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Katrina- political fallout

Neil D

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What right do you have to post here?

You have not answered my questions in the other thread on 'inflammatory remarks" regarding your bullying.

And here is evidence again of your rhortical/abussive remarks. As a professional writer, you can change your style and your communication so as to allow the message to be recieved by the reciever in a much more friendlier way. You, a professional writer, who has had articles published in Adventist publications, can do that. You, who have touted this, can do this...

My suggestion to you, is Nike it. ...Just do it. Leave the acid anywhere else but here.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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No matter how many times you repeat an accusation, that does not make it true.

Trouble is, I'm not the one trying to stop anyone from posting anywhere, not demanding answers concerning "rights," not telling anybody what they should or should not post ("I don't want to hear any more. . .").

I make my points. Other people make theirs.

You're perfectly free to make your accusations. Someone can call reporting "extremist." Someone can dispute those claims.

Addendum: A minor point. I haven't "touted" being a writer. That sobriquet was assigned by Stan, not me. On the ohter hand, you can't seem to stop mentioning it.

Addendum II: As far as your suggestion to me, my suggestion to you is that. . . well, that's another thing I don't do.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?

* Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

* The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

This is available at Red Cross Katrina FAQS

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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Ed and Neil, you both belong in corners facing the wall. Cant you please just reply with topical facts to facts and not with rashly written, heated words? I feal I am listening to a "are so, are not" fight. I dont care who started it. I dont care about who is keeping it going. I want it stopped. No name calling. No inuendo. No slurs. No nothing. Got it? The next to post anything I find out of order is outta here. Post deleted.


<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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No matter how many times you repeat an accusation, that does not make it true.


What are you willing to do to make peace with me? That's the goal...that is the question.

Concider all the things that have happened between us, what are you willing to do to make peace?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Checking non-right-wing sources, the report in Newsweek and one other paper that Governor Blanco did not declare a state of emergency was *incorrect* the paper (Washington Post from memory but don't hold me to that) has published a correction, but Newsweek hasn't yet.

Truth is important

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You probably did see HOW Mayor Blanco announced the evacuation, didn't you? Not to be racist ( I'm not) but I would not have expected anyone to take his announcement seriously, the way he looked that day, as if lolling in la la land himself, appearing sorely obligated to mention something he didn't want to be botherd with.

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Governor Blanco did not declare a state of emergency was *incorrect*

At best, a straw man. La. did deny the Red Cross access to the SuperDome, they did refuse to let Bush federalize the Nat'l Guard, and they did not send in the Guard themselves.

And Mayor Nagin told WWL radio that they needed Greyhound buses from all over the country-- instead of using the ones actually under his authority.

Since you mention "right-wing" sources, I have to inquire whether you consider the Red Cross and WWL radio such.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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Um, Governor Kathleen Blanco is female and white. You're thinking of Mayor Roy Nagin.

Truth is important

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Um, Governor Kathleen Blanco is female and white. You're thinking of Mayor Roy Nagin.

Um, I know. And you know what a "straw man" is, too.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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(just a reminder, Ed, and I won't do it again, that I currently have you on 'ignore', so if your posts are in response to mine I can't see them. others in the thread can, though, so by all means respond - i just won't be able to respond to your response. it's doing wonders for my blood pressure already!)

Truth is important

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Ed Dickerson said:


Um, Governor Kathleen Blanco is female and white. You're thinking of Mayor Roy Nagin.

Um, I know. And you know what a "straw man" is, too.

It seems that other people are lowering their BP by placing you on ignore. It seems to me that you have a history of bullying other people, Ed.

Tenacious I am, Ed. I am not willing to let this go until you make peace with me...

Concider all the things that have happened between us, what are you willing to do to make peace?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Since Ed's comment was quoted, I can respond: my comment about Blanco and Nagin was directed to Restin and was a simple fact correction, not any kind of argument, so it's kind of hard to see how it would be a 'straw man'...

Truth is important

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Gov. Kathleen Blanco's Bureaucrats Blocked Food and Water

This story will also be on FOXNews Hanity & Combs tonight.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Fox News Channel's Major Garrett reported Wednesday that the Red Cross had "trucks with water, food, hygiene equipment, all sorts of things ready to go ... to the Superdome and Convention Center."

But the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security, Garrett said, "told them they could not go."

