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New Orleans -- Hurricane Katrina

Jerry D Thomas

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

bevin said:

Let us put this disaster into God's perspective.


A few hundred of the citizens of the wealthiest country on the planet have been killed, and large insurance companies are preparing to finance one of the largest building booms in history, all because the country deliberately built a large city on the coast below sea level in a hurricane-prone area.

No-one is going to starve.

There are not going to be massive plagues killing thousands without health care.



<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Indeed Bevin, let us put this in Abba's perspective. Each one of the dead was one of His children. He is the source of all life, and when life is taken, He feels pain and sorrows over each one.

How much worse, if those who died had not yet made a covenant relationship with Him, and He knowing their hearts, knows they will rise in the first resurrection only to be slain by the brightness of True Jesus arrival, to rise a second time for destruction when the New Jerusalem is brought to earth and this planet becomes the center of Abba's government?

Your heart is cold and your eyes are blind.

For Abba it is not the magnitude of loss of life, it is simply the loss of even one life.

The cost and magnitude of this storm has not even begun to be felt. It will have a direct link to the collapse of the American economy which will pave the way for economic sanctions and control at the individual level.

It may not be in the first few months, but it is a significant link in a chain of events.

Prophecy IS being fulfilled before our very eyes for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Jeannieb43 said:

Thanks, Bevin, for putting this disaster into perspective. When considered in the grand scheme of things, this isn't the worst possible catastrophe in history, by any measure.

The poor people of Pompeii, for example, were buried alive in their homes - without a chance to flee.

But this does cause me to stop and ponder, seeing prophecy being fulfilled before my eyes.

[:"blue"]Vesuvius did not suddenly explode. They had some warnings which they tragically ignored. We have a similar warning today to flee from the cities. [/]


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In addition to snakes, gators, red ants, vomit, feces, rotting carcasses, oil, hazardous chemicals, debris, spoiled food, water and Heat to 90 degrees... sharks swimming in the streets????

Fox news is reporting anecdotal sightings of at least one shark swimming in the streets of New Orleans. There is speculation that when the Canal Street Aquarium was inundated the top-of-the-food-chain sharks were somehow released into the shark smorgasbord that New Orleans has become.

According to the Aquarium, if the reports are true, it's (the aquarium's) several bull sharks are the ones loose and swimming in the city.

"The bull shark is a pugnacious, dangerous animal with a worldwide reputation for savage, determined attacks on large fish and mammals, including humans.

Experienced Charter Captain's story of a bull shark encounter:

Other sharks, notably hammerheads, will bite hooked tarpon, too, Walker said. ''But compared to a bull shark, a hammerhead is a sissy. A hammerhead is more tentative. It might bump the tarpon before it bites.

''A bull shark just charges in with its big mouth open and teeth showing and rips the fish to pieces. I tell you, you can't beat them off with a stick.''

''That charging in is a pattern we see in their attacks on people, too,'' Hueter said. ''They are not investigators. They don't check things out. They attack, and they continue the attack. Some sharks hit and then stop. Bull sharks don't stop.''

Walker remembers a harrowing day on the water in Boca Grande pass, south of Venice.

''I had my eyes opened that day,'' he said.

Walker, with clients on a 22-foot outboard, said he saw a bull shark in 4 to 6 feet of clear water over a sandbar. ''We went over for a look and to snap a few pictures,'' he said.

''We followed it as it tried to move away. Then he started cocking his head to one side and began a funny kind of wiggle. They next thing I know it takes off and swims around to the back of the boat, comes partly out of the water with its mouth open and bites down on the trim tab (a flat metal flap just beneath the waterline).

''He's twisting and shaking, the boat is shaking and white water is flying all over the place. He bit the trim tab right off.

''I can only think that he was territorial, that he got tired of us following him around.

''I'm telling you they are mean, and they don't like people around.''


Sorry, only link is to the story about Bull Sharks not about one swimming the streets of New Orleans... That was broadcast...


