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Awesome Moments


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What are some of the moments of your life that simply blew you away for awesomeness?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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When God answered my prayers when I was 4 and when I was 29..

ok..now someone is going to get on my case because they think I only pray every 25 years....get a life!!!!!!

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I was going to say What He only answers a prayer every 25 years.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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We all have so many prayers answered (before and after we call), that we will be surprised, someday, to learn all the answers we've gotten without knowing at the time.



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When I saw a National Geographic map of the universe and saw that our tiny planet belonging to our solar system is but a tiny speck in God's universe, and yet He is very much interested not only in this tiny speck of a planet, but in every single one in it!


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The births of my two beautiful, wonderful daughters must be the most awesome moments of my life, in terms of peak experiences. But every day with Suzie, Cassie & Alex is pretty awesome.

Truth is important

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

LynnDel said:

We all have so many prayers answered (before and after we call), that we will be surprised, someday, to learn all the answers we've gotten without knowing at the time.


<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

So often i have heard, or thought myself, "Why could not God intervene just this ONCE" then it hit me, How many times has he done that? AND without appreciation too boot!!

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Gail said:

What are some of the moments of your life that simply blew you away for awesomeness?

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

As LynnDel indicated, we all have had so many prayers answered; many answered before we asked.

OTOH, last week when it seemed nothing else could occur to cause stress, insecurity and anxiety in my personal and professional life. Someone who was not even aware of all issues and without being asked, provided a very kind and gracious offer which could be an answer to many of my concerns.

It was an awesome moment which I am only now beginning to realize the full extent of possibilities.Something which was surely directed by the hand of God.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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A couple of months ago my car broke down 2 miles from our house. The plate bolting the transmission to the engine just came apart. I knew immediately pressing the gas pedal would not move the vehicle.

Now... I am on crutches, waiting until my husband's health stabilizes before I have some much, much needed surgery. There was no way I could walk from where I was. So instead of stopping, I said, "Jesus, you have to get me home. Please send me some help, cuz I can't walk from here."

I had just gone around a corner, slowing to about 15 miles an hour to make the turn, and had tried the accelerator and found the engine free-spinning. Right about that time, an angel showed up, and pushed my car with his finger. With both my feet flat on the floor, on a flat road, my car sped up to 40 miles an hour.

After a mile, I had to slow to about 5 miles an hour to make the next required turn. Again I put my feet flat on the floor and the angel pushed the car again with his finger... and we sped up again on a flat road to 35 miles an hour. Half a mile later, I had to come to a complete stop... and I did. Made my next turn with another little nudge from my angel, and we sped up again on flat road to about 20 miles an hour.

As we turned into my driveway, I asked the angel if he would mind allowing me to put the car in the most advantageous location for getting it into the garage. He nodded, and said, "We like to flex our muscles and be helpful occasionally."

So we pulled to a complete stop, I turned the wheels and made a three point turn, to face the car directly into the garage and breathed a prayer of thanks.

Then, I went in the house and told my husband about it... and one of his friend. The friend and my husband went outside, the friend tried to move the car, and couldn't, other than pushing it. My husband looked at his friend and said, "Just accept it. It happens to her all the time."

That was in March? April? maybe...

Must be April.

In March, Helper was sent to teach me about Passover Mercy and how Passover was instituted for the Hebrews as a literal example of a spiritual principle and how it is applied in our daily lives. I'm still learning the facets of that, and how it works, but it's a daily "AWESOME" as more ramifications of Passover Mercy are opened to my understanding.

That doesn't mean we necessarily observe Passover... it means we need to understand the principle of being covered by Jesus Blood and apply it in our daily lives.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Clio, that experience is truly awesome.

It's worth "bumping up" this thread.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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In the summer of 1982 I was sent to deliver a package to a pastor some distance away. On the way home I was just praying talking to God about my life in General as I approached five corners in La Sierra on La Sierra Avenue. I was in the left hand lane and was going about 40MPH and the light was green. Suddenly the car in the right lane decided to make a left turn across my lane cutting across my path. I was 50 feet from him. There was no way I could stop in time. To make matters worse the driver saw me and instead of speeding up to get out of the way panicked and stopped directly in my path. This was no time for indecision. confused.gif I slammed on the brakes and cranked the wheel to the left. The car just turned and slid sideways into the car as I speed through the intersection. I could see the four people in that little car now forever burned into my memory. An older white man gray balding driver and a younger white man with light brown hair in the back seat and the women on the passenger's side.

I braced for a collision when I heard a voice my head say.

"Take your foot off the brake and hit the accelerator." The voice was calm and firm yet kind with an urgency in the voice. Remember I was sliding towards the car sideways with the passenger side facing the car at this time. I let my foot off the brake and hit the accelerator and I shot forward down Pierce towards La Sierra University missing the car by inches.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed the younger man leaning over the drivers shoulder and giving the balding older driver an earful. I felt the younger man would say all I felt like telling that man at this time. So I drove on. I drove on home by a different route than I had intended.

I know my angel was there giving me driving instructions that day. It will be a day forever engrained in my memory. I prayed and thanked God and even thanked the angel out loud.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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JimBob7 said:

When God answered my prayers when I was 4 and when I was 29..

ok..now someone is going to get on my case because they think I only pray every 25 years....get a life!!!!!!

How about a different judgement call. God has only answered your prayers once in each quarter of a century. wink.gif It's no wonder your stuck on NFMTTS. grin.gifgrin.gif Now just relax. talk2hand.gif

[:"red"] "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" [/] 1 John 2:1 KJV

Lift Jesus up!!

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CyberGuy said:

I know my angel was there giving me driving instructions that day. It will be a day forever engrained in my memory. I prayed and thanked God and even thanked the angel out loud.

You can probably relate to this, Cyberguy.

When I and my family were taking a spin in the country some years ago, in a 1956 V/8 Buick Century?, we were in the foothills of a low lying mountainous area. The unpaved roadway was perfectly straight forward, but curving to a greater or lesser degree up and down. The V/8 was especially enjoyable to me as I was use to six cylinders in line in a Plymouth, so my foot was fairly heavy on the accelerator.

As we proceeded on the roadway, the kids in the back seat registered pleasure everytime we reached a high point and rapidly descended down the opposite side of the curve, therefore it seemed good to continue faster and faster to get the biggest thrill, something like a cheap rollercoaster ride. It wasn't even considered that the sharpest up and down curves allowed only, perhaps, 50 feet of vision at the peak of each curve.

But then it happened. We met with another car at the top of one of those peaks, probably closing at a combined speed of 90 to 100 miles per hour. I froze at the wheel, in the direction of a headon collision, impossible to avoid at the speed and distance we were approaching each other. The other driver must have seen us first as he dynamited his brakes, sending his car into a broadside on the gravel road, giving just a nano-second before we would T-bone.

No time for prayer. No time for last minute regrets. Just an awful moment of adrenaline rush, that didn't even allow time to envision the mangled bodies of numerous children and adults when the grinding of metal on metal would come to a rest.

The next moment? I was looking in the rearview mirror, viewing a man standing by the side of a car cross way in the middle of the road, scratching the top of his head, as we disappeared from his sight over the next curve.

Observations of the natural man: A coincidence? An unexplained phenomenon. A slipped cog of the mind.

But to the body of Christ, the hand of the loving God revealed in Jesus' life and death, which death was rightfully ours. Awesome indeed.

[:"red"]"And the Angel of the LORD said to him, "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?"

[/] Judges 13:18 AMP

[:"red"] "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." [/] Isaiah 9:6 KJV

[:"red"] "Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?" [/] Hebrews 1:14 AMP

Lift Jesus up!!

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