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Understanding a Daughter


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Hi all...

I could sure use your prayers today... My 17 year old daughter baffles me. We are on different wave-lengths. I know, I know... par for the course with teens... but this is a little different.

This seems to be a core, at the very center of our relationship issue.

I don't even understand it well enought to describe it to you... only the symptoms, and the symptoms are not something I really want to share... they are pretty ugly, and having hashed through them once this morning, I can't do it again.

I'm going to be talking to True Jesus and pondering on the whole situation today and I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom, understanding, and compassion.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Hello Clio,

Ahhhhh, mothers & daughters (especially teenage daughters)so often seem to create serious issues.

It sounds as though yours is even more serious, my heart goes out to you.

You and your daughter will be lifted in my prayers.


Naomi <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/163860-EmoticonPrayer.gif" alt="" />

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Thank you for that reminder and for your prayers dgrimm.

I am so thankful for all prayers raised on my/our behalf.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you Naomi.

Yes, this is pretty serious... and there is so little time to straighten it out and grow into a better relationship before she turns 18 and becomes an adult, at least in the eyes of man.

She wasn't home until long after I went to bed last night, so I didn't get a chance to talk to her. I'm going to try tonight. Please keep us in prayers, especially that a spirit of anger will not hold sway and our discussion can be meaningful and calm.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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You are and will continue to be in my prayers.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Praying for you, Clio.

That's the tough age for a teenage girl. She's not yet a woman but is no longer a child. She's "trying her wings" and sometimes will make mistakes. I spent a lot of time worrying when my daughter was that age. And praying.

You have your "support system" here with you.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I will pray for you too, Clio - it is not an easy time for them or us. Do make sure she knows that your love her, whatever else happens.

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Thanks everyone for all your prayers. I know Abba Father heard them and mine.

Last night, my daughter and I went out for a nice sit-down dinner all by ourselves. We had several errands to run, one of them being to pick up my husband's new medications, which is right by one of our fave restaurants.

We couldn't really afford it, but we went in and had a nice sit-down dinner anyway and talked. She apologized, I apologized, and we tried to reach an understanding of what she wanted to talk about.

We talked for about an hour... and while I do think we need to talk more about this issue, she did agree not to explore further into the area we were talking about until I can give her some biblical guidance in the area. And no... it's not sex.... TY Jesus!

She also agreed to talk to a mutual friend about it... which gives me great comfort because I trust this woman implicitly spiritually and in every other way. She is safe for Sammi to explore this topic with, and may even be a better choice than I am... cuz she won't see Sammi and two-year old kisses every time Sammi brings the topic up... She needs adult advice without all the baggage mama would bring to it.

It was good... even though it started out horribly. Thank you for all your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Clio,

I will be praying for you. I have a friend who has been going through a similar thing. It's so hard.

I think that you are doing the right thing with another female confidant. Sometimes young girls feel that mum just won't understand (regardless of the fact that she will or at least try). I had a confidant and that made a real difference for me.

I truly hope that this works out for you and Sammi and I pray that the God of peace will give you perfect peace in this.


No More Limits, With God All Things Are Possible
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Thank you Fifi.

I LOVE your signature line. There is ONLY True Jesus... never mind the church.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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