"The Red Cross tells me that Louisiana's Department of Homeland Security said, 'Look, we do not want to create a magnet for more people to come to the Superdome or Convention Center, we want to get them out,'" he explained.

"So at the same time local officials were screaming where is the food, where is the water, the Red Cross was standing by ready [and] the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security said you can't go."

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

It sounds like the state employees were following the letter of the law which stated that refuges of last resort were not to have beds, blankets or food so as to encourage those seeking refuge to stay.

One really starts to wonder what the Congressional investigation is going to turn up. I think it is little wonder why some House Democrats are not excited about such a commission. They probbally know the commission isn't going to conclude what they would like it to.

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Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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It seems to me that you have a history of bullying other people, Ed.

Tenacious I am, Ed. I am not willing to let this go until you make peace with me...

That's an interesting approach: couple an accusation with a demand for peace. Does that usually work for you?

Doesn't seem a promising approach to me.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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I was told you all still want to abuse each other. Ok, here you go, thread unlocked. Abuse away.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Amelia said:

I was told you all still want to abuse each other. Ok, here you go, thread unlocked. Abuse away.

Sorry, Amelia...Not looking to abuse,...but rather looking to make peace...But from Ed's comments, it looks like he doesn't want to bury any hatchet between us.

Ball is still in your court Ed. Whatcha willing to do to make peace between us? I am open...Are you?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I've seen Home Alone 2, Jeff.

So, for clarification, I can surmise from your reply, that you have no intention on making any sort of peace with me. Correct?

I am looking for your intentions here...And I am understanding you to mean that you are going to continue to post as you have been doing...Right?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I missed the part where you get to make demands, and I am bound to answer.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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IOWs, you don't want peace between us, right? You like this tit for tat exchange and you like to be that "in control" type person and not answer any questions that you don't have control over...Is that right?

I am willing to make that peace, Ed. based upon the obtuse commments that you made....All I am asking is what you are willing to do to make that peace work....

So, what are you willing to do, Ed? Come on, be specific. Options are on the table and all things are negotible...What are you willing to do....?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Sir Thomas More:For myself, I have no doubt.

Cromwell: (shouting) No doubt of what?

More: No doubt that I will not take this oath. And why I will not, Master Secretary, you will not trick out of me.

Cromwell: Oh, I might get it out of you in other ways. (clearly threatening torture).

More: You threaten like a dockside bully.

Cromwell: How should I threaten?

More: Like a minister of state, with justice.

Cromwell: Oh, justice is what you're threatened with.

More: Then I am not threatened.

"A Man for All Seasons," Best Picture of 1966, screenplay by Robert Bolt.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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I realize that you have no control over this, except to agree or disagree or keep sidesteping the issue and delaying the envitable.

It's your choice....And I am asking what you are willing to do to make it work. As evidenced with Bravus who has placed you on his ignore list, you obviously cause some major problems within Bravus such that he can not talk with you.

For every post in which you sidestep the answer, you publically make yourself out to be something that you dont like to be. Isn't that true?

So, what's it gonna be, Ed? The negotiating table is open. It will not be open forever. There's a heaven to gain and a hell to shun here. What are you gonna do to make peace and make it work? That is all any of us want to know.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I realize that you have no control over this,

I've never been under the illusion that I could control any interchange between two separate individuals.

So I don't try. My replies demonstrate that you cannot, either.

I'm not "side-stepping." I'm demonstrating that I'm not bound to answer manipulative questions, leading questions which sate as facts your assessment.

The very kindest description of that tactic is "begging the question."

I'm anticipating yet another circuit around the triangle.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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you cant force someone to take your olive branch; however many times you offer it. Accept the fact that it has been offered and you've done your part. Neither can you force someone to admit to actions that they dont see in themselves. Now is the time to stop the vollies and let God take over.


You are a passive agressive bully. You bait and switch like a pro. But, I know you will deny this, c'est la vie.

I may have given up on this but God hasnt. Please take a good look inside and ask Him, am I really like that?

I wish I was like Jesus. Patient and knowing the right words to say. But I am not. I am frustrated and angry and human to the point that I want to toss you both out on your tuckus for acting 2 yrs old.

I am closing this thread. I emplore you to put each other on ignore. Be assured that the moderators and admins are discussing this topic. Time will tell but I am going to act rashly and stop this thread now. I'm not looking to be liked or loved here so for me it's que sera sera.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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