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Newsweek spirituality poll...


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I thought you might be interested in taking this poll that Newsweek put out. I was consumed by the fact that the whole poll focuses on spirituality, and then at the end they threw in a political affiliation question. Do you have your spiritual eyesalve on? It was no coincidence that they threw this random survey together like this!!

Here is the survey:


Americans are increasingly consumed by the current evangelicalist ideology of breaking down percieved barriers between church and state through the injecting of new age philosophy into traditional, Protestant, religious mores. To me, it is the equivalent of mixing the sacred with the profane. This is why one should avoid Rick Warren's PDL series (though he denies any involvement with the new age movement and has done good things).

Along with the new age movement, Americans love a good popularity poll. We shudder at the thought of embarking on a religious journey without feeling the rest of the world approves of it. We want the world AND eternity when scripture clearly states that friendship with the world is enmity toward God. This poll is nothing more than someone trying to streamline a religious movement through the use of raw numbers. Not an all bad idea, but does Christ promise that the whole world will be converted to Himself, or that the whole world would wonder after the beast? Something to consider as we proclaim the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.

I also found the question on the state of man after death to be somewhat problematic. Do you feel the same, or could a straight-up SDA get by answering with option A?

Let me know what you think.


It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. {ST, February 19, 1894 par. 4}

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Dennis -

Great find. I found the phrasing of the questions and the answers to them to be highly interesting. And then to tag on a blatantly political question....

We moved ever closer to a theocracy... in fact if not in name. Thanks for posting this.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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