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In The Beginning

Dr. Shane

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And sometimes particularly good at highlighting a truth which some may find unpalatable.




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After millions of years of mutations, mass extinction, devastating diseases and violent deaths, God saw all that he had evolved, and behold it was very good.

Excellent, excellent point! Evolution makes God the author of sin and death instead of Lucifer.


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Here is the fundamental issue...

God gave us brains and senses.

You can either let your theology overrule your brain and senses, or you can try to find a theology that matches your brain and your senses.

Many Creationists have decided that their understanding of a translation of a very old book that captured even older oral traditions is more powerful than a direct examination of the vast amount of scientific evidence available to all to examine that shows the world is very old.

I can not make that step. It positions God as being the author of a vast lie. I prefer an honest God.


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bevin said:

Here is the fundamental issue...

God gave us brains and senses.

God gave made us perfect "in Adam", but when Adam sinned we received from him a life imbued in pride.

The cartoon has a valid point...the Bible states that God's creation was perfect...death was the result of sin, but in evolution God is made the creator of sin. That's the ultimate theology of evolution...

Please keep Jeremiah 17:9 in mind:

"The heart [mind] is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

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