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Young People More Involved


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I spent this last weekend at GC. During the time there, I don't think I could count the times on all my fingers and toes put together that Jan Paulsen ( and others as well ) declared that "Young People" needed to be more involved in the church. ( By the way, this "young people" group is anyone under 30! )

In my not-so-humble opinion, "young people" shouldn't be more involved in church - they need to be starting new churches. They need to be running the churches. They need to have more than "some sense of ownership" - they need to be responsible for it. They need to be allowed to try new methods for reaching people of their own generation - and be allowed to fail and to learn. We are SO CAREFUL not to fail, but ironically, that is where so much learning can be found.

The church leadership needs to stop "talking about it", as Pres. Paulsen says over and over in his commercials. They need to open the gates, and then get out of the way so that the passion and the energy of these "Young People" isn't stifled and snuffed out.

What are your thoughts?


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