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Man faints, dies after seeing epidural


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Man faints, dies after seeing epidural

Wife sues California hospital for wrongful death

July 8, 2005


LOS ANGELES - A California woman is suing a hospital for wrongful death because her husband fainted and suffered a fatal injury after helping delivery room staff give her a pain-killing injection.

Jeanette Passalaqua, 32, filed the suit against Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Southern California Permanente Medical Group Inc. in San Bernardino County state court last week.

In June 2004, Passalaqua’s husband, Steven Passalaqua, was asked by Kaiser staff to hold and steady his wife while an employee inserted an epidural needle into her back, court papers said.

The sight of the needle caused Steven Passalaqua, 33, to faint and he fell backward, striking his head on an aluminum cap molding at the base of the wall.

Jeanette Passalaqua delivered the couple’s second child, a boy, later that day. Steven Passalaqua, however, suffered a brain hemorrhage as a result of his fall and died two days later, the lawsuit said.

The suit seeks unspecified damages related to Steven Passalaqua’s death and to Jeanette Passalaqua’s emotional distress at being widowed with two young children.

Because Passalaqua was solicited by Kaiser to assist in the epidural, the lawsuit said, the hospital “owed him a duty to exercise reasonable care to prevent foreseeable injuries resulting from his participation.”

A spokesman for Oakland, California-based Kaiser Permanente called the death “a tragic accident.”

“Some of the allegations in the lawsuit are simply that --allegations. The legal process is under way and we should respect that,” said Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Amelia just curious whatever happened to Sabbath conversation in Adventist circles? Or are you in a time zone where the Sabbath hours are past where trivia items are dwelth upon?


MR No. 665 - Sabbath Conversation that God Blesses

The Sabbath is holy unto the Lord. Affectionate, personal, private conversation in regard to religious experience will be blessed of the Lord. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him" (Malachi 3:16-17).--Letter 8, 1898, p. 5. (To Sister Gotzian, February 14, 1898.)

White Estate Washington, D.C. October 30, 1978 {9MR 2.1}

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Ed White said:

Amelia just curious whatever happened to Sabbath conversation in Adventist circles? Or are you in a time zone where the Sabbath hours are past where trivia items are dwelth upon?


Trying to control everyone else's behavior to establish righteousness, has not been proven to be affective in the past, when wiser heads made the effort. It seems the best way to stifle the converstion disapproved of, would be to

refuse to take part in it, at least if one is willing to give the same freedoms Jesus gives to those who love Him.

[:"red"] "For one believeth that he may (discuss) all things: another, who is weak, (discusseth) herbs.

Let not him that (discusseth) despise him that (discusseth) not; and let not him which (discusseth) not judge him that (discusseth): for God hath received him.

Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. " [/] Rom 14:2-5 KJV Parenthesis mine LHC


Lift Jesus up!!

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At "Sat Jul 09 2005 01:24 PM", Ed wrote


Amelia just curious whatever happened to Sabbath conversation in Adventist circles? Or are you in a time zone where the Sabbath hours are past where trivia items are dwelth upon?

In other words, in the middle of the Sabbath day Ed deliberately came online, opened a thread entitled "Man faints, dies after seeing epidural", and commented on it.

The title very clearly and accurately covers the material in the post.

One can only assume, given how righteous Ed is, that he agrees that this conversation is worth having on the Sabbath.


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Re: " . . .are you in a time zone where the Sabbath hours are past where trivia items are dwelth upon?"

Ed, what business is it of yours?

One of the problems with may of the discussions here in CA is that some people are not willing to leave anything between the individual and God. God it ultimately the judge. We are not. Some here appear to sit in judgement upon others in manny issues of life. It is almost as if they feel that God has given them the responsibility to judge others.

Thanks be to God, that is not what the Bible teaches. It teaches that God is the judge.


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Gregory...but the words of an angel are still rining in my ears, are you telling me to ignore an angel of the Lord?


"I saw that the enemy is busy to destroy souls. Exaltation has come into the ranks; there must be more humility. There is too much of an independence of spirit indulged in among the messengers. This must be laid aside, and there must be a drawing together of the servants of God. There has been too much of a spirit to ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Said the angel: "Yea, thou art thy brother's keeper. Thou

shouldest have a watchful care for thy brother, be interested for his welfare, and cherish a kind, loving spirit toward him. Press together, press together."{1T 113.3}


"Life" your advice is well taken from someone that knows from experence that of which you speak.

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That almost happened to me early in my career. A child was brought to me having a fever & headache. In order to rule out meningitis, I had to do a spinal tap. My nurse was busy with something and so I asked the dad to hold the child. When the dad saw me inserting this long big needle into the child's back, he turned very pales & passed out. He hit his head quite hard on the linoleum-covered concrete floor. Fortunately, there was no serious injury.

Yes, accidents do happen. If you can keep tabs on this suit, I sure would like to know what the outcome of this suit is.


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