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Tomorrow morning we leave for a three week trip to north-east China. My DH will only be there for one week, as he has too many pressing things to do here at the school/college, but the boys and I will be there for 2 more weeks. We're so excited!

We're going back to the place we left 10 years ago after teachin there 15 months. Totally a God-thing--we were prepared to go to Russia! However, looking back over the chain of events, we know without a shadow of a doubt that that was God's leading.

The boys have heard "China stories" since they were tiny and have always wanted to visit. My oldest is so excited he can hardly sleep.

We're visiting a dear friend of ours--she was a student of ours at the college, and also our Mandarin tutor. She is now an English teacher at the same college (now a university) and is doing a master's either in English or Chinese linguistics (not exactly sure which track she took). Her daughter is a year younger than my youngest, and they are all looking forward to meeting each other. I think the daughter speaks about as much English as my guys do Mandarin (which is to say, not much), so it should be quite interesting.

Pray for us. This student (I'm not using place or people names on purpose) is a party member, yet she is also a very baby Christian. We actually tried to stay an extra year just so we could continue working with her and several others, but we couldn't, and the next "Christian" teachers at the school were not living examples of true Christians. I know she wants to talk more in-depth about Christianity. Pray for wisdom on my part!

See ya in 3 weeks!


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May your travels be safe and your travails few and may the good Lord watch between you and us, until you return to us safe and sound...Amen...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I will pray for your safe travel, a joyful meeting with old friends, and a happy return to CA.

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Hello Michelle,

How very exciting that you can take your boys to China and they can revisit a place which holds many memories for your family. God does give us what we need at the time.

I will pray for traveling mercies for each member of your family. Also will be praying for your friend. It appears that she is in a delicate position, but the Holy Spirit is powerful.

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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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