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If you're a bad SDA . . . .


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If you are a bad SDA according to the rules of the church, how do you manage the social awkwardness that goes along with fellowshipping with church members? Right now I smile at gentle rebuffs when I am caught doing something "wrong" but little else. I don't rub members faces in the fact that I do not follow Adventism 100% but I am not going to go out of my way and hide how I truly live my life. I was wondering how others handle the situation?

Please do not turn this thread into a "if you are not 100% on board then leave the church type" of thread.

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If you are a bad SDA according to the rules of the church, how do you manage the social awkwardness that goes along with fellowshipping with church members? Right now I smile at gentle rebuffs when I am caught doing something "wrong" but little else. I don't rub members faces in the fact that I do not follow Adventism 100% but I am not going to go out of my way and hide how I truly live my life. I was wondering how others handle the situation?

Please do not turn this thread into a "if you are not 100% on board then leave the church type" of thread.

how does anyone handle the truth that none of us is perfect.

i look to Jesus and have little time to notice the faults of others. my failures abound. and if my church family saw into my humanity they might have a great feast on it, or they might get bored, and look away from me and look to Jesus too. Those members who have the most discernment and see my weaknesses and faults seem the most patient supportive and loving... for some reason.

there are no holy Adventists, we are all a wretched lot, and if you know it, then you have a foot up on the ladder.

Jesus alone is worth taking time to notice, and search out, and meditate on.

if someone notices my failings i hope they just love me and pray for me, and if they don't i hope i can get past them to see Jesus who alone is going to help me. sometimes church members represent Jesus to me, and just show me kindness and mercy in my need of him. sometimes not. I have some concern for those who fixate on others sins... we are to cast all our care on him, this includes the care for our sin and the care for other's sins too. so i need to cast on Him my care for those who also fixate on others sins too.

you have not need to explain yourself, Jesus is the head of the church not people, and he is well informed about all of us. smile and let in the light as it comes your way.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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If you are a bad SDA according to the rules of the church, how do you manage the social awkwardness that goes along with fellowshipping with church members? Right now I smile at gentle rebuffs when I am caught doing something "wrong" but little else. I don't rub members faces in the fact that I do not follow Adventism 100% but I am not going to go out of my way and hide how I truly live my life. I was wondering how others handle the situation?

Please do not turn this thread into a "if you are not 100% on board then leave the church type" of thread.

Truthfully, Shelly, I don't know of any Adventist that truly follows 100% of all the "rules" of Adventism...though I have met quite a few that make strident profession they do. I manage the awkwardness by being the reminder to everyone there one doesn't have to be perfect to come to church, or even lead out.

For one reason or another, I seem to be a BAdventist in somebody's eyes throughout my 27 years in the church.


"As iron sharpens iron, so also does one man sharpen another" - Proverbs 27:17

"The offense of the cross is that the cross is a confession of human frailty and sin and of inability to do any good thing. To take the cross of Christ means to depend solely on Him for everything, and this is the abasement of all human pride. Men love to fancy themselves independent. But let the cross be preached, let it be made known that in man dwells no good thing and that all must be received as a gift, and straightway someone is offended." Ellet J. Waggoner, The Glad Tidings

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway" - John Wayne

"The person who pays an ounce of principle for a pound of popularity gets badly cheated" - Ronald Reagan

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how does anyone handle the truth that none of us is perfect.

i look to Jesus and have little time to notice the faults of others. my failures abound. and if my church family saw into my humanity they might have a great feast on it, or they might get bored, and look away from me and look to Jesus too. Those members who have the most discernment and see my weaknesses and faults seem the most patient supportive and loving... for some reason.

there are no holy Adventists, we are all a wretched lot, and if you know it, then you have a foot up on the ladder.