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Here’s the latest from our Southwestern Union Adventist Community Services (ACS) people:

The St. Bernard Seventh-day Adventist Church is gone and 15 more churches in the area are flooded.

Homeland security has informed ACS that they are going to open the Astrodome in Houston as a shelter, and they will move the people currently taking shelter in the Superdome in New Orleans to this new location.

Homeland Security has asked ACS to open a donations management center in Houston, and Sherry Watts, with Adventist Community Services, reports that they are working on that right now.

Watts also reports that they already have one truck (from Keene, Tex.) filled with clothing in Baton Rouge handing out materials to refugees. As people are rescued from rooftops they are taken to the LSU medical center in Baton Rouge where they are given a checkup. Then ACS gives them a new outfit of clothing, a personal care kit (toothbrush, comb, shampoo, etc.), and a blanket.

If people are wanting to donate money, they can call 877.ACS.2702. If people are wanting to donate through their local church they can mark their tithe envelope “ACS”, or “Katrina”, or “Hurricane”.

If someone wants to volunteer to come to help or if someone in the surrounding area has extra room and would like to board some of the 1600 displaced Adventists, call the Arkansas Louisiana Conference at 318.631.6240. The Arkansas-Louisiana Conference is serving as a clearing house for the displaced Adventists.

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Did anyone else see this report on CNN last night?

A reporter from CNN was with a rescue crew during the night, trying to rescue people trapped in their homes. You could hear people screaming for help or moaning. Dogs in the neighborhood were barking and howling. The sounds were hideous. They found one elderly woman, alive, washed up in some tall shrub or tree, with a badly damaged leg.

The rescue boat is next to a house, and the water is so high that the rescuers are looking DOWN at the roof. The water is almost up to the apex of the roof, and inside is someone still hanging on, with only a few inches of breathing space left.

The reporter was weeping throughout her report.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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A full day after the Big Easy thought it had escaped Katrina's full fury, two levees broke and spilled water into the streets Tuesday, swamping an estimated 80 percent of the bowl-shaped, below-sea-level city, inundating miles and miles of homes and rendering much of New Orleans uninhabitable for weeks or months.

"We are looking at 12 to 16 weeks before people can come in," Mayor Ray Nagin said on ABC's "Good Morning America, "and the other issue that's concerning me is we have dead bodies in the water. At some point in time the dead bodies are going to start to create a serious disease issue."

Blanco said she wanted the Superdome — which had become a shelter of last resort for about 20,000 people — evacuated within two days, along with other gathering points for storm refugees. The situation inside the dank and sweltering Superdome was becoming desperate: The water was rising, the air conditioning was out, toilets were broken, and tempers were rising.

At the same time, sections of Interstate 10, the only major freeway leading into New Orleans from the east, lay shattered, dozens of huge slabs of concrete floating in the floodwaters. I-10 is the only route for commercial trucking across southern Louisiana.

The sweltering city of 480,000 people — an estimated 80 percent of whom obeyed orders to evacuate as Katrina closed in over the weekend — also had no drinkable water, the electricity could be out for weeks, and looters were ransacking stores around town.

"The logistical problems are impossible and we have to evacuate people in shelters," the governor said. "It's becoming untenable. There's no power. It's getting more difficult to get food and water supplies in, just basic essentials."

End Excerpt

A heart where He alone has first place.

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We have a grandson who is a student at Tulane University. He evacuated with my daughter and son-in-law to some relatives in Mississippi about 75 miles from the coast. My daughter lives right on the coast and probably lost her home. However, we don't know because we cannot get in touch with any of them.


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More than 23,000 people are being moved from the New Orleans Superdome to the Houston Astrodome. They will be transported by buses, for the 7 hour drive. There the people will sleep on cots on the floor of the Astrodome, but showers, restrooms, food distribution will be available from contract companies there. Best of all, they'll have air conditioning. They'll also have medical care, child care, and mental health care in the Astrodome.

