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Brother Jed

Dr. Shane

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Those of you that went to Adventist colleges may have never heard of him. At my college he came once a year to preach righteousness and was always a great way to pass the afternoon. Has anyone here heard of him?

Brother Jed

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Brother Jed can offend some Christians. In this text here he warns young men of whorish women. If such a subject is offensive to you do not read on. I will tell you the text doesn't do it justice. If you have never heard him preach, it doesn't have the same impact. He is very dramatic and extreamly charasmatic. One of the networks should dump a reality serious and just follow him from college to college.

Of course I do not agree with his theogy but find him extreamly entertaining.

[:"blue"] "FOR A WHORE IS A DEEP DITCH and a strange woman is a narrow pit. She lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressions among men!" (Proverbs 23:27).

In my early campus ministry I cautioned the girls to beware of the immoral men but in later years I saw an increasing need to also warn the men about lewd women. This admonition is prominent in the scriptures. The verse above is just one of the many examples in the book of Proverbs that cautions men about the tragic results of involvement with seductive women.

The Parable of the Five Dormies

Proverbs 7 gives a graphic description of a man falling prey to a whorish woman. Putting this theme in a contemporary setting, I often relate to the students the Parable of the FIVE DORMIES:

When these five young men were in high school they could not wait to get to the university because they had heard how so many of the dorms were hotbeds of fornication and how so many of these dorm girls were "hot to trot."

The first dormie was Brian. He seemed to be an intelligent young man. He had graduated top of his high school class, was number one in the state debate team and was going to be a doctor. He was from a poor family but had received a full-paid scholarship. Brian wanted to put his studies first but, like a lot of young men, he also wanted to get involved with the promiscuous women. His first night in the dorm he met LUSTFUL LISA. he said, "Lisa, how 'bout if we go out to eat and take in a movie?"

She said, "Oh, Brian, you must be a freshman; we don't do things like that here at the university--FIRST we go to bed and see how much we have in common . . ."

Within 30 minutes Brian and Lustful Lisa were in bed fornicating. Then Brian patted himself on the back and thought, "I've got a pretty good thing here."

But there was one problem; Lustful Lisa liked to have sex ALL the time. She got Brian to skip his classes and, whenever he would come home to study, there she'd be in his dorm room just waiting to lure him into bed. Since Brian attended so few classes and had so little time to study, he flunked out his very first semester. He lost his scholarship and could not go back to school. Today, Brian is working at McDONALD'S.

The second dormie was Fred. He was studying agriculture and going to be a farmer. Fred was from a nice rural town in Iowa. He was in love and engaged to marry a young virgin back home. But he thought as long as he was at the university, he might as well, "sow his wild oats," and get involved with the promiscuous women. His first week in the dorm, Fred met SEXY SARAH. He told Sarah she was pretty and five minutes later he had her pants off. Fred patted himself on the back and thought, "I've got a pretty good thing here." But there was one problem: lots of men had told Sexy Sarah she was pretty and lots of men had gotten her pants off--Sexy Sarah was a carrier of VD! Not only was it VD, it was the incurable HERPES II! Within a couple of weeks some ugly red sores appeared on Fred's private parts. Of course, he had to tell his fiancee back home . . .she immediately broke off the engagement! Fred was so hurt, he was so broken-hearted, that he went out and committed suicide.

The third dormie was Jerry; Jerry thought he was a real jock. He was a football player. But Jerry wasn't just any football player. Even though he was a freshman, Jerry was already playing first string and the pro scouts already had their eyes on him. Yet, like a lot of college boys, Jerry wanted to get involved with the lewd women. His first week in the football dorm Jerry met DAIQUIRI DONNA. Daiquiri Donna liked to fornicate but there was one thing she liked better than her fornication, her strawberry and banana daiquiris;

Jerry thought, "What the heck, I'll buy her a few daiquiris; it's worth it to get her into bed." But Jerry made the mistake of drinking daiquiris with her. First it was once a week, then twice a week, then three times, a week, then almost every opportunity they had Jerry and Donna were drinking and fornicating. By the time spring football practice came around, Jerry had begun to crave alcohol. The coach warned him but Jerry could not help himself he had to have those daiquiris, he had to have those daiquiris, HE HAD TO HAVE THOSE DAIQUIRIS! Finally Jerry went to a game under the influence of alcohol; it was the last straw--the coach kicked him off the team--his whole career went down the drain, thanks to the influence of a whorish woman!