Jesus alone is worth taking time to notice, and search out, and meditate on.

if someone notices my failings i hope they just love me and pray for me, and if they don't i hope i can get past them to see Jesus who alone is going to help me. sometimes church members represent Jesus to me, and just show me kindness and mercy in my need of him. sometimes not. I have some concern for those who fixate on others sins... we are to cast all our care on him, this includes the care for our sin and the care for other's sins too. so i need to cast on Him my care for those who also fixate on others sins too.

you have not need to explain yourself, Jesus is the head of the church not people, and he is well informed about all of us. smile and let in the light as it comes your way.

Deb just said it better than I could, but my sentiments are exactly the same.

I keep saying that if someone is looking at your sins or my sins or anyone's, their eyes are earthward and not on Jesus.

It's a much joyful state to encourage each other with what Christ is doing in our lives, then what they view should be changed in the lives of others.

One of the churches I attend is such a happy place. They might not be perfect as perfection goes, they had one chicken lasagna at the luncheon, but they are very loving and happy as a group. The pastor is trying to focus on the bigger issues, like keeping people's hearts connected to God. You would be most welcome there!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Easier solution... Moved it where the quoters can do so unimpeded!

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Easier solution... Moved it where the quoters can do so unimpeded!

You crafty lawyer types.......... bwink

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We really should change the colour scheme to Tom's area, to alert people about the quotes.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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One of the churches I attend is such a happy place. They might not be perfect as perfection goes, they had one chicken lasagna at the luncheon, but they are very loving and happy as a group. The pastor is trying to focus on the bigger issues, like keeping people's hearts connected to God. You would be most welcome there!

I hope you reported those sinners to the GC, rather than just reporting on them here where nothing can be done about this. bwink

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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I am not going to go out of my way and hide how I truly live my life. I was wondering how others handle the situation?

Good for you, Shelly! IMO it is much more important to be who you truly are (i.e., wearing your "true" face) than pretending to be someone or something that you're not (i.e., being a hypocrite)!

If you want to see an example of what some people consider a "Badventist", look up some of my previous posts.

We are all flawed no one is perfect; not even one. Even among all of the "good" Adventists here, all of our own righeousness is as filthy rags.

I try to be who I am 100% of the time - flaws, shorcomings and all. It is so much easier than being "the lie" whenever I'm around brothers and sisters from church. I get reprimanded by some of the "holier" members; but, for the most part, I think others people are more comfortable around me cuz they know I'm not perfect. And I know better than to judge them; because they know I don't have any room to brag about my own righteousness. If people don't like me for who or what I am, I probably don't need them as friends anyways.

You keep being true to yourself (and others), Shelly! God loves you as His own daughter just like you are. You can't do anything to make Him love you more than He already does; and - conversely - you can't do anything to make Him love you any less. Trust Him, and He will change you from the inside out before you even know you've been changed! Besides, if you are successful in putting on your "perfect act" now, how will people see when God truly changes you into an overcomer (and he will change you)? Your victory is your witness!

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I hope you reported those sinners to the GC


A while back I went to a potluck where some visitors brought a big bucket of Col. Sander's Kentucky Fried Chicken. Some of the purer saints complained loudly; but guess what the first thing to go was? Yup - the chicken.

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Well, you know, Joeb, we are supposed to pass over a sin at times...

The meal was wonderful, though, with much greens and quinoa and a lasagna made of zucchini instead of pasta.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I hope you reported those sinners to the GC


A while back I went to a potluck where some visitors brought a big bucket of Col. Sander's Kentucky Fried Chicken. Some of the purer saints complained loudly; but guess what the first thing to go was? Yup - the chicken.

Yep- I understand. Within the ranks there is a group that holds a once-a-week vegetarian potluck for those interested in learning new recipes. Then there are others that just are not vegetarians. It's a real mix.

Even with the chicken lasagna, the greens went fast. That quinoa salad is getting quite a reputation! That, and the corn chowder.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Well, you know, Joeb, we are supposed to pass over a sin at times...

The meal was wonderful, though, with much greens and quinoa and a lasagna made of zucchini instead of pasta.

