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Pray for my Dad


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Last Sabbath my Dad was taken to the ER with horrible pains in his stomach. This has since evolved from gallstones into a heart condition that the doctor's are not concerned with but rather the doc's are concerned about a CT that showed possible prostrate cancer concerns.

The short version is each time we get a report, it has changed and something else is being evaluated. Personally I'm about to go nuts trying to make sense of all this. Dad has said for years (really years!) that he had prostrate cancer and even has undergone a laser prostrate procedure. His urologist (in KY) doesn't seem to agree with the currently opinions either. Daddy was just "scoped" in March and I specifically asked his doctor about prostate cancer and he said "your father does NOT have prostrate cancer." I'm so confused and quite frankly concerned. sad25.gif

Please just pray for Bob and our family. Thanks!

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praying for you puddles. Health concerns where there are many issues to be looked at are more difficult than those with one obvious issue. I think it's the uncertainty of not knowing, and wondering what is becoming irrevocably worse while focusing on something else.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I will be praying the doctors will finally come to a clear diagnosis and the Lord will help with the treatment plan and with supporting all of your family members through this whole experience.

Denise Farquhar

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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When my dad had his fatal heart attack, he asked me not to leave him and I stayed with him in the hospital the entire time. He realized how sick he was.

Maybe your dad is trying to say he needs you to be with him. (Maybe you already are.)

I'm praying, too. God bless you. This may be the time your dad makes his peace with everyone, including God. [Of course, you realize when I say this, that I don't know anything at all about his spiritual life.] It's just something I was glad I'd done--to spend time with my dad during his last illness.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for the update. Will continue to pray for your father, and for you and your mother to have time for much needed rest.

I understand being in the "Super Daughter Mode" when you add that to all of the other demands on your time and energy sometimes you feel as though you are on tilt and overload!


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thank you for keeping us up-to-date. Still praying


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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There is just so much hurting right now I feel almost ashamed to even post anything.

Never feel ashamed to ask for prayers. Never.

Laura, I am so saddened by your loss. It is heartbreaking to experience the death of a parent; heartbreaking to lose someone you've loved and respected so dearly. My prayers are with you tonight and through the next few months.

Remember that the Lord is the Great Comforter; He hears our pleas and wishes that our hearts be filled with joy. Grief is real, and it has its place. But when the grief leaves a hole, the Lord promises us that He will fill our hearts with joy once again.

May peace and understanding be your's tonight!


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I am so very sorry. You can never fully prepare for the loss of a parent. May God give you peace & comfort.

In Blessed Hope,


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Oh puddles, I am so sorry for your loss. It is never an easy thing to bid good-bye to someone but especially a parent. Parents fill our lives, casting their shadow on every aspect of our daily living. They are the unconcious foundation, example, and secure rock of love that gives stability and continuity to our lives.

Even though they are the earthly representation of a more permanent, better, and enduring Heavenly Father, Who will never leave us, it rocks our world when a parent dies.

I have buried both my parents, both from the life-stealer cancer. I can fully appreciate your relief that your papa is no longer in pain. And your anticipation in seeing him on resurrection morning.

Time is short, puddles. And Abba's promises are sure. There will be joy for mourning and beauty for ashes.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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The Lord bless you and your family during this difficult time of loss. We do know that death to the Christian is not the same as to those who have no hope

You are in my thoughts today

God bless

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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My prayers too are with you and your family - however "expected" is a death, the final separation is so hard. May you all feel the comforting and strengthening arms of our Father around you in this difficult time.

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Yes, Puddles, you have my prayers tonight too. It's going to be pretty lonely for a while. I lost my dad when I was 40, and for years afterward I'd start to pick up the telephone to call him, then realize he wasn't there any more. I miss him still. But he's at peace. And so is your dear dad.

God bless.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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