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Please pray for my Mother and Mother in law


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I must ask that you please uplift my precious mother in prayer. Seems she has developed a blood clot in her right thigh. God gave us a miracle yesterday in the timing of her regular doctor's appointment. I noticed last week that Mother's appointment with her doc had been cancelled and rescheduled for Friday (yesterday). She didn't tell me about this "pain in her leg" until Thursday. When I looked at it, my heart just sank. I just knew it was a blood clot but she flat out refused to go to the hospital (too soon after my father that been in there I'm supposing). She was only willing to go to the appointment she had with her doc the next day. Dr. Wesley is a good friend of our family so I called him and he assured me he'd see what was going on. He called me yesterday afternoon to give me the results and we agreed she just had to go into the hospital for the prescribed treatment...She is not too happy presently with either of us. In my heart I know this is best.

My mother is not saved and presently doesn't even realize how serious this "deep vein thrombosis" thing is. Today marks the 1st week since we buried my father also. Also, please pray for travelling mercies for my brother who is driving up from TN today. Mother is not to pleased with that but I gently reminded her that after what John and I have been thru recently in the loss of Daddy, there was no way that my brother was about NOT to come up. He's still very raw over the lost of our father and John is even closer to our mother.

Also, I must ask that you please uplift my mother in law, Vivian, in your prayers as well! She was admitted to the hospital about 60 miles east of where we live with breathing problems and swelling. She is not quite a year older than my own mother and is such a precious little lady. She needs prayer very much so she can get to feeling better!

Thank you so much for your prayers...it's all our family has presently and I can assure you, our family is clinging ferociously to the hand of God.

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Scary (and painful!). I had a DVT when I was 23 and I still deal with pain. I am so thankful that your mother was diagnosed in time! I pray for her and for you MIL. And for your family. What a lot to deal with all at once.


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When I saw your request, I thought to myself, "Wasn't this the member whose father just passed away?"

Father, I lift up Vivian to You. There has been much sorrow in this family as of late, and we plead for intercession on her behalf. May Your name be praised. May Your presence be felt as they lift their hearts to You for help in this time of need

In Jesus' name we thank You

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Hi Puddles, sorry to hear about all this. I hope that through this your mother will find the Lord. We will pray for her and your Mother in law.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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Shall be praying for both of your "mothers"



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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