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Troll Poll *DELETED*


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Why the poll, Christine?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Could it be because this Christine_Wall is not Christine Wall at all?

Be careful friend may not be friend, and Tumeric may not be Tumeric and Fran may or may not be Fran. Beware of the counterfeits.


The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Fran said:

Could it be because this Christine_Wall is not Christine Wall at all?

Be careful friend may not be friend, and Tumeric may not be Tumeric and Fran may or may not be Fran. Beware of the counterfeits.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I missed the content of the Troll Poll.

Sounds like something intriguing smile.gif

Anyone want to pm me what was mentioned?

tongue1.gif All power to anyone wanting to use my display name. ROFLOL!!

If there is anyone clever enough to copy my wierd style of writing and get away with it, then kudo's wink.gif

Turmeric® the original spicegal

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[:"green"] * SIGH * [/] I am just not myself today.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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[:"purple"] AMELIA,[/] our Troll?

...how cute. Now that was real natural born humor... you really had us going there. Sherlock Fran was even quicker on the draw. (man...oh...man... this place is hopping with editors editing moderators who moderate)

Just now I noticed this 31/12/1969 19:00

and see the connection....

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The original content of this poll was intended to show me whether or not anyone here, save one, thought I was acting as a troll recently. It took only a few votes for me to discover that more than one individual truly felt that I was acting as a troll.

As the term "troll" was something I did not fully understand, I researched it through Google. Turns out, simply calling another a troll, is indeed troll behavior in and of itself. Also, posting a "Troll Poll" is trollish behavior.

Christine_Wall and Christine Wall are indeed, one in the same. There is little reason to jump into conspiracy theories. I am who I am. I sit from the same computer, day in and day out.

While I am one person, I have a varied thoughts and ideas. Sometimes I wish to explore those ideas and see what I can learn from them. Sometimes, I wish to expose new thoughts to others and try to introduce alternative thoughts within them as well.

I am a wife, homemaker, a homeschooling mother of two, a "recovering" adultress and sinner of various other sorts; I defend the youth, the poor, the homeless, the widows and the elderly; I upset easily when others are accused of wrongdoing when the matter hasn't been thoroughly searched; I remain upset when forgiveness is not given freely.

When it seems that I have little say, it is because I choose to remain a Silent Maven.

Pardon my trollish behavior.

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Oh, dear Chrys please know that I have never carried negative thoughts of you. I accepted you as being one of the crowd and doing alright. I didn't even know the content of the poll and got even confused in this thread as you noticed (excuse me Amelia,please, for my thinking you changed your display name to Christine_Wall). Now I see what happened.

Trolling online is way far more intricated than just annoying a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit some of the readers. I will post here what I have on File now to show you how the rest of cyberspace stands to Trolls and Trolling....

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TROLLs are our Internet Demons homing into our Forums for the sake of dissention, discouragement and destruction.

My study of the source sites given below gave me insights about what we online forum groups have to deal with in the matter of disruptive spirits invading the Forum discussion.

The W.A.S.T.E. Report (World Alliance for the Study of Trolls and E-Scum)


W.A.S.T.E. Site

I.R.K.S.O.M.E Site

TROLL Definitions

# 1…..What is a troll?

Troll: (v.) Technically, the Usenet term "troll" has more to do with fishing than with nasty goblins who live under bridges and eat goats.

To "troll" means to cast for responses much the way a fisherman casts his line for fish. Usually this is done with provocative or outrageous material. The goal is to get lots and lots of responses, and maybe tie up the group entirely. The troll does not generally wish to actually participate in the newsgroup or Forum to discuss its topic. It simply wants to provoke response. And lots of it.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Trolling is a method of fishing.

From the Boy's Own Book of Outdoor Sports (early 1900s)

"One of the branches of angling which is generally practiced at mid-water or thereabouts, and includes spinning with a live, a dead, or an artificial bait, with a small fish generally, or its representative. When neither fly fishing nor bottom fishing can be practiced, in consequence of certain forbidding circumstances of water and season, trolling can be resorted to as an excellent substitute.

The fish most commonly taken by any sort of trolling in our rivers are pike, perch and trout.

Trolling is divided into there parts, viz: sinking and roving, trolling with gauge and snap-hooks and spinning.