An emergency hospital is being set up on the tarmac at the New Orleans airport to care for the sick. Medical personnel and equipment have been flown in from California, Washington, and across the U.S.

All this is being organized by the Red Cross.

[per CNN just now]

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Gunmen Roaming New Orleans

POSTED: 11:28 am CDT August 31, 2005

UPDATED: 12:07 pm CDT August 31, 2005

NEW ORLEANS -- The top Homeland Security official in New Orleans said bands of gunmen are roaming through New Orleans.

Terry Ebbert said looters have been breaking into stores all over town to steal guns. The Times-Picayune newspaper reported the gun section at a new Wal-Mart has been cleaned out. And the thieves are apparently using their new guns, with shots heard through the night.

Guns aren't the only things drawing the thieves. People commandeered a forklift on high ground to lift storm shutters and break the glass of a Rite-Aid pharmacy. A crowd stormed the store, carrying ice, water and food.

A spokeswoman for Lousiana's governor said workers at Children's Hospital huddled with sick kids and waited for help to arrive as looters tried to break in. Help never arrived.

A city councilwoman said, "The French Quarter has been attacked." She said "exhausted, scarce police" have to be diverted from search and rescue to try to control the looters.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Reports that the Bernard church in New Orleans has been destroyed may be premature. No reliable reports from that part of town are available. It's almost certainly flooded, however, if it still stands.

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bevin said:

Let's not use this as some 'end of time' catastrophe - >>it is just not that big<<.


Re: >> << We'll see how pragmatic you are when the sky is falling around your ears. It may be a lot closer to that reality than any of us believe.

[:"red"] "A thousand may fall at your side,And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you." [/] Psalm 91:7 NKJV


Obviously it was the end time for many, who just a short time before had little conception of the import.

Lift Jesus up!!

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Clio said:

The cost and magnitude of this storm has not even begun to be felt. It will have a direct link to the collapse of the American economy which will pave the way for economic sanctions and control at the individual level.

It may not be in the first few months, but it is a significant link in a chain of events.

Prophecy IS being fulfilled before our very eyes for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


[:"red"] "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. " [/]

Matthew 24:38,39 NASB


Keep the faith!!

Lift Jesus up!!

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The cost and magnitude of this storm has not even begun to be felt. It will have a direct link to the collapse of the American economy which will pave the way for economic sanctions and control at the individual level.

Wolf! Wolf!

Go look at the incredible loss of life among the American Indian's when the European's turned up, the millions dead in earthquakes and floods and famines.

This is going to have less impact on the American economy than the Iraq war, less than the Viet Nam war, less than the Korean War, less than the polio epidemics, less than the gasoline shortage of the 1970's, and less than the flu epidemic of approx 1920.

Don't let the news media hype cause you to loose your objective assessment of the situation.

The oil rigs will be operational within days - only 20 of over 600 were seriously affected. The refineries may take a little longer - weeks. That is the end of the USA infrastructure losses.

Eventually the end of the world will come - and Jesus will return - but that is no excuse for crying wolf every time there is a little blip near us.

Heck - right now the disasterous panic in Baghdad appears to have topped the death toll in Hurricane K - and the American's have deliberately killed 10x more people in Iraq than have been killed in Hurricane K.

And it all pales to insignificance alongside the famines and diseases in Africa and Asia...

In God's eyes, this just ain't very big


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Your heart is cold and your eyes are blind.

For Abba it is not the magnitude of loss of life, it is simply the loss of even one life.

Five times this week I have volunteered hours of my time to provide people with a safe ambulance ride to hospital. I spend over 30 hours a week on my volunteer paramedic program so I can help people. Don't tell me my heart is cold.

There are 6 BILLION people on this earth, with an average lifespan of about 50 years. 6B / 50*365 = 300,000 people die per day on this earth, and you are making the death of 1000 people over several days a major deal!

