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Another Union Affirms Ordination of Women

Tom Wetmore

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Oh yeah?! Well... girls are sissies!!.. and I can jump higher, lift more, and I can run faster than they can too...well,... most of them anyway, well maybe just some of them,... well ok, I know this one older lady that I can outrun maybe :(

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Hair,you big sissey....tell you what I'm gonna do....

In keeping with this thread, when I go to the GC next time, I will nominate you for Ordination....Just so we can justify women's ordination....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Such statements continue to explain the reason for 'fear'. I live in CO and am more knowledgeable about this story than your are. You did not report the outcome of the decision but only your biased rhetoric. The child was allowed back in school, they had been expelled, the bathroom to be used was a gender neutral with enclosed stalls. You continue to 'label' everything you disagree with in the extremes.

Transgender first-grader wins the right to use girls' restroom

By Ed Payne, CNN

updated 3:15 PM EDT, Mon June 24, 2013


Hopefully, this will help you be more accurate in the future.

Rejoice always!


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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In my state - laws have been passed that require transgender or gender neutral restrooms for all students and staff in our public schools.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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In my state - laws have been passed that require transgender or gender neutral restrooms for all students and staff in our public schools.

I don't read the Oregonian every day, so maybe I missed something, but which public school in Oregon other than Grant High School in Portland requires "gender neutral" restrooms? And from what I understand, Multnomah County is only requiring such restrooms in any new construction.. In addition, the gender neutral restrooms for Grant HS are single occupancy restrooms -- not 2-, 3-, 4-, or 10-holers. Big difference when no one else has to view/listen to someone else using the facilities.

And an interesting sidelight...when I was in grade school (an SDA Junior Academy), there was a single occupancy restroom which both the male and female teachers used. Nobody thought anything about it..

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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From what you have shown me, I am not convinced that there is a thought process that allows feminism and homosexuality or transgender fluidity as a foundation for rejection of women's ordination....

In fact, what I see from YOUR examples are the effects of sin, where children are physically born one sex, and mentally born the other....Do I understand it? No, I do not...Is it common? No, generally speaking it is NOT common. It is rare, but definitely exists...Does it effect the population? Yes, it does...but not in the general way that you are insisting....It is for identity, it is for sexual identity, something that America, with it's Victorian values, causes even normal people to not communicate regarding the subject of sex...

We keep sex private...We don't talk about it openly, and yet, because we don't, we don't understand the opposite sex well, if at all... Just look at the divorce rates....We only know the hot flash, and the attraction, but we don't understand it...Why? Because we don't talk about it. And that's us normal/common people....

....And now, you bring up these transgendered kids...kids, who are as damaged as a babe with a cleft palate syndrome...Those of us exposed to this side of life are forced to talk about it...among ourselves...quietly....among selected groups who understand it.....'cus the normal don't want to talk about their sex because they are afraid of it, even though they love it. Too vulnerable....

And for those who don't talk about it, we create/imposes the concept of some sort of sexual monsters...sex abusers, transgenders who dwell exclusively on sex and certain characteristics associated with their limp-handed behavior, sexual offenders..and now, according to you, we are making them while they are young..because we don't want to offend their sensibilities...and you are wrong about that...because you don't understand who they are....because they don't know who they are!!!!

What rubbish! What hatred from the religious sectors! We don't have faith, but rather we live by fear of the unknown....We have no understanding that these are people too, and they want to be accepted for who they are...Perhaps, if we could do that, as Jesus did the Lepers, perhaps our own stigma of gender bias would be erased...and then we could understand the opposite sex much deeper than what we are learning about now....

And perhaps the gender of female would be equally compensated in regard to ordination for all their talents.... that God has given them....just like Phebe and Junia were when they were in their offices...

But you don't want to understand...you want fear, so that we SDAs can be against women and keep them in their place....just like our religion has fought against someone for it's existence....first, it was the Catholics, next it's against Spiritualism, then it's against the Protests, and then there is the world...We are always against something....Now, according to you, we are against women Pastors becoming ordains and treating them fairly....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The local news channels reported yesterday, Monday, that the school would designate a gender neutral rest room with enclosed stalls for the childs use. The issue is not about which rest room to use, but continued attacks on WO by the association of unrelated issues. Perhaps you could answer some real questions that I have asked instead of 'side tracking'.


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I once lived In a country in Asia where the public restrooms were gender neutral. It did bother my Father who came to visit me. he was using the urinal when a woman walked in.

When you live in a country where that is the social norm, nobody thinks anything about it. Such is not erotic.

Even in the United States: Once when attending a SDA college/university, I earned money by cleaning restrooms. Everyone just walked in, did their business and went on their way. They paid no attention to me.


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Washington Times is that not a trustworthy source? Seriously, I'm asking, I don't know, is it? Are they like the Enquirer or something?

* * *

I don't think its extremist fringe world views but "conservative" world views.

On this first question, I wouldn't describe it as a reliably unbiased source. The Washington Times, like Fox News, cater primarily to a right wing/conservative audience. Their bias is very evident in their editorial choices, the slant they put on stories, the focus of their "news" reporting, etc. So, no, if one is looking for a genuinely objective, fair and balanced, news source, they are not trustworthy.

On the last point, extremist fringe views inhabit both ends of the spectrum. The problem with the liberal/conservative labels is that they are meaningless broad bands of relativism. To be defined as conservative by oneself or others has to be countered with "Compared to what?" My favorite example is that here any socialist/communist point of view is almost always labeled as "liberal". But in Russia, the communists/socialists are regarded as the conservatives. It is those in favor of democracy and free market capitalism that are labeled as the "liberals".

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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