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Pranks ideas.....They seem to work...

Neil D

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Work in a office where there are several

cheapskates who always raid the fridge but forget to chip in?

Here are some good ideas for the midnight raiders.

1. Take a moist sponge and cover it with cake icing and put it

in the cake box. Very chewy.

2. Take some cold pizza, peel back the cheese and cover with

crushed red pepper, nuke it for about 30 seconds to re-melt

the cheese. The guy brushing his teeth or drinking massive

amounts of water is the culprit.

3. For a real nasty one, put some Epsom salts on some food,

wait about 15 minutes until the mark hits the toilet.

4. Put goldfish in the 5 gallon water cooler. Very relaxing

to look at too.

5. Put some garlic in someone's open soda can. Usually they

don't smell it until after they take a drink.

6. Put fake flies or ants in some ice-cream. To do this, nuke

it. When the ice-cream is soft hide the fake bugs, then


7. If you have an aluminum can crusher, fill a can about

1/3 with water and poke some small holes near the top. Leave

the can in the crusher. Someone will always be a nice guy and

crush the can.

8. Put a fresh egg in the microwave when someone is cooking,

then turn off the oven. When they look to see that it was

stopped, they almost always just restart the oven. The egg

will explode and create a big mess and stink.

9. When someone is using the BBQ grill turn off the gas. It

takes a while to figure out they have been messed with.

10. Put Tabasco in the ketchup holder.

11. Put salt in the sugar shaker.

12. Put sugar in the salt shaker.

13. Put chewing tobacco in the coffee before brewing.

Buy a tube of clear tooth-pain medication (like

Anbesol or Orajel, but store brands are cheaper and just as

effective.) Then get your mark's toothbrush, and apply a

line of this gel in-between the bristles. You can even do

this long before your mark is going to brush his/her teeth.

Toothpaste won't hurt it, and unless they vigorously clean

their brush before sticking it in their mouth, after they

brush their teeth, their whole mouth will feel numb! This

is especially effective if the mark has just bought a new

tube of toothpaste, because they will be sure that there is

something wrong with it.

Here's a great prank for a lady -- fill a nonaerosal

hairspray bottle with a solution of liquid starch slightly

diluted with water, just enough so that it will spray easily.

Makes her hair totally unmovable in a Category 3 Hurricane!

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Or the old nurses trick - substitute milk of magnesia for the milk in chocolate fudge or cookies. Guaranteed to give you a run for your money! (Especially good for putting scrounging docs in their place)!


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Sman, that truely is a low down mean nasty trick....I think I will use it on a couple of docs that I know that need a bit of humbling.....all day !cool.gif

Anyone else who feels the need to 'confess' and tell us how to use an unusual prank, ....or even a common one for that matter? Come on, fess up, you pranksters. Surely you can come up with something, eh?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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When passing out baseball caps - fill one with shaving cream - those little vent holes make the weirdest silly string - and the recipient is guarenteed not to remove their cap until they get home.


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Reminds me of the time when I was working NICU [Neonatal Intensive care unit for those uninitiated] where one of the RTs told the manager of the department [who was quite, um..innocent] that there was a phone call regarding the Bear Cubs that we had for neonatal respirators...The phone number was the number to the Boise Zoo keeper of the bears. These two guys talked for 10 minutes over each's 'bear cub' that they each had before they realized that they had been had....

It was an interesting conversation, I am told....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Make Holidays a time to remember for a not-so-favorite relative. Make a bunch of chocolate fudge (most families have a special receipt) but add Exlax.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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My pure mind was thinking along the line of tearing a piece of cloth when a full figured lady bent over to pick up her pen on the floor, but you people have kicked it up a notch and soiled my innocient thinking.

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Ed, you seem to have a fixation on full figured women. Very Interesting. ROFL

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Amelia said:

Ed, you seem to have a fixation on full figured women. Very Interesting. ROFL


Yes you are right, I try to be wise other than otherwise, so it was years ago that I realized that coming home from a ice hocky game with cold feet to a warm bed, I needed a large target in the small of her back to warm my feet. Hotwater bottles is not my style.

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This is humor? Arrrggh! It might be funny to read, but my definition of humor is when everybody is laughing. If any of these things (except for the cold feet) were tried on me, I'm afraid the perpetrator would be eternally pegged as "needs to grow up" in my book.

Running from Neil & SMAN,



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However, having said that, I must reveal something I did a few years back. Husband worked in the medical lab. It was April Fools' Day. I bought a wig and some new clothes. Slathered myself uncharacteristically with makeup and jewelry. Got myself a blank requisition for some lab tests. Named myself Sally Flowers. Went to the lab, got the rest of the crew in on the joke. Husband looked me straight in the eyes, made small talk, put on the tourniquet, fingered the vein, readied the needle. Didn't recognize me. I pulled out a huge syringe from behind my jacket, sprayed him full in the face with water, and cackled with glee. Everyone enjoyed seeing the joker get his own, and he laughed with the rest.



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LynnDel said:

This is humor? Arrrggh! It might be funny to read, but my definition of humor is when everybody is laughing. If any of these things (except for the cold feet) were tried on me, I'm afraid the perpetrator would be eternally pegged as "needs to grow up" in my book.

Running from Neil & SMAN,



But Linn this was no torture to a loving mate at all. What is good for the gander when in need also will work wonders for the goose when he has needs.

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There used to be something called itching powder - (haven't seen it since college days - think it was made of finely ground horse hair) that was murder to put in someone's dryer of white clothes. Alternatively it could be sprinkled down the back of someones shirt collar or on their sheets.


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Another college prank (if you were so lucky as to have a private bathroom so as to escape your own trap) was to put black shoe polish on the black toilet seats of the dorms' communal toilets. Made for interesting dorm showers later - tallying the number of ringers scored.


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That's what I was saying, Ed - that the cold feet "prank" is not in the same category with the rest of the pranks promoted here - though the location of the target on your human hot water bottle is to be questioned. Cold feet are acceptable, one of the small services of married life, and turn about is fair play. . .

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

What is good for the gander when in need also will work wonders for the goose when he has needs.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Just a small lesson in gender - we teachers just love finding people who need lessons: gander = male, goose = female.



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The black shoe polish prank is a bit better than some of these, SMAN. It's funny, doesn't hurt anyone, and doesn't significantly affect a person's day as some of the others do - though it could draw some attention were one to be involved in water sports soon after.



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LynnDel said:

That's what I was saying, Ed - that the cold feet "prank" is not in the same category with the rest of the pranks promoted here - though the location of the target on your human hot water bottle is to be questioned. Cold feet are acceptable, one of the small services of married life, and turn about is fair play. . .


What is good for the gander when in need also will work wonders for the goose when he has needs.

Just a small lesson in gender - we teachers just love finding people who need lessons: gander = male, goose = female.



Your school lesson is well taken [& NEEDED] by someone shortchanged in 4/5/6 th grade Adventist education in the basement of a SDA Oklahoma church. Grammer was not the one lone teachers best subject to teach. She being a single parent had her hands full in two wayward sons in grades 2 or 3 above me. One bad teacher in a young persons life in elementrary school is a determent for the next 10 years of schooling. I don't recomment anyone try that on for size!!!


But seeing the results of this so called "higher education" among those that teach theology in Adventist circles, I praise my Holy God DAILY to not to have been lead in any other way than exactly where I am.


About your prank with a water pistol, that is acceptable fun, but you better keep that weapon concealed when going through air port security. Wouldn't want to see my grammer teacher spending a night in the slammer.

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