Sinking and roving is practiced with a live bait; a minnow or a loach for the common trout or perch; bleak, gudgeon, dace or roach for pike or large trout. The best general bait for all sorts of trolling is the gudgeon. The rod used should be a long bottom one, with a good winch, and prepared plaited silk trolling line. For foot-line, about a yard and a half of the best gut. The link to which the hook is tied, should be of fine gimp, if pike are sought fore; but gut, or three-twisted hairs, will do for trout and perch. The baits must be strong and lively, and placed on the hooks with as little injury to them as possible. Allow the bait to swim, here and there, generally at mid-water, but in deep places, deeper, drawing it up gently to the surface now and then, letting it sink again and guiding it to the best looking spots of the locality.

Snap-baits are mostly used at seasons when pike do not feed with sufficient voracity to pouch their baits promptly. Their merit lies in allowing the troller to strike quickly, before the fastidious fish suspecting something wrong, has time to eject the bait from his mouth. The rod used must be short and stiff; that known as the punt barbel rod being the best. Snap-baits are two-fold - one, which does not spring when you stroke the fish, and the other which does.

The first-named consists of three hooks - two large ones, tied back to back, with their barbs pointing different ways and one smaller hook tied on at the top of the shanks of the others, and pointing straight out from them. The spring-snap is generally used with dead bait; it requires deep insertion in the bait to allow the spring to act, which it will not do without some considerable resistance.

Spinning is a dashing, killing method of angling, and the practice of it requires considerable muscular exertion. The best spinning rod is made of a single piece of East India mottled cane, fourteen or sixteen feet long, well ringed, with a screw winch, requiring no winch fittings. With a rod of this description, salmon and large trout can be trolled for in the deepest and widest waters. In narrow streams, the angler can spin with a very small portion of line out and almost avoid casting, the length of the rod allowing the bait to be dropped noiselessly wherever it is wished, and to spin it accordingly. The baits used in spinning should be of the most brilliant colors; the brightest minnows, gudgeons, you can procure. The hooks used in spinning should be of the bright steel color of the wire, no changed to the ordinary blue line of hooks; and they should be whipped on with light-colored silk, waxed with white wax. Artificial spinning baits are sold at the various tackle stores. They all kill fish more or less successfully; but the majority of them are inferior to the natural bait. A small sail boat, or skiff is used, with an attendant to manage the boat as you direct. You can sue the live bait, or an artificial bait, as most convenient. Some sportsmen are very fortunate with the artificial bait. A stiff rod and reel, with the same tackle as before described, and no sinker - is all that is requisite. The boat should move gently, and let your line drag far in the rear. With artificial bait the fish is hooked almost instantly. If you use live bait, be exceedingly careful in determining when the fish has gorged it. You should give him several minutes after he has seized it, for this purpose. On seeing the bait, the pickerel will generally run off with it, and will then stop to gorge it, but does not always do so. The sign that he has swallowed it, is a peculiar slackening of the line, which experienced anglers can easily understand. But if he has gorged the bait, he will soon start off a second time, and sometimes will stop and start off the third time. In these cases, you should never be in a hurry. When you are convinced that he has taken down the bait, draw a tight line, and strike for your fish. If he is large, you should play with him until he is quite exhausted, or you may lose him in the attempt to land. The difficulty of taking a pickerel from the hook may be obviated in a measure by gagging. For this purpose some anglers provide themselves with prepared sticks of various lengths. If the hook is completely swallowed, as is frequently the case, open the stomach in the middle, cut away the hook, and unslipping the knot that holds the gimp, draw it out that way rather than through the mouth."

Your best weapon against Trolls is your refusal!

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# 2……Trolling a Forum

A poster with no interest in the group with intent to disrupt, flame, and destroy the group. TROLL Basically, a TROLL is someone who could be considered to be a type of fisherman. They cast out bait in the form of an inflammatory or shocking message designed to hook the jaw of the regular forum user. The regular forum user is supposed to get angry, start a flame war, and get off topic from the real purpose of the forum or news group. The regular forum member is viewed like a fish by the TROLL. The TROLL wishes to catch this fish and try to make it flop like a fish out of water, creating great joy for the TROLL.

Troll 1 - This is usually a “wannabe” troll or a beginner troll. However, they can be a troll “groupie”, someone who just loves to hang around trolls.

Troll 2 - These trolls have been accepted as a hate and discontent bringer. They’re not very good at it, but they’re learning. This level is known for being put down rather easily, and they become the hunted instead of the hunter.

