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Devient Behaviour


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Making medicine for our kid-sized "hospital" by putting fruit juice in little brown bottles and setting them in a row on a sunny window sill. In a few days that stuff was rank enough to taste suitably medicinal.

My wife declares this as "not deviant" as she has done this as well....Hmmmmmm....must be a common activity for future teachers.... either that or the resulting action from reading too many missionary stories at bedtime...grin.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Or maybe the result of having been a missionary. After all, not many young girls (age 4) have seen a circumcision performed. Of course, I didn't understand it at the time. It was just Daddy helping people. But later, having retained the visual memory, I knew what it was all about - all in very medical/Biblical terms. Nothing prurient existed in my mind. We played "doctor" a lot as kids, and I never knew until I was an adult why playing doctor was always snickered at. Our activities were always extremely clinical, more of the thumping the chest, checking the temperature and throat and ears sort of thing, but even having witnessed the miracle of birth first-hand as a young child, I was quite convinced for many years that the navel was the exit point for every young life.



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Bravus said:

I think it's practically *compulsory* for teachers to have a mis-spent youth.

Not true.

I am a teacher and I was a veritable paragon of virtue whilst a student...





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Planey said:


Bravus said:

I think it's practically *compulsory* for teachers to have a mis-spent youth.

Not true.

I am a teacher and I was a veritable paragon of virtue whilst a student...



Truely, a prime example of devient behavior, if ever there is was one.



Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I think it's practically *compulsory* for teachers to have a mis-spent youth.


Not true.

I am a teacher and I was a veritable paragon of virtue whilst a student...

I was a teacher as well, though I always swore I would NEVER be a teacher because I'd have to teach students who were like I was. I wasn't a bad KID but I was a distracting student.

One time a group of us in our much-hated English class (and what subject did I teach? You guessed it!) decided to fake out our gullible teacher. So we all stared silently at one of the ceiling tiles. Eventually, she couldn't even continue class because she was so concerned about what was on the ceiling.

Another time in my US History class, my assigned seat was in the back, next to the locked door that separated my classroom from the English room (again with the English class). A friend of mine was in English at the same time, and we used to slip messages under the door back and forth (usually about such inane topics as the daily Bloom County or something equally intellectual). Needless to say, when the next quarter's seating chart was made up, the group of us who were in the back corner (our own little Gang of Four) we were all allocated front row seats!

However, I don't know how "devient" of behavior that was. I was just bored stiff in school and had to do SOMETHING to alleviate the boredom! mittelgr124.gif


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In my high school home ec class I had a teacher who was just about ready for retirement. She was so "different" that us girls wrote a book about her (just for us to look at, you understand)

One time we put our arms inside our desks and tapped and rapped our fingers. She couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from and it wouldn't stop when she asked the class about it

Yes, I was involved, but I think that someone else got the blame

Another time one of the girls asked her to explain what darts are for

I know we did many things to that teacher... I finally got kicked out of class and my parents were called in. I thought I was in real trouble but they thought she was nuts as well. Whew!

I remember making green muffins there once...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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In my high school home ec class I....[snip]

I know we did many things to that teacher....[snip]

I remember making green muffins there once...

I know that telling people here is one thing, but family is totally different...Um...have you [ahem] confessed this to your 'high school daughter" yet???


Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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