More children will die from malnutrition in Africa, who would be saved by the accurate investment of a few dollars, and we are flying $200/hr helicopters to lift people of roofs to save them a few hours of discomfort

And you accuse me of having a cold heart - where is your sympathy for the 50% of Swaziland who have AIDS's, the millions whose children are dying of measles, ...


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I think this may be the start of things to come. There are so many people in far more touble then the USA right now. Yest we have lost lives and are facing high gas prices. But things will get alot worse before Jesus comes again. If Jesus was to come in my life time it would be great. I have heard many say the end is near. I feel that we are seeing only the tip of the Iceburg and that what will happen later will be far worse then Hurricane K.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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Dear Bevin,

When God looks at any problem on earth, He sees individuals, not large groups. Every person is a "big deal" to Him.


Mrs. Gray

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This is the first time we have ever had to abandon a major city. Estimates are it will be three months before it can be inhabited, but it actually may be a lot longer--perhaps years. The levees must be repaired, all the water pumped out, and all the contamination from raw sewage and dead bodies floating around must be cleaned up, before serious rebuilding can even begin.

I agree with what Margaret Gray said. This is oddly like what we would expect with a nuclear attack against a city, almost like a dress rehearsal.

It does seem odd that people keep rebuilding a city that is below sea level and so obviously vulnerable. But then look at the Netherlands.

"Repent America" is claiming that what happened to New Orleans was a divine judgment. Normally I would dismiss something like this, but they do make a better case than usual.




PHILADELPHIA - Just days before "Southern Decadence", an annual homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the French Quarters section of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina destroys the city.

"Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars. Last year, a local pastor sent video footage of sex acts being performed in front of police to the mayor, city council, and the media. City officials simply ignored the footage and continued to welcome and praise the weeklong celebration as being an "exciting event". However, Hurricane Katrina has put an end to the annual celebration of sin.

On the official "Southern Decadence" website (
), it states that the annual event brought in "125,000 revelers" to New Orleans last year, increasing by thousands each year, and up from "over 50,000 revelers" in 1997. This year’s 34th annual "Southern Decadence" was set for Wednesday, August 31, 2005 through Monday, September 5, 2005, but due to massive flooding and the damage left by the hurricane, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered everyone to evacuate the city.

The past three mayors of New Orleans, including Sidney Barthelomew, Marc H. Morial, and C. Ray Nagin, issued official proclamations welcoming visitors to "Southern Decadence". Additionally, New Orleans City Council made other proclamations recognizing the annual homosexual celebration.

"Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," he continued.

New Orleans is also known for its Mardi Gras parties where thousands of drunken men revel in the streets to exchange plastic jewelry for drunken women to expose their breasts. This annual event sparked the creation of the "Girls Gone Wild" video series.

"We must help and pray for those ravaged by this disaster, but let us not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the wickedness in their city for so long," Marcavage said. "May this act of God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits, and bring us trembling before the throne of Almighty God," Marcavage concluded.

"[God] sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:45)

Link: http://www.repentamerica.com/pr_hurricanekatrina.html

We frequently rush to say that God is not vindictive, and it is wrong to suggest He would pour out retributive judgments like this. But we also need to remember that God sustains each one of us from moment to moment, for as Scripture says, "...in him we live, and move, and have our being...." (Acts 17:28) This means that God must be intimately aware of all that we think and feel and do, from the inside out, in all the evil that we commit. We forcibly subject God to a knowledge of evil that His pure and holy nature recoils from. Calvary is a representation to us of what our sin means to the heart of God.

So we must understand that even God must have His limits, and eventually must come to the point where He is no longer willing to bear unnecessarily with the burden of living through our most excessive and wanton sins. The point is, if what happened to New Orleans is a divine judgment, it is not merely a matter of punishment, but a matter of God wanting to draw limits to how much evil He must endure.

If the time has come for judgments against the most wicked cities, then will San Francisco or Key West be next?