Troll 3 - These trolls have the basic skills and usually attack in groups. They usually cause hate, discontent, and disruption for short periods of time, lose interest, and move on for greater fun. This level has learned that they will be caught and embarrassed if they stick around too long in one place.

There you have it. Troll 3 is the highest rank. There might be a level 4 if they could attract people of greater intelligence.

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Troll Stampede -

3 or more trolls have organized and are attacking in unison, creating disruption and discontent. A “Troll” is someone who has opinions you don’t care for, and calling them a “Troll” is a way for you to dismiss what they have to say. Attack their supposed motivation and you don’t actually have to engage in thoughtful discussion or defend some of the statements you make.

A troll is a person in either a newsgroup or a chatroom or message board who deliberately posts or says off-topic, inflammatory statements for the sake of being the center of attention for a moment and disrupting the flow of the group/chatroom/board. They are there to do nothing more than tear down and defame. They aren’t interested in a real debate. They aren’t interested in what you have to say. They only care for destruction.

As such, they should be ignored.

BUT...(oh here she goes again) ...Jesus said to leave the tares amoung the wheat...until the harvest...and even trolls can't stop themselves from being affected by the word, even if they do not intend to allow that to happen. Compared a troll to a wart. The troll should either be surgically removed or ignored.

Your best weapon against Trolls is your refusal!

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# 3……..Dr. Bern says of Trolls:

"A troll is like a poltergeist. The troll has no productive purpose;its main goal is destruction. It wanders into a thriving newsgroup (the more thriving, the better) and attempts to draw what most of us would consider unwanted attention by creating a "flame war".

Ninety-nine percent of the time, the troll posts several related comments which are loaded enough to cause _outraged_ rebuttal but simplistic enough for the troll to remain a non-participant in the battle that will ensure. Of key importance is that the troll almost never participates further in the event it has created. Its reward is to stand back and watch, like a mad bomber. It lights the spark and watches the newsgroup burn.

The key factor is INTENT. The Troll's intent is always insincere and always to cause a major disturbance.

This disturbance is almost always off-topic to the group. In cases where it is on-topic it is usually highly superficial to the subject matter.

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# 4……Internet Troll

On the Internet, a troll is a person who posts messages that create controversy or an angry response without adding content to the discussion, often intentionally. Though technically different from flaming, which is an unmistakable direct personal attack, trolls often resort to innuendo or misdirection in the pursuit of their objective, which is to create controversy for its own sake, discredit those with whom they disagree, or sabotage discussion by creating an intimidating atmosphere.

Originally this term applied to people who were intentionally posting flamebait, by analogy with the fishing technique of trolling: metaphorically, these people were dragging a conversational lure through the group, hoping for a response. The concept of "this person is trolling our newsgroup" became shortened to "this person is a troll", and picked up the association of the monster trolls of folklore.

Trolling mostly maintains its earlier meaning of posting messages specifically in order to elicit a particular response, usually anger or argument. The noun form, troll, is sometimes used in the more general sense of someone who stirs up controversy, whether or not the controversy itself is their goal.

Frequently this is used to discredit one position in an argument.

By asserting that one's opponents are trolls, one is asserting that they are only maintaining their position in order to feed the flames, and that their position is actually indefensible. This use of "troll" is however then an ad hominem argument, and is itself thus usually indefensible – most correct views have historically met with opposition, so the label "troll" used this way is actually more likely to indicate a correct but controversial position that is stirring up flames precisely because it has challenged a doctrine others actually realize is wrong. That said, it is quite possible to stir up controversy with a wrong argument – but these can more effectively be met by simply responding to the substantive issue.

It is safer to use the term "troll" to apply only to insubstantial irritation.

A variant of the second variety (inflammatory messages) involves posting content obviously severely contradictory to the focus of the group or forum- for example, posting cat meat recipes on a pet lovers forum, posting evolutionary theory on a creationist forum, or posting messages about how all dragons are evil in the USENET group alt.fan.dragons.

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[:"red"]Important![/] Free Speech and Identifying Trolls:

Dr. Bern says:

"Deciding that a poster is a "troll" should never be taken lightly. We walk a fine line between preserving the peace and conserving the freedom of speech that is inherent in the Usenet. We must always be cognizant of the fact that the Usenet is the first great bastion of self-regulation and as such, we are the greatest example of tolerance and acceptance of individual rights and freedoms. Naturally we draw the line at individuals having the right to abuse or harass one another (anti-social behaviour) and that is the general litmus test of a troll.

