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Pray for My Dad


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Please pray for my 83-year-old father who was in a severe driving accident (a car turned in front of him unexpectedly). He had to be flown to our regional trauma center in Chattanooga (we live on Dayton Mountain, 50 miles north of there) with a broken neck.

He had surgery today and came out of it with a good report. Next they want to make sure his weak lungs will function properly and get him up and walking.

James Brenneman

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<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/163860-EmoticonPrayer.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/163860-EmoticonPrayer.gif" alt="" />

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Sorry not to get back with everyone quickly, but the Chattanooga hospital is an hour away.

Dad is doing quite well. This afternoon when we visited him, his color was much better, and although he was on a ventilator he was breathing well.

His nurse said they expected to start this evening trying to get him to sit up and walk to prevent any pneumonia.

On the other side - we got a copy of the police report Friday afternoon. There were three vehicles involved in the accident, and the person who caused the accident was 92 years old. She is also hospitalized although her injuries are not as severe as Dad's. The accident occured on a steep three-lane state highway. Dad's car bounced off the third vehicle and slid 87 feet along the road.

The evidence shows that the Lord spared Dad's life.

Thanks so much for all the expressions of good will and earnest prayer.

James Brenneman

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Praise The Lord for sparing your Dad's life. Thank you for giving us an update.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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We will be going to see Dad again this evening (our son and daughter have been visiting him). According to reports, he is up and making progress although he is still in the ICU due to a breathing problem. One lung has collapsed although it is thought this is due to the TB treatment he received as a soldier right after the end of the World War II.

We also found out that the lady who turned in front of him has Alstate also, making the insurance problem a whole lot easier. How the bills will go I don't yet know, but the Lord has revealed His power so far so I'm trying not to worry about them.

He may be released soon to a skilled care center such as the nursing home where my daughter works.

Thank you one and all for your prayers and comments.

James Brenneman

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Thanks again for keeping us informed, James

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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HI James.

I just read this today (I missed your first post) amd I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I am glad that he sounds like he's doing better. We will pray for him.

In Christ,


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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I saw Dad last evening. He was able to talk although his speech wasn't always too good. He has an oxygen tube in his nose, and his hand are quite swollen from some of the medicine. But praise the Lord he is still alive!

For the past week, Dad's bills have been piling up. We knew that he had given me Power Of Attorney but couldn't find the paperwork. This afternoon my wife Nancy went to his bank to see what could be worked out - they reminded her that a legal document like would be on file at the courthouse. It was just a matter of going to the courthouse, having them do a search (the bank and courthouse face each other across a street), and get copies of the document. Since I am on the county's emergency services (fireman), there was no charge. It was really a miracle. Now we can get Dad's financial affairs moving again.

Thanks again for all your kind prayers and thoughts.

James Brenneman

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Praise the Lord, I'm glad to hear this good report.

We'll keep on praying.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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PTL ... do pray that he'll continue to improve

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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This is a copy of a notice I placed around campus this morning:


By James Brenneman

10/20/2005 8:48 PM

At the request of the hospital (a fact they dispute), we visited Dad last evening in the ICU at Erlanger and watched while a surgical intern answered some questions that the nurses had carefully written down for him. Although I am not happy with the way the hospital ICU personnel have handled this, the facts still remain what they are.

It turns out that the rosy might-have-beens that the doctors have been telling us are not / simply were not true. Dad has no feeling in any of his limbs and would not even have the power of speech if he lived. He would have a feeding tube in his stomach or down his nose. His mind would still be good, but all other body functions would have to be done through tubes or other apparatus.

Dad has a living will, which means that he makes his own medical decisions; the medical personnel confirmed that this living will extends to the right to live or die. At this point, he has made the decision not to allow anybody to use tubes or ventilators or whatever to keep him going so he can die in peace. All of the immediate family present confirmed that they would permit him to have his wish.

We are not certain at this point how long the dying process will take or whether Erlanger will transfer him to a regular hospital room. At this point, we need your prayers, especially for our son Donnie, who is taking the loss very hard.

Dad had expressed the wish to be cremated as my mother was so that is probably the route we will go.

James Brenneman

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Dad died this evening at 8:15 p.m. Thank you for your prayers and support.

James Brenneman

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James, I'm so sorry. You and your family are in our prayers.

If there's anything I can do, please let me know. God bless you my brother.


In Christ,


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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James, I am so sorry for this sudden turn of events and your father's death... it seems that it is often a risk for any elderly person to have an accident or surgery... I think of my grandfather, my father and my neighbor... your father... I know how it feels to have parents gone now... I am sorry and I understand.


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Thank you for your support. It means a lot. The people on campus have been very supporting, too.

Another circumstance seems worth relating. The day after we visited the hospital was quite interesting. My wife and I taught as usual in the morning, but in the afternoon when I was off she had a compulsion to go to town and make the final arrangements for cremation in case he died. We called the funeral home who had taken care of my mother and got the amount, went down to the bank and used Power of Attorney to get the money from his accounts in the form of a cashier's check to make sure it cleared (we had been advised to do this), and made arrangements with the funeral home. I would say we completed the whole thing about 4:00. That night he died at 8:15.

James Brenneman

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I have no words that will make this time easier, but please know that my prayers are with you and your family.

In Blessed Hope,


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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