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Apparently 'Repent America' first came out with the idea that the hurricane was a punishment of New Orleans for the fact that it has 10 abortion clinics - they even claimed that the shape of the hurricane clouds coming in looked like a 6 week old fetus. Now they've changed their story to make it about this festival. It has zero credibility with me, and perhaps if it's a punishment for anything it's for our bad stewardship of the earth that's led to global climate change... and destroyed the very islands and wetlands that would have weakened the hurricane before it got to the city. But much more likely it's simply a consequence of the weather, where the city was located, bad urban planning and... oh yeah, the fact that levee repairs/rebuilding has been defunded by 44% over the past 2 years.

Truth is important

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Pulling together for hurricane disaster relief

The Southwestern Union responds

The destructive results of Hurricane Katrina have left us reeling as we see how many lives have been uprooted and how many people are suffering. As we continue to pray for God’s peace and protection, we must do all we can to help those in need.

Although specific facts are still unknown, it seems clear that most of the 22 Adventist churches in greater New Orleans / southeast Louisiana area have suffered extensive flooding and wind damage. Some are thought to be completely destroyed. All of the more than 5000 church members in the area have suffered losses. Some are still searching for family members. Most have lost their homes and jobs, and their situation will not improve for weeks or possibly months.

The Southwestern Union family is pulling together to offer assistance. A special offering is being called for the next two Sabbaths, September 3 and September 10, to help meet the needs of those who have been displaced.

Each of the local conference offices is serving as a clearinghouse for those who can offer space in their homes to displaced families. If anyone near the affected areas can offer space to an evacuated family, please contact one of the conference offices. In addition, Lone Star Camp in Athens, Texas, and Camp Yorktown Bay in Hot Springs, Arkansas, are being equipped to serve as housing for displaced members.

Adventist Community Services is already on the scene assisting the general public. At the request of Homeland Security, ACS, with the cooperation of other agencies are opening multi-agency warehouses for the collection and distribution of donated goods in Houston, Tex., Alexandria, La., Jackson, Miss., and in Alabama. Trucks from the Community Resources Depot in Keene, Tex. filled with clothing, blankets, and personal care items, are already in the Baton Rouge area assisting those who have been rescued and evacuated from New Orleans. Also, churches in the Houston area are banding together to feed evacuees who are in danger of exhausting their resources so far from home.

Join us in praying for those affected by this disaster and in donating to meet the needs of those of those who have lost so much.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Bravus said:

It has zero credibility with me, and perhaps if it's a punishment for anything it's for our bad stewardship of the earth that's led to global climate change... and destroyed the very islands and wetlands that would have weakened the hurricane before it got to the city. But much more likely it's simply a consequence of the weather, where the city was located, bad urban planning and... oh yeah, the fact that levee repairs/rebuilding has been defunded by 44% over the past 2 years.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Thank you Bravus, there is nothing I could add to your statement of probable cause.

Yes, there were all kinds of people and events that received much press. However, there were many, many good decent people who lived, worked, raised their families, went to church,etc in the city. Though not as well publicized, most Cities have simular conditions as Repent America cites.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Thank you for your reports, especially "Pulling together for hurricane disaster relief", and for sharing the Southwestern Union responses. It makes me proud to be a member of SW Union and the SDA church. And, thankful for all the emotional support and assistance our Southwestern Union family are offering our members.

While expected, I am sadden to hear about the loss and/or damage to our churches in the area. Many of which I have visited through the years. I must say that in some areas I have visited people were not verywarm and friendly, that was never the case in the Gulf Coast churches.

This is a time to pray for the precious souls who have lost so much. Not a time to judge or make it an "end time" issue. Only God knows all the answers.

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/1_prayer001.gif" alt="" />


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Since abortion providers target African Americans, I guess it is no surprise that in a city that is 65% African American there would be 10 abortion clinics.

I will not jump on the band wagon that says this was a punishment from God. However I will not scoff at it either. We know that the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was a judgment from God because God revealed that to Sister White before it happened. So while I won't jump on that band wagon, I will admit that it is a possability.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Naomi said:

Though not as well publicized, most Cities have simular conditions as Repent America cites.