The fourth dormie was Larry. Larry, who also seemed to be an intelligent young man, was studying to be a lawyer. But he lacked wisdom and wanted to get involved with the promiscuous women. Larry's first week in the dorm he met POTHEAD PAULA. Pothead Paula was willing to fornicate but she felt guilty about all her immorality. To escape her guilt, she always had to get high on marijuana. Larry made the mistake of getting high with her. Before long the they were using speed, then Quaaludes, then cocaine . . . After drawing many lines they moved on to LSD. To support their habits Larry and Pothead Paula had to start dealing in drugs. One day they were going to make a big deal; all the drugs were stashed in Paula's dorm room. Paula went up to Larry and started kissing him passionately right on the lips. Within a few seconds they were in bed together. Suddenly, a knock came to the door; BANG, BANG, BANG. . . It was the POLICE; Larry and Pothead Paula got busted. So instead of becoming a lawyer, Larry had to hire a lawyer; today he's serving 10 to 15 years in the penitentiary.

The fifth and final dormie was Horny Harry. Horny Harry was not as handsome as the other four, so he had to take whatever he could get. Finally, after three weeks in the dorm, Horny Harry met ROCK 'N ROLLING RHONDA. Rhonda liked to fornicate but there was one thing she liked better than her fornication: her Rock 'n Roll music. She like to listen to The Who, to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, the Grateful Dead, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Rush, AC/DC, The Sex Pistols, and she just loved, loved, loved, that pervert, MICK JAGGER. Rock 'n Rolling Rhonda liked to go to rock concerts and she would get Horny Harry to go with her. She always had to stand right down in front. One night the music was so loud that it busted one of Harry's eardrums. He still had one left. Whenever Horny Harry and Rock 'n Roll Rhonda were committing fornication she had to have that rock music blaring. These rock'n roll demons entered Harry and they began to speak to him . . . Do you know what they said? "Harry, you're a queer, Harry you lust after men, Harry, you're a HO-MO-SEX-U-AL!" So Harry dropped out of school and today he's cruising in San Francisco. By now poor Harry probably has AIDS disease.

There you have it folks, five men down the drain thanks to five whorish women.


Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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When I read his comments on the five college students, I have a hard time beleiveing that such a person existed. But, a "google" search confirmed that he does exist, and there is much on the Internet about him. If any of you want to learn more, simply enter "Brother Jed" into google. You will find much.

While I did not check his college references, I doubt that many SDA colleges have ever had him speak there. If I am wrong, so be it.

He clearly has an interesting theology, and view of women and their role in society. Do your realize that he expects that his daughters will live at home with he and his wife, for their entire lives, until they either: a) marry a fine Christian male, or B) go off on some chruch mission that requires them to leave his home!

Now a question, or two:

Why are we talking about him here in CA? If I am correct that he does not preach at SDA colleges, how is he revelent to us?

The invitation to discuss him seems to me to be an attempt to treat him as a very strange. This is almost like making fun of him. Here he is world, with his strange beleifs. Let us all have a good laugh.

He is strange. Do we need to laugh at him.


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Sounds like Bro Jed makes his living touring christian colleges and providing pornography disguised as religion.

Research into DARE and similar programs show that they don't actually work. The kids soon discover that Bro Jed's spiel is actually an exageration that is so large as to be a lie, that DARE's message of 'mj leads to hard drugs' is not true.

Fundamentally, though, Bro Jed is failing for three reasons

(a) His "visual aids" are overpowering his good message

(B) He is failing to actually provide strong rational reasons for how to live

© He is not helping the kids internalize those messages

Still, it is good to see Shane bringing yet more explicit sex to CA... grin.gif


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When these five young men were in high school
they could not wait
to get to the university because they had heard how so many of the dorms were hotbeds of fornication and how so many of these dorm girls were "hot to trot."

Apparently, these young men were equally as whorish. Beware, young ladies, of whorish men whose sole intent is to fornicate.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Yep, sho nuff, sex with girls will turn you gay!

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

No, it wasn't girls - it was rock and roll that made him gay! Don't go misquoting brother Jed. <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Why are we talking about him here in CA?

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

We talk about everything here at C/A. I am surprised that no one here has ever heard him. He claims to have preached on every public college campus in the US. He came to my campus every year in the Spring. Since it took me seven years to finish school and I ran a ministry on campus, I got to know him a little bit.

I hope I have never made fun of him. I think I laugh with him and not at him. Some students started him on fire one year at my school. He turned me on to Charles Finney (EGW makes reference to him in GC). While I do not believe all his theology, I believe God is using him and he does touch lives. He touched mine.

