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In two hours I go in for LASIK on my eyes

I hope that everything goes well...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Will do, Doug!

I am home and it is amazing the things I can now see without any contact lens help. Just awesome!

So, everything so far has gone very well

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Did you do both eyes in the same op?

Better to do them separately.

Gail, as I read your intent to have Lasik surgery I was alarmed a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit. Better said I was really concerned. I too, thought it might make life more comfortable for me not having my contact lens anymore.The whole Lasik matter came actual for me 4 years ago. Actually, I had stopped wearing the contacts at the time of planning to have Lasik and was using glasses again. My eyes had reached a point of drying out so quickly that the whites of the eyes were constantly blood-shot. No discomfort at all, but too many were making queries to me why my eyes looked so strained.

I went to the Lasik clinic and went through all the procedures for getting thoroughly checked. They explained that the surgery permanently changes the shape of my cornea so the focusing of light, or the refraction on the retina gets improved to do away with helps like contacts or glasses. My 23 years of wearing contact lens cleared up my astigmatism, funny to say, by sort of constantly rubbing over the cornea till a more smooth surface came about.

These doctors were telling me that the precise and controlled removal of corneal tissue by a special laser reshapes the cornea changing its focusing power. I didn’t understand technically what they were on about as they said something about vaporizing the stroma.

I went home and did my own look up online to find out all the negative risks involved. As I told husband what I found he got so upset he urgently begged me not to do it. So I listened to him and am wearing chic light-weight modern glasses to this day. There is an advantage to wearing glasses when one is myopic like me. Besides that the plastic lightweight lens are grounded to real thinness and aren’t bulky looking, I find it easier to listen to boring annoying people in a crowd I am sitting in when I take my glasses off and stare at them when they are all out focus in a fuzzy way.

What really put me off those 4 years ago as I was serious about getting Lasik operation was the warning that I dare not have a violent jolt to my head because the splice on the cornea rim is delicate and might come apart causing all sorts of dangers.

This is a list of possible risks.

• Some patients lose vision. Some patients lose lines of vision on the vision chart that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery as a result of treatment.

• Some patients develop debilitating visual symptoms. Some patients develop glare, halos, and/or double vision that can seriously affect nighttime vision. Even with good vision on the vision chart, some patients do not see as well in situations of low contrast, such as at night or in fog, after treatment as compared to before treatment.

• You may be under treated or over treated. Only a certain percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. You may require additional treatment, but additional treatment may not be possible. You may still need glasses or contact lenses after surgery. This may be true even if you only required a very weak prescription before surgery. If you used reading glasses before surgery, you may still need reading glasses after surgery.

• Some patients may develop severe dry eye syndrome. As a result of surgery, your eye may not be able to produce enough tears to keep the eye moist and comfortable. Dry eye not only causes discomfort, but can reduce visual quality due to intermittent blurring and other visual symptoms. This condition may be permanent. Intensive drop therapy for an indefinate length of time and use of plugs or other procedures may be required.

• Results are generally not as good in patients with very large refractive errors of any type. You should discuss your expectations with your doctor and realize that you may still require glasses or contacts after the surgery.

• For some farsighted patients, results may diminish with age. If you are farsighted, the level of improved vision you experience after surgery may decrease with age. This can occur if your manifest refraction (a vision exam with lenses before dilating drops) is very different from your cycloplegic refraction (a vision exam with lenses after dilating drops).

• Long-term data is not available. Lasik is a relatively new technology. The first laser was approved for Lasik eye surgery in 1998. Therefore, the long-term safety and effectiveness of Lasik surgery is not known. People growing older have not been observed how their senior body changes affect their eye surgery.

• During surgery. Malfunction of a device or other error, such as cutting a flap of cornea through and through instead of making a hinge during LASIK surgery, may lead to discontinuation of the procedure or irreversible damage to the eye.

• After surgery. Some complications, such as migration of the flap, inflammation or infection, may require another procedure and/or intensive treatment with drops. Even with aggressive therapy, such complications may lead to temporary loss of vision or even irreversible blindness.

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Besides that the plastic lightweight lens are grounded to real thinness and aren’t bulky looking, I find it easier to listen to boring annoying people in a crowd I am sitting in when I take my glasses off and stare at them when they are all out focus in a fuzzy way.

I have to laugh. If I wore glasses rather than contacts, I could do the same thing! grin.gif After 25 years of hard contacts, it's hard to think of something else.

I considered Lasik, but the doc I talked to said he wouldn't recommend it unless there was a strong reason to do so. He had done it because he had such terrible allergies that he couldn't wear his contacts during allergy season and hated wearing glasses to work. However, I've never had a really compelling reason other than wanting to not wear contacts anymore. So I haven't.

I'll have to remember Turmeric's trick, though . . . .


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Gail said:

Will do, Doug!

I am home and it is amazing the things I can now see without any contact lens help. Just awesome!

So, everything so far has gone very well

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Hey Girl,

Didn't have access to C/A when you first made your post. Other than my left side that has nureological weakness, causing some short-term difficulities, the lazer w/implants was a cake walk. It is sooooooooo wonderful.

FWIW, 4 months later my eyes are still improving. I was so blind I couldn't read road signs with glasses.

You will see a "whole new world" ... I'm really happy for you! <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/coolhello.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smilie_zoom.gif" alt="" />


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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That is so awesome, Naomi! Yes, I am really, really happy with the work that was done, and to think that it improves over time is more than I could ever have hoped for

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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