantly lead the Church back to the Bible as the very foundation of faith and practice.

As delegates, we affirm the important role the writings of Ellen G White still play in nurturing the Adventist movement and in preserving the unity of the world Church. Consequently, we call upon Seventh-day Adventists throughout the world to prayerfully study her writings, in order to understand more fully God's purpose for His remnant people. We call upon church leaders at all administrative levels to plan and facilitate the promotion and study of the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy in their respective fields. We call upon our youth to acquaint themselves with the wealth of divine counsel found in these writings because it will greatly enrich their lives as they serve the Lord and fellow human beings.

58th General Conference Session, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, July 3, 2005.

Source: Adventist News Network

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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At least we can all agree that this is something good. Now we just need to throw out all our Rick Warren and Bill Hybels and truly return to the volumes of light. Is there a motion for that on the floor? Doubtful!

It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. {ST, February 19, 1894 par. 4}

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darlene said:

Now that is a very positive action!


Yes this is a postive statement!!! But I wonder which account where leadership is disregarding the bibical & the SOP counsel that they plan to repent of seldom following [the true blueprint] and SHOW the laity by THEIR actions the faith they expect all of us to have when a new shopping center is coming up out of the ground and in need of funds?

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Heh, so you're pretty happy and excited about this then, eh guys? <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Truth is important

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