It wouldn't be a waste of money for anyone to buy a video from his website and listen to him preach. He comes off as powerful, chasmatic and dedicated.

He lives in Ohio and is very familiar with Southern College. He told me he knows many Adventists and holds a great amount of respect for us, our belief in holiness and Commandment keeping.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane, I do not challenge your intent, in any way. I cannot read your mind, heart, or soul.

All in all, this comes across to me as: Here is this weird person, let us all have a laugh. The problem to me is that while he is weird, he is a child of God, who is attempting to follow what he beleives God wants of him.


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Brother Matthews, (I hope calling you brother doesn't offend you)

No I am not holding him out to be laughed at. I was (perhaps still am) hoping there are some here that have heard him. I have mixed feelings about him. On one hand I have a lot of respect for him. On the other hand I have a bit of concern that those that follow him will get sucked into what seems to be legalism.

Many on-campus groups would criticise him for what they consider to be his unloving approach. However I think God uses different approaches for reaching different people and that God is able to use Brother Jed's approach to reach some. Most of the campus ministries do pick up a few new members after Brother Jed has been there.

However, again, I would be interested in what other Adventist brothers think of him and his approach. However, at least for now, it doesn't seem like any here know who he is. Just reading the text doesn't do it justice. One really needs to see him in action, on video if no live, in order to get a good impression.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane, here is the differnece between your post on Jed, and posts on Dennis W., and Ed White.

Ed and Dennis are both here in CA, reading the posts that are made in regard to them. Both are well able to defend themselves, and do so as they think appropriate.

Jed is not here. He probably could repsond, if he was reading the posts. But, he does not know, and is not here.

The citation that you gave from him, which I suspect was a sermon, was a citation that all of us know presents him a weird, and a point of laughter. He is a clear target for being made a point of fun, and he cannot defend himself.

I assume that your citation was from a sermon of his. I clearly do not agree with it. But, I will grant him the supposition that he put his heart into it, and felt that he was used by God to proclaim it. But, now posted here, it is something that we can all laugh at.

I am sorry. I do not think this is right. It is not because I agree with him. He is weird. But, let those of us who think so, tell him so, instead of placing what is probably a very small part of his thinking up as target practice.

What has been done here is quite different from the situation that Dennis and Ed are in here in CA.

If was visiting SDA colleges, and wll known in SDA circles, it might be appropriate to discuss him, his theolgy, and his impact on the SDA Church. I do not see him in that position. I am not aware of him having any impact on SDA life and culture. We do not need to discuss him. This is different from discussing, Dr. Ford for example, who has an impact on SDA life and culture.


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Brother Matthews, I am not talking about Dennis or Ed White. I don't think they have anything to do with this - unless they have heard Brother Jed preach.

Brother Jed made an impact on my life. Hmmmm, maybe it wasn't even for the good. Brother Jed claims to have preached at every public campus in the US and many outside the US. Things he said often come to mind - my mind. So here at C/A I ask if anyone else has ever heard him preach.

What I pasted here is an excerpt from his book, "Who Will Rise Up?" and can be read on his website at the link I provided in the first post. I think you will find it is not taken out of context. He is wierd but so was John The Baptist.

The reason you don't understand why I would want to discuss him is because you have never heard him. He never made an impact on your life. He never made you think. If you were in my shoes you may very well understand why I am wondering if there are other Adventists that have seen or heard him.

BTW: he claims to be Methodist.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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One thing Brother Jed does, for sure, is challenge our thinking to get us to think "outside of the box."

The Brother Jed Phenomenon

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

His religious agenda, being mostly predictible conservative christianity in the mold of Jimmy Swaggart with a healthy dose of the old female-sexuality-as-the-downfall-of-man bit and no tolerance at all for namby-pamby “God is Love” preachers, is hardly the point.

He has become an American legend. A worldwide computer network monitors his progress. He has spawned a flock of fans who, in comparison to the fanatical followers of the Grateful Dead, call themselves “Jed-Heads.”

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

What could be more entertaining, I thought, than to listen to a grown man put forth the sort of bizarre syllogism offered by Brother Bob, one of Jed's companions on the circuit (here, I paraphrase):

I must come out of the closet and admit that I am a hoe-moe-sex-u-al. I was talking to Brother Jed the other day, and he pointed out to me that masturbation is just like having SEX with YOURSELF! Since I am the same sex as myself, and I have, in the past, done such things. I must be a hoe-moe-sex-u-al.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

I quickly discovered from reading his book that Brother Jed is no fool. When he's preaching he may come across as a sex-obsessed neanderthal, but his writing is clear, deliberate, and obviously the product of an above-average intelligence.

