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FBI's role in manufacturing terrorism - CBC interview


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Trevor Aaronson explains his research in a new book -

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism.

The author describes how many supposed criminals, often on society's margin, with mental illness, were aided by FBI informants in concocting terror plots, often along with bribes or career promises. "Losers and outcasts" are easy marks for entrapment in sting operations, with Federal agents supplying equipment, ideas and weapons.

(See photo of Aaronson speaking at Columbia Law School.)

"By assembling a database of the cases and going through court records, he concluded that the FBI, which receives $3 billion per year for counterterrorism, is "the organization responsible for more terrorist plots over the last decade than any other."

It's strangely sad that the people Christ came to reach - the downcast, the poor in spirit, the fatherless - the weakest in society - are those preyed upon, framed and imprisoned by the strongest among us.

For this reason, Christians lack authority to repeat the media's accusations & conspiracy theories, for in so doing we add our support to those opposing Christ.

CBC Interview:


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  • 3 weeks later...


It's strangely sad that the people Christ came to reach - the downcast, the poor in spirit, the fatherless - the weakest in society - are those preyed upon, framed and imprisoned by the strongest among us.

For this reason, Christians lack authority to repeat the media's accusations & conspiracy theories, for in so doing we add our support to those opposing Christ

To convince acceptance that the FBI is becoming less than forthright in its' efforts to afford protection for the major citizenry of the U.S. is just another way of weakening the infrastructure of this country's civil defense forces. We, as a nation have the most open immigration policies of any nation on earth. I know of no other nation that allows individuals to come under their countries protections so freely, those who have a dedicated undercurrent to destroy the very country they accept, the freedoms that allows their pursuit of betrayal.


God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's something we don't have to blame on our own countrymen to give us reason to pause for our own security.

Mali manual suggests al-Qaida has feared weapon

Associated PressBy RUKMINI CALLIMACHI | Associated Press – 1 hr 22 mins ago

In this March 29, 2013 photo provided by the French Army's images division, ECPAD, a French soldier holds the launch tube of an SA-7 surface-to-air missile before its destruction in Timbuktu, northern Mali. The knowledge that the terrorists have the weapon has already changed the way the French are carrying out their five-month-old offensive in Mali. They are using more fighter jets rather than helicopters to fly above its range of 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) from the ground, even though that makes it harder to attack the jihadists. They are also making cargo planes land and take off more steeply to limit how long they are exposed, in line with similar practices in Iraq after an SA-14 hit the wing of a DHL cargo plane in 2003. (AP Photo/ECPAD, Olivier Debes)

Associated Press/ECPAD, Olivier Debes - In this March 29, 2013 photo provided by the French Army's images division, ECPAD, a French soldier holds the launch tube of an SA-7 surface-to-air missile before its …more

TIMBUKTU, Mali (AP) — The photocopies of the manual lay in heaps on the floor, in stacks that scaled one wall, like Xeroxed, stapled handouts for a class.

Except that the students in this case were al-Qaida fighters in Mali. And the manual was a detailed guide, with diagrams and photographs, on how to use a weapon that particularly concerns the United States: A surface-to-air missile capable of taking down a commercial airplane.

The 26-page document in Arabic, recovered by The Associated Press in a building that had been occupied by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in Timbuktu, strongly suggests the group now possesses the SA-7 surface-to-air missile, known to the Pentagon as the Grail, according to terrorism specialists. And it confirms that the al-Qaida cell is actively training its fighters to use these weapons, also called man-portable air-defense systems, or MANPADS, which likely came from the arms depots of ex-Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi.


EDITOR'S NOTE — This is the fourth story in an occasional series based on thousands of pages of internal al-Qaida documents recovered by The Associated Press earlier this year in Timbuktu, Mali.


"The existence of what apparently constitutes a 'Dummies Guide to MANPADS' is strong circumstantial evidence of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb having the missiles," said Atlantic Council analyst Peter Pham, a former adviser to the United States' military command in Africa and an instructor to U.S. Special Forces. "Why else bother to write the guide if you don't have the weapons? ... If AQIM not only has the MANPADS, but also fighters who know how to use them effectively," he added, "then the impact is significant, not only on the current conflict, but on security throughout North and West Africa, and possibly beyond."

The United States was so worried about this particular weapon ending up in the hands of terrorists that the State Department set up a task force to track and destroy it as far back as 2006. In the spring of 2011, before the fighting in Tripoli had even stopped, a U.S. team flew to Libya to secure Gadhafi's stockpile of thousands of heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles.

By the time they got there, many had already been looted.

"The MANPADS were specifically being sought out," said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, who catalogued missing weapons at dozens of munitions depots and often found nothing in the boxes labeled with the code for surface-to-air missiles.

The manual is believed to be an excerpt from a terrorist encyclopedia edited by Osama bin Laden. It adds to evidence for the weapon found by French forces during their land assault in Mali earlier this year, including the discovery of the SA-7's battery pack and launch tube, according to military statements and an aviation official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to comment.

"People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth,...."Luke 21:26 NLT

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Life, good post(both). Sad information, but not a surprise. Thank you

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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It's strangely sad that the people Christ came to reach - the downcast, the poor in spirit, the fatherless - the weakest in society - are those preyed upon, framed and imprisoned by the strongest among us.

I'm sure that would include these.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News | The Lookout

The producers of an upcoming documentary on TWA Flight 800—which exploded and crashed into the waters off Long Island, N.Y., on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board—claim to have proof that a missile caused the Paris-bound flight to crash. And six former investigators who took part in the film say there was a cover-up and want the case reopened.

The investigators filed a petition with the NTSB on Wednesday calling for a new probe. The NTSB had said it would review any petition related to the 1996 crash, which touched off one of the most complex air disaster investigations in U.S. history.

The CIA and FBI conducted a parallel investigation to determine if a bomb or missile had brought down the plane.

Dozens of eyewitnesses in the Long Island area "recalled seeing something resembling a flare or firework ascend and culminate in an explosion," the CIA said in a 2008 report. "Had the crash been the result of state-sponsored terrorism, it would have been considered an act of war."


There is so much misinformation, rumors, and downright lying for one reason or another, from the top to the bottom of those in authority and under authority, how can anyone come to any realistic, rock solid conclusions about anything other than the Word. Just another evidence that we live in a world where ignoring the Ten Commandments is wreaking it's baleful influence.

As Woody voiced on another thread, "Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.", so maybe we ought to be spending less of our time dwelling on what we have very little control over and put our trust and efforts into doing what He Who makes no mistakes, wants us to be about?

"I can hear the trumpets sounding. I can hear the marching throng. ..........................The end of sin and wrong.

Oh the King is coming! The King is coming! Praise God He's coming for me!"

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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I've been in a car that hit a tree at high speed. That car never hit a tree at high speed. If it had, the front of that car would be mangled in a way that would bend the hood up to at least the height of the roof of the car as it was pushed backward from the impact with the tree. The hood on that car is flat. That can be seen even though they have covered the front of the car with a sheet.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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