So would it be illogical to assume that the destruction of the most brazenly hostile against the purity of God, might be warning to the other groups of people who allow depths of degradation to rule their daily pursuits, that reveling in destructive behavior will bring its' sure results, though God waits patiently to see if any would be saved.

[:"red"] "The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent." [/] 2 Pet 3:9 NLT


Lift Jesus up!!

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

LifeHiscost said:

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Naomi said:

Though not as well publicized, most Cities have simular conditions as Repent America cites.


<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

So would it be illogical to assume that the destruction of the most brazenly hostile against the purity of God, might be warning to the other groups of people who allow depths of degradation to rule their daily pursuits, that reveling in destructive behavior will bring its' sure results, though God waits patiently to see if any would be saved.

[:"red"] "The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent." [/] 2 Pet 3:9 NLT

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/DOVE.gif" alt="" />

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

No it would not be illogical. However, my point was that in every major city in the world one would find sections that similar illicit behaviors are practiced daily. Just not as well publicized. If we are living in those areas, which are probably occuring even in your city, are we allowing this type of activity?



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Dear friends,

The most tragic thing about all this is not the hurricane, although in most situations that disaster would have been enough to give one nightmares for life. But no, the worst thing is the fact that so many will have died because of the government's ineptitude and inability to handle this disaster.

The fact that this once great city is now being controlled by the criminal element because it took several days for the National Guard to mobilize is criminal in its own right. There are not words to describe how wrong this is.

Some people are appalled at the poor condition of the levees and poor funding, and that's bad, but it's understandable that they may not have conceived of this degree of devestation, but this failure to mobilize even the most rudamentary of services is beyond words.

Mrs. Gray was once a strong supporter of the Bush administration, but his administration's handling of this as well as Iraq shows that they will cut corners whenever they can possibly do so. It's just plain arrogant and obnoxious. (Without resorting to nuclear language, Mrs. Gray must be satisfied with these terms to describe the deep stomach ache that rises within her at the thought of what's going on.)

Why didn't they remember that the City had directed THOUSANDS to the Convention Center (which is a separate building from the Superdome)? Thousands of people went there, but there were NO AUTHORITIES there at all. The people went there to die. Bodies piled in a makeshift morgue in the kitchen.

And when they finally found out about the people, which they dumbly claim not to know about, they don't go in with medical aid because the criminals with guns have taken over. If our military can take Fallujah, when the enemy had bombs and RPGs, they could take out a few criminals with handguns.

Hundreds will probably die because of the delay. But the numbskulls in Washington will never acknowledge the degree of devastation that was clearly visible on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.

For two days, the government has been saying that they are pouring troops into New Orleans, but where are they?

While one can understand not being able to get water to people who are scattered across the city, the failure to get it to people who are in the "places of refuge" that the government knew about shows such a high level of ineptitude that it's amazing that these people are able to walk update.

It's the blindness to the fate of all the thousands who were placed in this kind of danger, rapes, murders in the Superdome, etc. that is the most galling. And if they didn't give a damn about the people they knew about, how could they care about the thousands still trapped in their attics whose air is almost gone?

God forbid this happen in more than one city at the same time. Even though one is quite a distance from a tragic event like this, one gets extremely ANGRY at the ineptitude of their government when they can't do the minimal necessary to protect the law abiding citizens who trusted them enough to go to their places of refuge.

The next time this kind of disaster happens, maybe it's best to understand the maxim "every man for himself" from the beginning rather than having to wait until one learns it from a police officer who is shoving one out of the way as he rushes past toward his waiting patrol car.

Death and destruction of untold horror. In terms of the way it was handled, this is the worst thing ever to happen in America in peace time. Even in war, people know how to count the cost. But not when they're cajoled into a sense of safety only to have it ripped from them by "criminals gone wild," or to be collected in large groups to starve or die of thirst.

There has to be a word that's bad enough to describe this.


Mrs. Gray

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