"Someone who is dull-witted, ignorant or even provocative or rude is not necessarily a "troll". They are one or more of the previous adjectives but not necessarily a "troll".

Someone who disagrees fervently or even outrageously with a belief you hold strongly is not necessarily a "troll".

Even someone who is sexist, racist or otherwise vile in your interpretation is not necessarily a "troll".

Not if their beliefs are genuinely held to be true. There is a fine distinction here which often can only be judged by the careful observation of any one exampled poster. Most important is that anyone who is prepared to hand out a label of "troll" to another Forum poster must be absolutely diligent in determining that the event in question is a truly insincere attempt to create a disturbance and not just a person who you find personally objectionable whether in opinion or conduct.

"Anyone has the freedom to object to a person's opinion or conduct and can do so in a manner they find most applicable (all the way up to filing ISP complaints) but to call a poster a troll is a signal to the rest of the Forum to IGNORE and DISMISS the poster and their comments. It is an act of censorship, and should be used with the greatest caution and personal responsibility."

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Etymological note: the fishing sense of 'trolling' is probably a Nortamericano corruption of 'trawling', since with that accent you can't tell the difference anyway! <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />


Guess you could even say I was 'trawling' <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Truth is important

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Christine Wall said:

The original content of this poll was intended to show me whether or not anyone here, save one, thought I was acting as a troll recently. It took only a few votes for me to discover that more than one individual truly felt that I was acting as a troll.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Hey Christine, I voted "yes" but I was just kidding because I thought the poll was a joke and was just playing along.

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As evidenced by Turmeric's lengthy post on trolls and trolling, I can say that you do NOT troll nor do you troll. I have seen the retort that seemed to cause this thread to origionate, and while I did not vote, I did not vote because I thought it was caused by introspection on your part.

You encourage, you attempt to play peacekeeper, you attempt to nurture people, you attempt to clarify....but troll, NO way...

You ignore that other person and thier stupid postings...You have enought things to worry about...trolling is NOT one of them....

[TIC] Just ask Mrs Gray, and see if she understands being misunderstood. I am sure she can tell you what I have said...that is, that you must take what another says with a grain of salt, so to speak and ignore the rest of the post. After all, anyone with an alter ego, can not be taken too seriously, wouldn't you agree Mrs. Gray?

So, Christine, don't take what was said too seriously. Just ask Mrs Gray, and she should tell you....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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That was so nice of you to write those kind words to let Chrys see how the most of us see her. Thanks Neil.

however....the effect was dampened while going off and rambling to PB's alter ego non-person.

Sincerety would have been stronger if staying put with just Chrys in your attention.

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Neil D said:</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />



You encourage, you attempt to play peacekeeper, you attempt to nurture people, you attempt to clarify....but troll, NO way...

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Hi Christine,

I have not seen the post which inspired this "Poll" However, I have read many of your postings for quite a long while. You speak your mind. I have observed many people who have been/are much more vocal than you. To my knowledge, none have been "called out" and been labeled as a toll. <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/tomato.gif" alt="" />

I must admit that, heretofore, I have not been fully educated on Trolls. Thankfully, I now have a broader knowledge of Trolls and of the categories (levels) of Trolls. Armed with this newly acquired information I must be somewhat critical of your 'Troll Poll': Sorry. Your Troll Poll could not have been accurate because it did not include which level (or Category) of Troll on which to vote . <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/blink.gif" alt="" /> .

My :2cents: Your concern speaks well for you. There are those who do not take other's feelings into consideration. <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/DOVE.gif" alt="" />

Neil D said:

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

So, Christine, don't take what was said too seriously. ....

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Don't we have a "behind-the scenes" complaint dept.? Oh, here is the door <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/talk2hand.gif" alt="" />

Only kidding around ... don't shoot me yet; pleeeeeeeeease.

Seriously, I did not vote. I am unclear as to the inspiration for the "Troll Poll" OTOH, I must second Neil's statement. Don't take it too seriously. <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/blink.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/Nixe_nixe02b.gif" alt="" /> Don't Worry, Be Happy


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Naomi, Turmeric, Neil,

Thanks for the kind words. Honestly, I actually started laughing at Neil's "advice". He has nailed this whole situation on the head.

I also want to say thank you, Turmeric, for all the information you've posted. It helps to clarify things for those of us who were unsure of the meaning behind Internet "trolling."

Happy Sabbath to you all!


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