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Hitler / Nazi References

Paul Beach

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Mrs. Gray observes:

Why do people like to talk about Hitler so much in topics not dealing with WWII or the Holocaust? In researching Godwin's law, Mrs. Gray decided to do a thread search on Hitler to see how he's been brought up by various people in recent weeks to bolster arguments.

Here are some of the "first mentions" in various threads. Most have Hitler references in the responses so this is by no means exhaustive.

Subject: When is a Myth not a Myth? (A thread about the difference between what is literal and what is metaphor):

"I think you'll find that the time of actual Nazi dominance, which didn't begin until after 1933, Christianity was downplayed, and even subjugated. It is not even remotely conceivable that Nazism is a natural outcome of Christianity. That's absurd."

Thread: Bill Bennett is Right, Though, Isn't He?

"There are criminals from every race (good grief...what do you know...Hitler was white)..."

Thread: The Tide is Turning

"That's probably what the citizens of Germany were saying under Hitler in the 1930's and 40's. Or the Russians under Stalin. (There...one example each from the right and left, so nobody can accuse me of being biased. )"

Thread: What Katrina Tells Us About the End

"After WWI Hitler led the German people into scapegoaing the Jews for all the misfortunes that befell Germany. By your logic, if we condemn the hatred and bigotry of the Nazis toward the Jews, that somehow impllies that the Jews were 'witouth sin.'"

Thread: Perfection - Deep Thoughts Please

"Let conscience be our guide? Yeah, right. Where did Hitler's & Stalin's conscience lead them to?"

Thread: Griping or Scolding SDA Pastor

"Truth is truth ..no matter if voiced by Satan, Demons, Stalin, Hitler, Osama Bin Laden.."

Thread: What should this WORLD AFFAIRS Section look like?

"That is why the KKK was so successful for so long and why Hitler was able to gain power."

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just to give you folks a peep into my homelife while I was growing up in the Sixties and Seventies.

My dad loved Hitler! Books about Adolf everywhere.

In the rare times that he was in a good mood he would yell out Zeke Heil! over and over again and get us to Heil him back. Over and over and over again! Very Loud.

When dad would go on these verbal sprees- the house was in peace cause he was in a good mood and nobody was going to be beaten by a golf club for that moment. Mom would always have this self satisfied smile that all is well and this family isnt sooo bad! My mom exclaimed to me when I was all grown up and out of the house "you were sooooo depressed as a child....why?"

My dad shared his enthusiasm with us, for Hitler's good qualities.

I know way too much about Hitler.

I had to say this when I saw the refrence to Hitler. Some think Holocaust and World War 2. I think about my father.

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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