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Obama White House: Vulgar and Abusive

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by John Ransom

Catball wrote: Can anybody out there tell me the difference between the tea party and the taliban. No this is not a joke. Seriously, the tea party wants to destroy the american government. The t-party crew walked into a church and killed a doctor because they like what he was doing. That was in Wichita,KS. The t-party does want to dismantle our government. They don't want women to have any rights. M. Bachmann said you should be submissive and do whatever they want you to do. They want rich white men & women to take over the country. They don't care if our kids have good schools and they hate unions because they give the money to people that need it. They believe blacks and mexicans should all be locked up. They think standing around holding their machine guns is cool while babbling about the bible. -

Sequester-Sized Government Waste Can Go First

Dear Comrade Catball,

The difference between the Taliban and the Tea Party is that the Tea Party believes in constitutional government as expressed in the United States Constitution. The Taliban believes in Sharia law as expressed in the Quran and Shunna, or the life of the prophet Muhammad.

The Tea Party supports your right to be let alone, the Taliban wants to make it a capital crime for you to fly a kite.

As to George Tiller’s death in Wichita, KS, I can’t find any material that supports your notion that Scott Roeder, the man who killed Tiller, was a Tea Party member. Instead, he is an avowed prolife activist who thinks that abortion is a crime. He got life in prison with no parole.

You seem to be arguing that Michele Bachmann, arguably one of the more influential women in the US- by virtue of her role in congress- is saying that women should be subordinate to men. I think her actions say otherwise. She did run for president after all...against a bunch of men.

I'm sorry. I had trouble typing that last line because I had to reload my semi-automatic weapon that I use to change the channels on cable TV.

The rest of your rant is too stupid to be addressed seriously.

Proverbs 26:28 “A lying tongue hates the truth and the malicious mouth works trouble.”

Who do you think you are? Ezra Klein?

DuaneUrban wrote: Hi John, how do we fix this mess we are in? - Sequester-Sized Government Waste Can Go First

Dear Comrade Urban,

If were running for office, I would propose:

1) Impose term limits on Congress.

2) Enact a single-subject rule in Congress to prevent pork barrel spending from being inserted into bills, say, on disaster relief.

3) Limit all legislation to 100 pages.

4) Enact a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.

5) Scrap the current tax code in favor of a flat tax or fair tax.

6) Allow no bills be introduced unless they qualified under the 10th Amendment as powers specifically reserved for the federal government.

Carl469 wrote: Lumping in Al Sharpton and John Boehner together as "liberals?" Maybe John Ransom qualifies as the idiot here. - Another Reason Ezra Klein is an Idiot

Dear Comrade 469,

John Boehner helped Obama get his tax increases through congress. If that doesn’t qualify as a liberal, Boehner sure did a pretty good imitation of it.

Here’s the thing: After campaigning for two years as dead-set against tax increases, it’s a little much for Boehner to change his mind within hours of the general election tally to decide that tax increases are OK.

The problem with party politics is that both parties really stand for the same things right now. Until the GOP offers more than just cosmetic differences, the conservative base won’t take them seriously.

DG wrote: I just learned Ezra Kein is not an economist. He has a BA in journalism. (Evidently with a minor in BS.) - Another Reason Ezra Klein is an Idiot

Dear DG,

Comment of the week, brother.

Bitobush wrote: Mr ignorance has spoken once again. Hate to break it to you Johnny, but the tsunami in Japan was a geological event not a weather event. While tsunamis can sometimes be caused by weather, the one in Japan was triggered by an earthquake. Get the facts straight, before we mistake you for just a big bag of wind. - Another Reason Ezra Klein is an Idiot

Dear Comrade Bitters,

Yeah. Score one for you. The sentence should say “natural disaster” rather than weather event.

The scoreboard reads: Ransom 5,847 to Bit’O 1.

That’s even worse than the Chicago Bears beating the Green Bay Packers 2-0 in 1938.

From PackersNews.com:

The Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears played in a downpour that kept scoring to a bare minimum at City Stadium on Sept. 18, 1938. The Bears won 2-0.

Packers quarterback Arnie Herber's failure to handle a low snap from punt formation led to Chicago's only score. The Bears got a safety after the Packers' Tom Jones fell on the ball in the end zone.

The Packers' Clarke Hinkle missed a 37-yard field goal three plays from the end of the game.

Congrats, Comrade Bito-Hinkle.

Laces out.

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