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Should never own pets. My neighbor had a 4 week old kitten show up at their house this morning. I gues the people who live next door moved and left several of their cats behind. They also caught the male that was fighting with their female fixed cat. I was going to take the older cat, but after look arround at vet decided that was the cat for us. that when I found out they had found a kitten. This poor baby is so thin with a belly full of worms. He is now part of our family. He been following the girls arround all over the place. He been eating anf the vet said he is healthy though thin. Need to deworm him again in two weeks. The kitten only weighs 13oz. Well I am off to take care of our newst pet.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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4 weeks old, wow so young and small. I cannot stand hearing about people who leave their cats behind. It is just wrong and illegal too. I just rehomed a cat that was left behind, after about a year of taking care of her. I have five inside and hope to find a family for one of them. Bless you for taking care of this kitten. All of mine are rescues, two from a shelter and the rest are Hawaiian strays. Keep us updated!

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We had to leave our Kauai kitties behind when we moved. We tried every way we could think of, but we had no house to move to and my MIL said NO WAY to cats staying with us with her (we stayed with them for 6 weeks till we could buy/move into our house). So we gave them to friends who unfortunately ended up being allergic and took them to the shelter. (which is where they would have gone initially.) The shelter is a no-kill shelter, as long as the cats are up to date on everything, but with all the strays in Hawaii, cats aren't even a dime a dozen, and no one will take grown cats. Fortunately, they would have been able to stay together. They were siblings and very attached to each other. Very sweet. We haven't gotten cats since, because both boys are allergic and one with asthma. We all miss them, but we couldn't have brought them to HK, so it's for the best.

Enjoy your kitty, Barbara! I love cats--just can't live with them very well (it was okay in Kauai because we left the jalousie windows open all the time and my allergies didn't flare up as much as in Colorado with everything closed up for the winter!).


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I have been very careful with the kitten and have rules set up since I am allergies to cats. The kitten can not come into my bed room. It will get weekly baths and I wash my hands after I play with it, pet it and hold it. I did okay yesterday By the time we went to bed my eye were a little scratchy

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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For your allergies, there are some things you can do. You might want to try Nature's Miracle Dander Remover. Also, I hear Hepa Air Purifiers really help A LOT. Then there is the Dyson Pet vacuum cleaner. You can get it refurbished on Amazon.com.

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Hi Alisha--we're doing here what you're doing in Molokai--teaching! Actually, my husband was called here to start an English International school, but in going through all the government red tape/regulations/hoops, they decided that they would not allow us to open an International school but that they would (probably) okay it if we opened a "local curriculum" school in English. However, we can not open this year because the lease still needs to be changed--the original lease was only for secondary and tertiary education, but our school will be primary and secondary, so the lands department has to change the lease. They have had it in their department for over 6 monthes now, so we're hoping soon it will be okayed (if this makes no sense, I'm sorry--there have been so many hoops I am condensing greatly).

Anyway, the plans are that for the 2006-07 school year, our school will open, probably with grades k-3 or 4 (depending on need). There are many people in this area who are interested in an English medium school, even if it's not an international school. We will still be hiring native English speakers as teachers (interested?) and they will be full IDE (missionary) status. Plans are to expand the grades one grade at a time, but secondary may start earlier than the first kids from primary reaching that level. There are a lot of unknowns!

Anyway, in the meantime, my husband is teaching full-time at Hong Kong Adventist College (HKAC) and organizing the pre-college section (for the kids who didn't pass their Form 5 exams to get to Form 6 in order to go to Form 7 and pass their exams to get to college--this British-based system is very confusing to me!). I have been home-schooling my boys, but this year I'm also teaching Writing to the pre-college students. I haven't taught in a classroom in 6 years, so I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing in classes with students ranging from fluent in English to being fresh out of China and not understanding a word I say--the disparity makes it very difficult!

What is life like? That's another story for another time when I have a little more time on my hands.


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Thank you for the sujestion I am going to order some of the Nature's Miracle Dander Remover. I have to wait for payday to order it. I hope it works.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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