Pass over a sin? Arrrgh.

A couple of Mexican families had just started attending our chuch and had brought chicken tamales to potluck. There were quite a few left so I had to do my "duty" and eat one so the Mexican ladies wouldn't feel insulted that no one had eaten their food. I think those ladies worked for Lays because those tamales were so good you couldn't eat just one....

Quinoa? I love it. I make a dish sort of like Spanish rice using it, and it's great.

I also love couscous. Couscous salad is about as good as it gets.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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I hope you reported those sinners to the GC


A while back I went to a potluck where some visitors brought a big bucket of Col. Sander's Kentucky Fried Chicken. Some of the purer saints complained loudly; but guess what the first thing to go was? Yup - the chicken.

LOL. I'm not surprised. There's a lot of you sinners at potlucks.... rollingsmile

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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Col. Sander's Kentucky Fried Chicken

I like the Original Recipe...

KFC also used to have deep fried morel mushrooms in their restaurants in Indiana back in the 1960's and 70's... very delicious! :)

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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So would I!!! I LOVE them!! I am trying to stay away from fried foods, but I would have a hard time resisting those.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I also love couscous. Couscous salad is about as good as it gets.

Couscous for breakfast is absolutely delicious. After cooking the couscous, I add sunflower seeds, raisins, agave nectar, cinnamon and soy milk. Talk about the breakfast of champions!

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I also love couscous. Couscous salad is about as good as it gets.

Couscous for breakfast is absolutely delicious. After cooking the couscous, I add sunflower seeds, raisins, agave nectar, cinnamon and soy milk. Talk about the breakfast of champions!

That does sound good. I'll bet it would be better with vanilla flavored Rice Dream instead of soy milk, at least for me as I don't really care for soy milk.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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how does anyone handle the truth that none of us is perfect.

i look to Jesus and have little time to notice the faults of others. my failures abound. and if my church family saw into my humanity they might have a great feast on it, or they might get bored, and look away from me and look to Jesus too. Those members who have the most discernment and see my weaknesses and faults seem the most patient supportive and loving... for some reason.

there are no holy Adventists, we are all a wretched lot, and if you know it, then you have a foot up on the ladder.

Jesus alone is worth taking time to notice, and search out, and meditate on.

if someone notices my failings i hope they just love me and pray for me, and if they don't i hope i can get past them to see Jesus who alone is going to help me. sometimes church members represent Jesus to me, and just show me kindness and mercy in my need of him. sometimes not. I have some concern for those who fixate on others sins... we are to cast all our care on him, this includes the care for our sin and the care for other's sins too. so i need to cast on Him my care for those who also fixate on others sins too.

you have not need to explain yourself, Jesus is the head of the church not people, and he is well informed about all of us. smile and let in the light as it comes your way.

Deb just said it better than I could, but my sentiments are exactly the same.

I keep saying that if someone is looking at your sins or my sins or anyone's, their eyes are earthward and not on Jesus.

It's a much joyful state to encourage each other with what Christ is doing in our lives, then what they view should be changed in the lives of others.

One of the churches I attend is such a happy place. They might not be perfect as perfection goes, they had one chicken lasagna at the luncheon, but they are very loving and happy as a group. The pastor is trying to focus on the bigger issues, like keeping people's hearts connected to God. You would be most welcome there!

Well said

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I also love couscous. Couscous salad is about as good as it gets.

Couscous for breakfast is absolutely delicious. After cooking the couscous, I add sunflower seeds, raisins, agave nectar, cinnamon and soy milk. Talk about the breakfast of champions!

Man you old people eat some weird stuff bwink

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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Well, you know, Joeb, we are supposed to pass over a sin at times...

The meal was wonderful, though, with much greens and quinoa and a lasagna made of zucchini instead of pasta.

A sin?

Last time I checked, chicken was a clean meat.

Let's not make sins where none exist. There are plenty of things the Bible forbids without making up extra sins out of those that it allows.



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