Is he a looney? Well, okay, so maybe he is. And maybe I shouldn't be taking him so seriously. But there is undeniably a method to his madness.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Too bad others here haven't been exposed to this phenomenon.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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BY THE WAY - - - -

All you anonymous lurkers out there that have heard Brother Jed and are just dying to tell us about your experience...

Maybe it is time to become a member here <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

I am surprised that no one here has ever heard him. He claims to have preached on every public college campus in the US

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Nope, never heard of him. Apparently he missed Southern Oregon State. LOL

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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An invitation especially to all you anonymous females whose sole purpose in life is not to fornicate with men; whose sole purpose is to be seen as a child of God, not a object of men's desires.

Speak up and be heard! Rally around and let these men know beyond a doubt that NO means NO.

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Apparently, these young men were equally as whorish. Beware, young ladies, of whorish men whose sole intent is to fornicate

Yep - Bro Jed is yet another example of a male using sex to try to control others.

As CardW points out in a different thread, GUILT is the big motivator that guys like Bro Jed use to gain power. Funny thing is, many such speakers have been caught practising exactly what they publically condemn. They know it makes others feel guilty because THEY feel guilty about it.

Personally I do not know why women, who now make up the significant majority of most christian denominations, put up with such continuous and blatant denigration.

Christine - I like your observations and calls to action. I hope SDA women finally get themselves organized enough to take over the leadership from the current failures...


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Brother Jed has not been caught in adultry so let's not get carried away.

Sister Christine, Brother Jed does warn women of men. His point is that men need to be warned as much of women as women do of men. It is common, very common, in our society to warn our daughters of going out with the wrong guy but not worrying about our sons. This is an area where Brother Jed makes us think "outside the box." The Bible very clearly warns young men of whorish women yet that is a sermon we rarely hear preached.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Just reading the text doesn't do it justice. One really needs to see him in action, on video if no live, in order to get a good impression.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Contrariwise, dear Bro. Shane, I think it is often a good idea to read the text of what is presented without the distracting charisma, vocal inflections, etc. Reading the text alone gives you the pure core of what he is saying, and I'd say it's not very pure.

There's a good reason most of us haven't heard of him - from your quote here it sounds like he dwells on evil instead of dwelling on good. It's similar to those sermon givers who spend 14 minutes talking about a movie and one minute drawing a spiritual application from it.



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Yes, it is like the man at Prayer Meeting (when we used tohave them): Forgive me oh Lord, for I have sinned. . . .{Then follows a detailed listing of every aspect of his sin.).


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Although Brother Jed is preaching to nonbelievers and trying to convict them of their sin. Thus he has reason to mention such sin and place it in divine light. He purposely provokes them to bad behavior so that in reflection they might see their need of a Savior. Many of us, at first, are aghast at his manner of doing things. And some of us look for reason to accuse him. Yet I believe that God has used him to stir many souls to salvation which would have otherwise not seen their need for the Savior.

Brother Jed is a smart man. He normally preaches for four to five hours, three to five days each week! He debates Islams, Jews and athiets and has lists of such people that have later accepted Christ. Say what we may but with some people his method works. Indeed it may be working with the very people in which our methods fail. So while I am not ready to jump on his bandwagon and tour the country doing confrontational preaching, I do hold a certain amount of respect for him and his methods.

A good Adventist friend on mine worked for the State of Minnesota for over 40 years - over 20 of that was for the univerity system. I called him the other night and asked if he remembered Brother Jed. "Oh yes," he recalled. "He told it like it is," he commented to me. Now my friend is a gentleman that worked with the college kids day in and day out for year after year.

I will tell you what got me thinking about Brother Jed recently. As many here know, I posted a thread in Christian music about Irish Rock and Roll. Well one day when Brother Jed was on campus a young man stepped forward to debate with him that was wearing a kilt. The look he gave the young man was hilarious and then he asked him if he was wearing a skirt. When God made Brother Jed He broke the mold.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The look he gave the young man was hilarious and then he asked him if he was wearing a skirt.

Brother Jed should have known better. He certainly should have known that he might have been offending a Brother in Christ who saw nothing wrong with wearing a kilt.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Shane said:

I think the method of his madness escapes some.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

As well it should.

Let's dwell on "whatsoever things are pure, ...whatsoever things are of good report... think on these things" instead.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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