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If you're a bad SDA . . . .


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Never met a person online who didn't border on condescending at the least and arrogant at the worst at least once in a while.

I will have to admit, generally those judgements are just that and may have no truth to them in reality, although in essence when talking about fallible human beings it can't be too far off base. We aren't all cursed with the same weaknesses, IMO.

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Do you know anybody that follows 100% of the rules set down in the Scriptures?

God cares! peace


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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  • 3 weeks later...


Do you know anybody that follows 100% of the rules set down in the Scriptures?

God cares! peace

I know Jesus, and He has always kept the laws of God. He followed them not as ritual but He followed all the underlying principles behind the ceremonial law, and He kept the law perfectly. So did Enoch and Elijah, and I read there are Enochs in our day. I am not so concerned with viewing the life of others as being closer to Him, which hopefully will help me become more like Him day by day.

Enoch walked with God, not in a dream or a vision, but in all the activities of his daily life- a paraphrase.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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If you are a bad SDA according to the rules of the church, how do you manage the social awkwardness that goes along with fellowshipping with church members? Right now I smile at gentle rebuffs when I am caught doing something "wrong" but little else. I don't rub members faces in the fact that I do not follow Adventism 100% but I am not going to go out of my way and hide how I truly live my life. I was wondering how others handle the situation?

Please do not turn this thread into a "if you are not 100% on board then leave the church type" of thread.

Each of us can find a certain distance from the teaching of the Bible to be comfortable.

A Jewish friend of mine once said that he did not know why I paid any attention to Sabbath or tried to keep it in a way that might possibly inconvenience me - after all God would never ask me to do anything that would inconvenience me.

I admit his was an extreme view.

His view was extremely opposed to the one that we find in Matt 10.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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As for halo's slipping ... LOL mine seems to be rather slippery.

That's acceptable as long as it's the extra virgin olive oil that makes it thus.

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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